What Is The Ideal Temperature To Keep Shrimps? [By Species]

Although keeping shrimps is easy, you need to maintain an ideal temperature for their survival. Besides, you have to remain extra careful about temperature when you breed shrimps. In addition, the required temperature varies according to the species of shrimps. So, a common question may pop into your mind- what is the ideal temperature to keep shrimp?

For pet shrimps, you should keep the aquarium temperature within 68-74 degrees Fahrenheit (20-24 Celsius). But, this temperature range can go up to 81 degrees Fahrenheit (27 Celsius) for a higher reproduction rate of some species like Red Cherry Shrimp.

In this article, you’ll get to know about the ideal temperature for several species of shrimps, the effects of temperature changes, the necessity of heaters, etc. So, let’s go through the details of this article without any delay.

What Temperature Do Shrimp Need?

Each species of shrimp thrives in a different range of temperature.

Generally, you can keep your pet shrimp at room temperature if the temperature remains 68-74 degrees Fahrenheit (20-24 degrees Celsius). When you keep shrimp for breeding, the ideal temperature is around 25-27 degrees Celsius.

Besides, shrimp can survive in cooler temperatures within 59-68 degrees Fahrenheit. But, the temperature should not be lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit. It is too cold for the survival of shrimp.

Also, several deep-ocean shrimp can survive in warm temperatures. However, shrimps are pretty adaptable to temperature changes. But, you must not keep shrimp over 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius) temperature.

Owner: Maryanne Young

If Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina) piqued your interest, this article will take you even further. Do Cherry Shrimps Eat Brown Algae?

34 Types Of Shrimp And Their Ideal Temperature

Shrimp SpeciesShrimp GenusIdeal Temperature (Fahrenheit)  Ideal Temperature (Celsius)  
Red Cherry ShrimpNeocaridina75-80 degrees 22-26 degrees
Ghost ShrimpPalaemon65-85 degrees 18.33-29.44 degrees
Bloody Mary ShrimpNeocaridina64-78 degrees17.8-25.5 degrees
Chocolate Shrimp (Black Rose Shrimp)Neocaridina70-85 degrees21.11-29.44 degrees  
Snowball ShrimpNeocaridina72-82 degrees22-28 degrees
Yellow Goldenback ShrimpNeocaridina70-85 degrees21.11-29.44 degrees  
Sunkist Orange ShrimpNeocaridina70-85 degrees21.11-29.44 degrees  
Crystal Red ShrimpCaridina70-78 degrees 21.11-25.55 degrees
Fire Red Cherry ShrimpNeocaridina70-85 degrees21.11-29.44 degrees
Red Tiger ShrimpCaridina75 degrees23.88 degrees
Tangerine Tiger ShrimpCaridina68-74 degrees20-23.3 degrees
Raccoon Tiger ShrimpCaridina59-77 degrees15-25 degrees
Shadow Panda ShrimpCaridina68-78 degrees20-25.55 degrees
Sulawesi ShrimpCaridina78-88 degrees25.55-31.11 degrees
Black King Kong ShrimpCaridina68-78 degrees20-25.55 degrees
Red Sakura ShrimpNeocaridina68-74 degrees20-23.33 degrees
Golden Bee ShrimpCaridina68-78 degrees20-25.55 degrees
Red Pinto ShrimpCaridina68-72 degrees20-22.22 degrees Celsius
Pinto ShrimpCaridina65-75 degrees18.33-23.88 degrees
Bamboo ShrimpAtyopsis 75-81 degrees23.88-27.22 degrees
Amano ShrimpCaridina64-80 degrees17.77-26.66 degrees
Carbon Rili ShrimpNeocaridina64-78 degrees17.8-25.5 degrees
Red Rili ShrimpNeocaridina64-78 degrees17.8-25.5 degrees
Glass ShrimpPalaemonetes 53.5-77 degrees12-25 degrees
Wine Red ShrimpCaridina68-75 degrees20-23.88 degrees
Blue Bolt ShrimpCaridina68-74 degrees20-23.33 degrees
Blue Diamond ShrimpNeocaridina64-78 degrees17.8-25.5 degrees
Blue Dream ShrimpNeocaridina70-85 degrees Fahrenheit (21.11-29.44 degrees
Green Jade ShrimpNeocaridina70-85 degrees Fahrenheit (21.11-29.44 degrees
Vampire ShrimpAtya75-85 degreesFahrenheit (23.88-29.44 degrees
Indian Whisker ShrimpMacrobrachium72-82 degrees22.2- 27.8 degrees
Blue Velvet ShrimpNeocaridina72-80 degrees22.22-26.66 degrees
Baubalti ShrimpCaridina75-82 degrees24-28 degrees
Bee ShrimpCaridina70-78 degrees21.11-25.55 degrees

Do Shrimp Like Cold Or Hot Water?

