11 Tank Mates For Your African Clawed Frog

If you’re a lover of exotic pets, you should try to keep African clawed frogs as pets. But, keeping several types of livings together is another kind of interesting responsibility. So, you should choose the tank mates of African clawed frogs wisely when you keep these fully aquatic frogs as pets.

Choosing tank mates for an African-clawed frog is a hard task to do. Due to having an aggressive temperament, peaceful living can not withstand African clawed frogs in the same tank.

Hence, you must choose such tank mates whom African-clawed frogs won’t eat. In the same way, you should ensure that these African-clawed frogs shouldn’t become the prey of their tank mates.

While keeping African-clawed frogs, I’ve researched for a while to find the best tank mates for these aggressive frogs. In this article, I’ve summed up a list of 11 suitable tank mates for African clawed frogs, their details, and additional information.

So, let’s dive into the article without any further ado.

Overview of African-Clawed Frogs

Before selecting tank mates for African clawed frogs, you should know about the overview of these frogs. You need to ensure that the care guide of African clawed frogs and their tank mates are similar. So, let’s check out the overview of these fully aquatic frogs.

Scientific NameXenopus laevis
Common NameAfrican clawed frog, African claw-toad frog, etc.
SizeOver 5 inches
Optimal temperature68-77 degrees Fahrenheit
Optimal pH7-7.8
Optimal GH5-20
Optimal KH4-12
LifespanUp to 15 years

What Types Of Tank Mates African Clawed Frogs Need?

You should focus on a few things while choosing tank mates for African-clawed frogs. These are-

  • You must not choose peaceful fish as the tank mates of African clawed frogs. The aggressive clawed frogs tend to injure docile fish.
  • Also, you need to avoid slow-moving fish. The fish with fancy fins and tails are also not as suitable as their tank mates.
  • The larger fish can consume African clawed frogs. Such as Oscar fish, African cichlids, etc.
  • You should not keep any amphibians and turtles with these fully aquatic frogs. Besides, the experts forbade keeping newts, salamanders, and other species with African clawed frogs. 

If you are a beginner, you should check this article to know the details of the care guide.

Get the full scoop on Frogs—check out this must-read article! African Clawed Frog Care 101: Foolproof Guide For Beginners

11 Suitable Tank Mates For African Clawed Frogs

1. Severum Cichlid

Scientific nameHeros severus
Common NameSeverum cichlid
Size8 inches
Optimal pH6-6.5
Optimal temperature73-84 degrees Fahrenheit
Care levelModerate

The aquarists would love to keep Severum cichlid with African-clawed frogs. These hardy cichlids come with low prices and less maintenance. Also, it’s hard to take eyes off the colorful appearance of Severum cichlids.

If you compare the compatibility of these two aquatic living, they will do great in the same tank. Not only African clawed frogs, but also Severum cichlids are aggressive in temperament. So, the clawed frogs will not dare to bully these cichlids.

Severum cichlids thrive well at 73-84 degrees Fahrenheit. Although these fish prefer a bit of acidic water, they can do well in neutral pH.

Another good thing about keeping Severum cichlids as tank mates of African-clawed frogs is their staying squarely in the middle position of the tank. On the other hand, African clawed frogs are bottom feeders. So, there shouldn’t be any issue while feeding these omnivores together.

2. Convict Cichlid

Scientific nameAmatitlania nigrofasciata
Common NameConvict cichlid, zebra cichlid, etc.
Size4-5 inches
Optimal pH6.5-8
Optimal temperature79-84 degrees Fahrenheit
Care levelModerate

In the list of suitable tank mates, you can choose convict cichlids to keep with African clawed frogs. As these cichlids are highly aggressive, you should keep convict cichlids with African-clawed frogs together in a large tank. A 30-gallon aquarium or larger aquarium will be suitable to keep them together.

Although convict cichlids are territorial, these fish can grow up to only 4-5 inches. So, these fish can’t gobble up African clawed frogs that can grow up to around 5 inches.

When you notice the water parameters, convict cichlids share similar water parameters as African clawed frogs. Both of them require neutral pH in water at around 84 degrees Fahrenheit.

In addition, you should add plants and décor items for convict cichlids. These plants and other decorations help these fish manage their aggression by letting them hide out.

