19 Types Of Pet Frogs You Can Keep At Home

Frogs can be interesting pets for a display, unlike dogs or cats. Among over 5000 species of frogs, a few species of frogs are suitable to keep at home. In this article, I’ve come up with a big list of 19 types of pet frogs that you can keep at home.

When you want to keep frogs as pets, you should research a while about their requirements, care guides, and so on. Hence, I’ve summed up the basic information about these pet frogs that may help you choose frogs to bring to your home.

So, let’s go through this article to get enlightened more about such frogs, without any further ado.

1. White’s Tree Frog

Scientific NameLitoria caerulea
Care levelLow
LifespanAround 16-21 years

If you are a beginner, you can bring White’s tree frogs as pets to your home. Also, you need not take much hassle to take care of White’s tree frogs. Since these frogs are insectivores, you don’t have to arrange varieties of diet.

Besides, White’s tree frogs can tolerate temperature changes. But, these frogs require a constant humidity range between 60%-75%.

Although White’s tree frogs are docile, these frogs love to remain alone. Because of having rapid growth, these frogs require much space.

The coolest part of keeping pet White’s tree frog is their tolerance of moderate handling. If you take proper care, these frogs will survive up to 21 years in captivity.

High Red Ornate Pacman Frog

2. Pacman Frog

Scientific NameCeratophrys
Care levelLow 
Lifespan10-15 years

If you want a pet frog of low requirements, the Pacman frog can be an excellent choice for any frog lover. These frogs are burrowers. So, they require special bedding in their tank. Click here to know the reason for their burrowing.

These frogs thrive best in 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, you need to keep a humid condition in captivity when you pet this frog at home.

Besides, Pacman frogs are pretty timid. Pacman frogs tend to bite when these frogs feel threatened. That’s why you must wear gloves while handling these frogs. Check out this article to know whether you need medical attention for their bites or not.

african dwarf frog good closeup

Discover more cool facts about Frogs with this detailed post! 11 Best Frogs For Keeping In Paludarium

3. African Dwarf Frog

Scientific NameHymenochirus
TypeFully aquatic
TemperamentFriendly and shy
Care levelImmediate
LifespanUp to 5 years

African dwarf frogs remain at the top of the list of cheapest frogs. Their requirements are so simple that any beginner can smoothly keep this frog at home. Also, these fully aquatic frogs are easy to care for.

Besides, African dwarf frogs are friendly and social. In addition, these frogs are not aggressive at all. So, you can keep multiple dwarf frogs together. But, you must be careful while choosing other tank mates of dwarf frogs.

Since African dwarf frogs are fully aquatic, you should check out the water parameters often. When you bring a dwarf frog to your home, you must not forget to buy an aquarium filter and other additional kits for the frog from beforehand.

You can also go through this article to get enlightened about the necessity of filters for dwarf frogs. By taking sound care, these African dwarf frogs can accompany you for up to five years.

4. African Clawed Frog

Scientific NameXenopus laevis
TypeFully aquatic
Care levelModerate
LifespanUp to 15 years

Another fully aquatic frog that you can keep at home is an African clawed frog. The care requirements of African clawed frogs are almost as same as African dwarf frogs. Because of being omnivores, you can feed these frogs varieties of food pallets.

Although African clawed frogs are cousins of African dwarf frogs, they share the opposite temperament.  You might know that African clawed frogs are known as aggressive frogs. Hence, you must remain concerned while choosing suitable tank mates for African clawed frogs.

Besides, you can keep these fully aquatic frogs at your room temperature at home.  Though these frogs require minimal care, you must keep the water parameters right. In case of handling, the experts suggest not to handle these sensitive frogs.

If you are a beginner, you should check out this article about African clawed frogs care.

Want the inside track on Frogs? This post is your go-to guide. 12 Best Pet Frogs For Handling [Beginner’s List]

5. Red-eyed Tree Frog

Scientific NameAgalychnis callidryas
Care levelModerate
TemperamentDocile and easily startled
PriceAround $50
Lifespan5 years

Red-eyed tree frogs are pretty popular for their bulging red eyes with a green body. You can also bring this rare frog to your home. 

The habitat setup of these frogs is a bit different from other frogs discussed so far. Since red-eyed tree frogs are arboreal, you need to set up a vertically longer tank. Also, you can keep multiple red-eyed tree frogs together as these frogs are highly social.

Besides, these red-eyed tree frogs require around 75-80 degrees air temperature and 60-80% constant humidity level. Do not forget to add branches, plants, and other décor items to create a naturalistic vibe.

There will be no need to worry if you are a beginner. Check out this article to know more about red-eyed tree frog care for beginners.