If you look into the origin of species, you’ll notice that maximum species of shrimp hail from saltwater. So, these saltwater shrimps are used to thrive in a warmer temperature.

Typically, shrimp prefer to live in warm water over cold water. These crustaceans become more active in warm water.

But, you need not fit extra heat sources to keep pet shrimp. Generally, shrimp live longer at an ideal temperature of 68-74 degrees Fahrenheit (20-24 degrees Celsius). But, keeping shrimp within this temperature doesn’t encourage the fast growth of shrimp.

In addition, you need to make the water temperature higher in case you want to breed the shrimp. Hence, the temperature should be around 82 degrees Fahrenheit (27.77 degrees Celsius).

If the temperature drops, the breeding will stop. Shrimp need a constant temperature for breeding success.

Expand your understanding of Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina)—click here to uncover more! Do Cherry Shrimps Eat Black Beard Algae?

How Cold Is Too Cold For Shrimp?

The lowest temperature is 50 degrees Fahrenheit or 10 degrees Celsius for the survival of shrimp. You should not keep the tank water colder than 10 degrees Celsius. The metabolism rate of shrimp gets lower with the decrease in water temperature.

Can Shrimps Survive Higher Temperature?

Although shrimps can smoothly survive in warm water, you should keep them within the temperature of an ideal range. Shrimps can also survive at 30 degrees Celsius (82 degrees Fahrenheit). But, the higher temperature over 30 degrees Celsius can lead problems to with shrimps.

Are Shrimp Sensitive To Temperature Changes?

The short answer is a no. Being adaptive pets, shrimp are not sensitive to slight temperature changes.

So, when the night temperature drops down a little, it will not bother shrimp. But, if you keep shrimp for breeding purposes, the breeding may stop with the temperature changes.

How Temperature Affects On Shrimp Breeding?

Shrimp require higher temperatures to fasten their sexual maturity. In addition, there are a few factors of breeding dependent upon temperature. Such as sex ratio, breeding success, number of eggs, incubation time of eggs, etc.

The ideal temperature for shrimp breeding ranges from 18-30 degrees Celsius (64-86 degrees Fahrenheit). The strict rule for breeding shrimp is to keep a constant temperature. A slight temperature change can lower the success rate of breeding.

Generally, the breeding success reduces when the temperature gets lower than 18 degrees Celsius (64 degrees Fahrenheit). The female shrimp will not have eggs in this low temperature though they can survive.

Also, a temperature over 29 degrees Celsius (84 degrees Fahrenheit) is considered a red zone for shrimp breeding. Besides, the incubation period gets faster with the increase in temperature. It means that shrimp require more time to hatch when the temperature decreases.

There remains debate about the number of shrimp eggs developing with temperature incensement. Some researches show a proportional result of these two factors. In short, the number of developed shrimp eggs rises with the increase in temperature.

But, several types of research show that the fertilized eggs may get wasted when the temperature becomes 89 degrees Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius).

A study shows that shrimp lose around 24 eggs at a temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius). When the temperature becomes 79 degrees Fahrenheit (26 degrees Celsius), the number of decreasing eggs is around 34.

Curious about Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina)? This post is packed with info you won’t want to miss! Do Cherry Shrimp Eat Hair Algae?

What Happens If Shrimp Get Too Cold?

Typically, shrimp can tolerate cold temperatures. For example, the ideal temperature for cherry shrimp is within 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit. But, Cherry shrimp can also survive if the temperature drops down to 55 degrees Fahrenheit (12 degrees Celsius).

If shrimp get too cold, it won’t cause their lives. Besides, these crustaceans won’t get stressed out due to the chill of the cold.

But, it’ll make the shrimp slow. If the tank water gets too cold, your shrimp will eat less.  Also, the breeding or hatching of shrimp will stop too.

What Is The Best Temperature For Crystal Red Shrimp?

These red and white colored crystal red shrimp are pretty popular among shrimp lovers. When you keep crystal red shrimp as pets, you need not maintain a much higher temperature.

The best temperature for keeping crystal red shrimp is within 70-78 degrees Fahrenheit.

But, these crystal red shrimps can not thrive in high temperatures. Hence, you must not let the temperature get higher than 28 degrees Celsius (82.4 degrees Fahrenheit).

What Temperature Does Blue Shrimp Like?

Blue shrimp is one of the most adaptive shrimps among all species. The ideal temperature to keep blue shrimp ranges from 68 degrees Fahrenheit to 82 degrees Fahrenheit (20-27.78 degrees Celsius). If you want to hatch blue shrimp, the preferable temperature will be 76 degrees Fahrenheit. 

What Is The Best Temperature For Neocaridina Shrimp?