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3. Firemouth Cichlid

Scientific nameThorichthys meeki
Common NameFiremouth cichlid
Size5-6 inches
DietCrustaceans and invertebrates
Optimal pH6.5-8
Optimal temperature75-86 degrees Fahrenheit
Care levelEasy

Another stunning-looking fish that is compatible with African clawed frogs is the fire-mouth cichlid. These fish have a semi-aggressive temperament that is perfect to share a tank with an African-clawed frog. Also, the Firemouth cichlid size is as same as African clawed frogs.

Since these aquatic inhabitants can grow up to 5-6 inches, there remains no risk of eating each other. If you choose these cichlids as the tank mates for African clawed frogs, you should provide at least a 30-gallon tank.

You need to keep a soft and sandy substrate for Firemouth cichlids. Also, these fish share similar water parameters as African clawed frogs. The maintenance of Firemouth cichlids is easy as these fish are hardy.

4. Kissing Gourami

Scientific nameHelostoma temminckii
Common NameKissing gourami, kissing fish, etc.
SizeUp to 12 inches
Optimal pH6-8
Optimal temperature72-82 degrees Fahrenheit
Care levelModerate

Kissing gourami fish has got a unique name for their pout-like mouth. Due to having a semi-aggressive temperament, these gouramis can be suitable tank mates for African clawed frogs.

While choosing kissing gourami fish, you should pick the baby or juvenile fish. You should remove these fish when they become fully grown up. After all, kissing gourami fish can grow up to 12 inches which may be a threat to your clawed frogs.

These gourami fish are top to middle dwellers. On the other hand, African clawed frogs are bottom dwellers. So, these two inhabitants won’t have fightings for competing foods. Also, their requirements for water are the same.

5. Rainbow shark

Scientific nameEpalzeorhynchos frenatum
Common NameRed-finned shark, rainbow shark, ruby shark, etc.
Size6 inches
TemperamentHighly aggressive
Optimal pH6.8-7.5
Optimal temperature73-80 degrees Fahrenheit
Care levelModerate

Rainbow sharks are almost equal in size to African-clawed frogs. You can keep rainbow sharks as the tank mates of African-clawed frogs due to their territorial temperament.

You can keep these two aquatic livings in water of neutral pH and temperature. Also, rainbow sharks are nocturnal like African-clawed frogs. So, there won’t be a problem in sharing tank since they remain active at night.

Since these aquatic inhabitants are highly aggressive, you should provide a large tank for them. Hence, you should choose at least 50 gallons or more.

Don’t forget to feed your African clawed frogs and rainbow shark an appropriate amount. Otherwise, they’ll become desperate to hurt each other. Besides, you can feed them anything as these fish are not picky eaters.

Explore the fascinating world of Frogs—this post has everything you need! Here’s How To Treat A Bloated Albino African Clawed Frog

6. Blood-red Parrot Cichlid

Scientific nameAmphilophus citrinellus x Paraneetroplus synspilus
Common NameParrot cichlid, or blood-red parrot cichlid
Size8 inches
Optimal pH6.5-7.5
Optimal temperature76-80 degrees Fahrenheit
Care levelIntermediate

Another eye-catchy fish is the blood-red parrot cichlid with a bright orange body, beak-like mouth, and large translucent fins. These fish can grow up to 8 inches.

Although blood-red parrot cichlid is peaceful fish, these fish can stay with African clawed frogs due to their larger size. But, these cichlids can show aggression when they’re bullied.

You can keep these cichlid fish with African clawed frogs in similar water temperature, hardness, and pH. Make sure to keep lots of hiding places for your blood-red parrot cichlid in the tank. Also, you need not worry about feeding different diets since these aquatic livings are omnivores.

7. Jewel Cichlid

Scientific nameHemichromis
Common NameJewel fish, jewel cichlid, etc.
Size2.5-10.5 inches
Optimal pH6.5-7.5
Optimal temperature75-80 degrees Fahrenheit
Care levelEasy

Another wonderful fish that you can keep with African clawed frogs is the jewel cichlid. You need not worry about these fish getting hurt by the aggressive African-clawed frogs. After all, the temperament of jewel fish is also territorial.

Since these fish get more aggressive in the breeding period, you should separate jewel cichlid at this time. To make these aggressive fish comfortable with clawed frogs, you should provide at least a 40-gallon tank.

If you look at the requirements, these cichlids can thrive in the same water parameters as African clawed frogs. Being omnivores, jewel cichlids will not make much trouble for you to feed them varieties of foods. 