6. Gray Tree Frog

Scientific NameDryophytes versicolor
Care levelModerate
Lifespan7-9 years

Gray tree frogs are slightly different than other species of tree frogs. These frogs are toxic, whereas other species of tree frogs are non-toxic. But, you can still keep this frog as a pet at your home.

Since these gray tree frogs are carnivores, you can feed varieties of insects, snails, slugs, larvae, etc. You can keep several gray tree frogs together.

But, you should provide a little time to tame gray tree frogs. As these frogs are skittish and toxic, you should avoid handling these frogs.

7. American Green Tree Frog

Scientific NameHyla cinerea
Care levelLow
PriceAround $10
Lifespan2-5 years

Another arboreal frog that you can keep at home is the American green tree frog. This green-bodied frog is docile and friendly. You might want to touch this frog to see its smooth skin. But, you must wear latex gloves before handling American green tree frogs.

Besides, you can buy this pet American green tree frog at a cheap price. In addition, you need not remain worried about their diet as these frogs are carnivores. If you can take proper care of them, these American green tree frogs will survive around five years or more in captivity.

If Frogs piqued your interest, this article will take you even further. 4 Best Frogs For Koi Ponds [Collector’s List]

8. African Bullfrog

Scientific NamePyxicephalus adspersus
Care levelLow
Lifespan20-40 years

These bulky frogs can also be good pets for both beginners and experienced owners. Since African bullfrogs are carnivores, these frogs consume anything that fits in their mouth. Besides, these frogs are low-maintenance pets.

African bullfrogs can grow up to around 9.5 inches long. So, you should consider their growth while setting up a terrestrial habitat. If the room temperature doesn’t drop below 75 degrees Fahrenheit, you can keep these bullfrogs at your room temperature too.

Although African bullfrogs are easy-going frogs, these frogs tend to bite because of feeling threatened or stressed. Their bites are as strong as 30 N. Hence, you must avoid excessive and unnecessary handling.

9. Burmese Chubby Frog

Scientific NameKaloula pulchra
TemperamentFriendly and timid
Care levelModerate
LifespanOver 10 years

If you are looking for keeping pets at home, Burmese chubby frogs can be new additions. The terrarium of these frogs should be warm at 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, these chubby frogs thrive well in 50%-60% humidity.

Besides, Burmese chubby frogs have good adaptation qualities that make them tolerant of sudden environmental changes. Because of being friendly and docile, Burmese chubby frogs can share their tank with other frogs like tomato frogs.

You can feed crickets, worms, larvae, other varieties of insects to your chubby frogs. Also, you should not touch your pet chubby frogs without emergencies. Lastly, you can expect long accompany over 10 years in captivity.

10. Bumblebee Dart Frog

Scientific NameDendrobates leucomelas
Care levelEasy
LifespanOver 10 years

Because of their being poisonous, people often remain confused about keeping bumblebee dart frogs as pets at home.

But, you can keep these yellow-banded poison frogs at home. These frogs are so small in size that you can easily keep 2-3 dart frogs together in the same tank.

Besides, these frogs are low-maintenance pets. But, you need to provide appropriate sources of heat, water, light, and so on. Also, you should ensure keeping their substrate moist. For this, you can regularly mist the tank.

The experts strongly discourage handling for bumblebee dart frogs. As these frogs secrete toxins, you must avoid handling these pet frogs without emergencies.

Discover more cool facts about Frogs with this detailed post! 21 Popular Small Pet Frogs That Stay Small

11. Amazon Milk Frog

Scientific NameTrachycephalus resinifictrix
Care levelLow
LifespanUp to 8 years

If you want a cute arboreal frog as a pet at your home, you can choose an Amazon milk frog. You can smoothly bring up this pet frog with conditioned humidity and temperature in captivity.

If you want to know details, you can go through the article of the Amazon milk frog care guide.

Since milk frogs are arboreal, you should set up their tank in that way. These milk frogs require a constant humidity range within 50%-90%. Also, these frogs thrive well in the temperature of 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit in the tank.

You might know about their secretions when these frogs feel threatened. But, you can occasionally handle these frogs once these frogs become larger than 2”.

12. Vietnamese Mossy Frog

Scientific NameTheloderma corticale
Care levelLow
PriceAround $65
Lifespan10 years

If you want timid pet frogs at your home, you can welcome Vietnamese mossy frogs. Since mossy frogs have a slower metabolism, you need not take much hassle of maintaining their diet. Besides, the ideal humidity range for Vietnamese mossy frogs is within 70%-100%.

