Are Ghost Shrimps Edible?

Are Ghost Shrimps Edible

Many ghost shrimp keepers have often asked me if their ghost shrimps are edible or not. Though the question is a bit weird, I think it is a valid one. So, here’s what I have found after doing some research:

Yes, ghost shrimps are edible. They are safe to eat but not worth the effort.

Now that you know ghost shrimps are edible, should you try them out? Is it really worth the effort? Read the rest of the article to find out.

Should You Eat Ghost Shrimps?

Not Worth The Effort

Though ghost shrimps are safe to eat, practically, eating them is not worth the effort. You’ll get very little amount of meat from each ghost shrimps. Ghost shrimp’s body is mostly gooey inside. So, hardly any meat that we can eat!

There are much better ways to dispose of ghost shrimps if you want.

Used As Feeder Shrimps

Ghost shrimps are perfect for using as feeder shrimps. If your tank has lots of ghost shrimps and you are thinking of ways to dispose them, eating them is not the way I’ll prefer. Use the ghost shrimps as feeder fish or make fish food out of them!

Many monster fishes like Arowana, Sting ray, Discus, Cichlids, etc. will love to hunt and eat the ghost shrimps. Ghost shrimps can be very cheap live feeder options for these fishes. They contain a rich amount of protein and other minerals.

If you don’t have any monster fishes to feed ghost shrimps, make fish food out of them.

How To Prepare Fish Food With Ghost Shrimps?

It is extremely easy. The ingredients of the fish food will depend on what type of fish you want to feed. Most fish foods contain a portion of protein, a portion of vegetables and flavoring.

For protein, along with other fishes, you can use the ghost shrimps. Just chop up the shrimps and put them in the food processor. You can also use other proteins like salmon fishes, beef heart, etc.

For vegetables, the choices are endless. I’ll recommend to include spinach, carrot, peas, etc.

For flavoring, use a few cloves of garlic. Mix everything in a food processor.

Lastly, use some sheets of gelatin so that the food gets a semi-solid form! After the food has properly formed, cut it into small pieces and feed to your fishes.

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How To Cook?

If you want to cook and eat the ghost shrimps, you’re most welcome to try them out. Cook them like any other shrimps. First, get rid of the outer shell, you can’t eat that. Clean if there is any spine on the back of the shrimps.

After the ghost shrimps are thoroughly cleaned, you can fry them in deep oil and enjoy! You can also use them as flavorings to any other dishes!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you eat sand shrimp?

You can eat sand shrimp. It is best to soak or par-boil the shrimp in white wine and roll it in flour before frying them whole to make them crunchy and tasty. Sand shrimp also have a great deal of nutritional value, including protein, calcium, and fat.

Can you eat mud shrimp?

Mud shrimp can be eaten, but it is not commonly consumed due to its unusual and almost mud-like taste and gritty texture. Removing the vein will take away these tastes and provide another fresher flavor.

However, it is important to note that mud shrimp can also contain parasites, so it is necessary to properly cook them before consumption.

Are cherry shrimp edible?

Cherry shrimp are edible, but they are not commonly consumed as food. They are often kept as pets in aquariums, and they are known to snack on algae, plankton, uneaten fish food, and plant debris.

While they are safe for human consumption, they are not typically harvested for food.

Can you eat amano shrimp?

Amano shrimp are not commonly eaten as food, but they are technically edible. However, they are typically kept as pets in aquariums and are not farmed for consumption.

Do ghost shrimp taste good?

Ghost shrimp are edible and safe for human consumption, but their taste is a matter of personal preference.

Ghost shrimp are a popular choice of food for many types of fish, but whether they are good for human consumption is still a topic of debate.

Some people describe the taste of cooked ghost shrimp as somewhere between crawdads and marine shrimp, while others find them too gooey or briny.

Overall, the taste of ghost shrimp is subjective and varies depending on how they are prepared and personal taste preferences.

Curious about Ghost Shrimp? This post is packed with info you won’t want to miss! Are Ghost Shrimps Good Cleaners?


So, now you know if ghost shrimps are edible or not. Though they are safe to eat, I’ll not recommend you to cook them. Practically, it is not worth the trouble.

You’ll be far much better off if you use the ghost shrimps as feeder fish or make fish food using them.

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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