8. Bucktooth Tetra

Scientific nameExodon paradoxus
Common NameBucktooth tetra
Size4-5 inches
Optimal pH5.5-7.5
Optimal temperature73-82 degrees Fahrenheit
Care levelMedium

Although bucktooth tetras well in single-species tanks, these fish can tolerate the aggressive African clawed frogs. For this, you should provide huge space and regular feeding on the right amount.

Since bucktooth tetra can reach up to 5-6 inches, African clawed frogs can’t gobble up these fish. Although these tetras prefer a bit of acidic water, you can keep them in water of neutral pH with clawed frogs.

You should provide a high protein-based diet to bucktooth tetra although these fish are omnivores. Also, you should not forget about adding a filter to the tank. If you want to breed these fish, you must choose a separate tank.

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9. Pignose Puffer Fish

Scientific nameTetraodaon suvattii
Common NameArrowhead puffer, Pignose puffer fish, etc.
Size6 inches
Optimal pH7
Optimal temperature75-82 degrees Fahrenheit
Care levelIntermediate

Another underrated but adaptive tank mate for African clawed frogs is the Pignose puffer fish. The aggression and size are compatible with African clawed frogs. Moreover, these fish can thrive in similar water parameters to African clawed frogs.

Make sure that there won’t remain any build-ups of nitrite, ammonia, and other toxic elements. Because of being nocturnal, both inhabitants can remain active at the same time.

In addition, you should remember that Pignose puffer fish are meat eaters. Their voracious hunger might make them more territorial. Hence, you must keep these fish and your frogs well-fed.

However, Pignose puffer fish remain inactive most of the time. So, these fish may not have much face-time with African-clawed frogs.

10. African Cichlids

Scientific namePseudotropheus sp.
Common NameHumphead, Lion head, African buffalo head, etc.
Size2-12 inches
Optimal pH6.5-8.5
Optimal temperature75-85 degrees Fahrenheit
Care levelMedium

If you want an appealing and colorful addition to your aquarium, you can choose African cichlid. Its size and temperament make this fish one of the most suitable tank mates for African clawed frogs. Like African clawed frogs, African cichlids are aggressive.

In addition, these cichlids can grow up from 2 inches to 12 inches long. Due to their temperament, these fish remain too active and playful.

When these cichlids become fully adult, they might be a threat to your frog. If you find your African clawed frog being bullied, you should separate the African cichlid from the tank.

However, being freshwater fish, African cichlid can share the same tank as African clawed frogs with similar water parameters. Although the experts suggest not keeping African cichlid hungry, you should ensure not overfeeding these fish.

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11. Red-Tailed Shark

Scientific nameEpalzeorhynchos bicolor
Common NameRed tail shark, red tail shark minnow, etc.
Size5-6 inches
Optimal pH6.5-7.5
Optimal temperature72-79 degrees Fahrenheit
Care levelIntermediate

Red tail shark is pretty popular for its aesthetic appearance of a red tail with a black or blue body. These fish can grow up to 5-6 inches. Because of being aggressive, the equal-bodied red-tail shark can be a suitable tank mate for African clawed frogs.

As African clawed frogs and red-tail sharks are active inhabitants, they require a large room to swim freely. Hence, you should provide at least a 55-gallon tank.

The required temperature for Red-tail sharks is around  72-79 degrees Fahrenheit which is similar to the requirement of clawed frogs. You should keep décor items and plants to provide hiding spaces for Red-tail sharks. Since these fish are also bottom dwellers, you should be tricky to feed your clawed frogs and fish.

Should African Clawed Frogs Be Kept In Pairs?

Generally, African clawed frogs are solitary. Due to their territorial nature, these frogs don’t do well in groups. If you want to keep African clawed frogs in pairs, you should provide a larger tank.

Can African Clawed Frogs Live With Bettas?

The answer is no! You should not keep African clawed frogs with betta fish.

Betta fish can grow up to only 3 inches, whereas African clawed frogs can reach up to 5 inches. The fancy fins and tails of betta fish make them incompatible living with the aggressive African-clawed frogs.

Can African-Clawed Frogs Live With Goldfish?

You must not ever keep goldfish with African clawed frogs. Your goldfish will become the prey of the aggressive African-clawed frogs. These territorial frogs might hurt goldfish with their claws in case they can not consume these fish.

Final Words

I hope this article gave you a clear idea about what tank mates are suitable for your African clawed frogs. You can check out more details about these tank mates if you like their short overviews.

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of AcuarioPets.com. I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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