Also, these mossy frogs are semi-aquatic. So, a part of their tank has to be a water area. Although Vietnamese mossy frogs can tolerate moderate handling, you should avoid excessive handling. With proper care, you can keep your pet mossy frogs live long for up to 10 years.

13. Green And Black Dart Frog

Scientific NameDendrobates auratus
Care levelModerate
LifespanOver 10 years

Another poison dart frog that you can keep as a pet at home is green and black. These frogs thrive well in high humidity above 70%. Although green and black dart frogs reach up to only about 4 inches, these frogs require ample space.

Also, you must provide plenty of insects with nutritional supplementation. These small frogs are easy to take care of. If you can meet their requirements, these frogs will survive over 10 years in captivity.

If Frogs piqued your interest, this article will take you even further. How Long Can A Bullfrog Stay Underwater?

14. Tomato Frog

Scientific NameDyscophus antongilii
Care levelLow
Lifespan6-8 years

The strikingly bold color of tomato frogs bounds to attract any frog lovers. You can keep these low-maintenance pet frogs at your home.

Make sure to keep the temperature of their terrestrial habitat within 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Besides, you should mist twice a day to keep a humid condition in the tank.

You might know that these insectivores frogs eat only live insects. So, you can also culture crickets and other insects for your pet tomato frogs.

In addition, tomato frogs become aggressive when these frogs feel threatened. They may also secrete toxins whenever they get stressed due to handling.

You should avoid handling tomato frogs as much as possible. Moreover, you can keep only tomato frogs as their tank mates.

15. Waxy Monkey Frog

Scientific NamePhyllomedusa sauvagii
Care levelModerate
PriceAround $50
LifespanOver 10 years

Waxy monkey frogs are other arboreal frogs that can live over 10 years in captivity. These waxy frogs do not need massive space. But, you must ensure keeping a higher vertical length in the terrarium.

Although these frogs produce waxy secretions, this secretion is not so harmful to humans. These frogs are easy to maintain. However, these frogs can be a little bit hard to keep for beginners.

Also, waxy monkey frogs can endure extreme environmental changes. If you want to pet multiple frogs together, you can house 2-4 waxy monkey frogs in a similar terrarium. Click here to know whether you can keep multiple tree frogs together or not.

16. White Lipped Tree Frog

Scientific NameLitoria infrafrenata
Care levelLow
LifespanOver 10 years

Another easy maintenance frog is a white-lipped tree frog. For only $15, you can buy this docile and friendly white-lipped tree frog.

These white-lipped tree frogs do well in temperatures within 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit. To keep the humidity level within 55-70%, you should keep the substrate moist. Also, these frogs require 5.0 UVB or fluorescent light.

The care level of white-lipped tree frogs is also easy for both beginners and experts. In captivity, these arboreal frogs can live long over 10 years.

17. Budgett Frog

Scientific NameLepidobatrachus laevis
Care levelModerate
PriceAround $80
Lifespan20 years

Budgett frogs are not as popular as other frogs. These frogs become highly aggressive when they feel threatened. Also, these Budgett frogs like solidarity. Hence, their care level becomes moderate.

Their tank setup should be appropriate for duel-environment setup as these frogs are semi-aquatic. Also, you must ensure to provide proper ventilation and ample space in captivity. If you keep them healthy, their lifespan can be up to 20 years.

18. The Oriental Fire-bellied Frog

Scientific NameBombina
TemperamentDocile, but they can be aggressive with smaller tankmates
Care levelEasy-going
Lifespan12-15 years old

Another inclusion in the list of pet frogs that you can keep at home is an oriental fire-bellied frog. You need to make a duel-environment setup for these semi-aquatic frogs. Make sure that the humidity remains within the range between 50%-80%.

Also, these frogs remain pretty active and playful. Because of being omnivores, these fire-bellied frogs can consume any living animals that fit in their mouth. But, you can feed crickets as their staple foods.

You can buy oriental fire-bellied frogs for only $15-$25. If you keep these fire-bellied frogs with proper care, these frogs may accompany you up to 15 years in captivity.

19. Mantella

Scientific NameMantella aurantiaca
Care levelModerate
Lifespan5-10 years

Mantella frogs are brightly colored small frogs that are pretty popular among frog lovers. As these frogs secrete toxins, you must remain extra careful in handling these frogs.

Besides, their housing and diet are also easy to maintain. Even if you are a beginner, you can easily take care of these frogs as pets.

Final Words

Each frog has different requirements. I hope this article enlightened you in detail about 19 different frogs that can be amazing pets. If you get a clear idea about their conditions, you can happily keep any of these pet frogs at your home. Make sure to provide all basic needs and the same environmental condition as the wild.

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of AcuarioPets.com. I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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