The Neocaridina shrimp thrives well within 57-84 degrees Fahrenheit (14-19 degrees Celsius). If you keep them for breeding, you should not let the temperature drop below 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

Owner: Natalie Skinner

Can Amano Shrimp Live In 80 Degree Water?

Amano shrimp are generally cold water shrimp that can survive lower than 10 degrees Celsius. But, these shrimps thrive well within the temperature of 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

So, you can keep Amano shrimp in 80-degree Fahrenheit water. But, the temperature should not exceed over 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

This temperature is perfect for breeding Amano shrimp. If you want to know details of Amano shrimp breeding, you must go through this article.

Ready to learn more about Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina)? This post will give you fresh insights! 5 Homemade Cherry Shrimp Food Recipes For Beginners

What Temperature Do Freshwater Shrimp Live In?

Although freshwater shrimp are easy-maintenance pets, you have to fulfill their requirements in captivity. The two main genera of freshwater shrimp include Neocaridina and Caridina.

Since these shrimps are used to live in freshwater, you need to maintain the optimal temperature of freshwater. Generally, the temperature of freshwater remains 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit. So, these freshwater shrimps can thrive well in 64-76 degrees Fahrenheit (17.778-24.444 degrees Celsius).

Among these two genera, Cardinal shrimp prefer warmer water. So, these shrimps can happily live at 77-86 degrees Fahrenheit (25-30 degrees Celsius). But, most of them are happy to live in the temperature of the upper 60s.

Besides, Neocaridina shrimp require 57-84 degrees Fahrenheit (14-29 degrees Celsius) to thrive well. However, the recommended temperature is 72 degrees Fahrenheit (22 degrees Celsius) for keeping Neocaridina and Cardina species of freshwater shrimp.

On the other hand, you must increase the temperature level when you want to breed freshwater shrimp. Also, you can keep a heater for this reason. Make sure to keep the temperature constant for successful breeding.

If you are confused about choosing between freshwater shrimp and fish, you can go through this article: freshwater shrimp and fish compatibility chart.

Can Cherry Shrimp Live In 70 Degrees Water?

Cherry shrimp can survive in both cold and warm water. But, lower 60 degrees Fahrenheit slows down the growth and maturity level of cherry shrimp extremely.

The optimal temperature zone for cherry shrimp ranges from 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit (21-24 degrees Celsius). So, these shrimps can tolerate 70 degrees Fahrenheit water.

To be specific, the suitable temperature is 72 degrees Fahrenheit for keeping cherry shrimp. If you have more confusion, you should pay a visit to this article- what is the best temperature for cherry shrimp?

Along with increasing temperature, the activity and metabolism rate of cherry shrimp enhance a lot. But, their lifespan gets short.

Although these shrimps can tolerate a wide range of temperature settings, the temperature level should not exceed over 76 degrees Fahrenheit. The range of 76-80 degrees Fahrenheit (25-27 degrees Celsius) is considered the red zone temperature for cherry shrimp.

You can also have a look at this article to get enlightened more about Cherry Shrimp Care Guide.

Get the full scoop on Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina)—check out this must-read article! How Do Cherry Shrimp Eat?

Do Shrimp Tank Need To Be Heated?

It depends on several factors whether your shrimp tank needs to be heated or not. The very first thing which you need to check is the room temperature where the tank is kept.

Then, you need to find out whether the temperature of the room fluctuates or not. In addition, you should remain aware of the required temperature of your pet shrimp.

If the room where your shrimp tank is kept fails to keep the ideal temperature, the shrimp tank must require a heater. Also, a shrimp tank requires a heater when you want to breed them.

Otherwise, you need not adjust the heater for keeping pet shrimp, as these crustaceans are adaptive to slight temperature changes.

Pros Of Keeping Heater In Shrimp Tank

  • Keeping a stable water temperature in the tank
  • Temperature fluctuations become minimal
  • You can mimic the seasons by regulating the temperature through adjustable heaters
  • Stimulates the breeding process
  • Increases metabolism rate and activity.

Cons Of Keeping Heater In Shrimp Tank

  • Heaters can breakdown or cause unexpected accidents
  • Occupy a large space, especially in smaller tanks
  • The shrimp in the small tank won’t have enough space to swim
  • Running heater costs you some additional expense
  • Reduce the visual appeal of aesthetics of the shrimp tank
Owner: Louise Kennedy

Do Cherry Shrimp Require A Heater?

If the room temperature allows keeping the water temperature at 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit (21-24 degrees Celsius), you will not have to worry about a heater. But, cherry shrimp require a heater for breeding purposes. Otherwise, these shrimps can live in cold water.

For a higher success rate of reproduction, you should keep around 81 degrees Fahrenheit to breed Cherry shrimp. If you are a beginner, you can also check out this article- Cherry Shrimp Selective Breeding Guide.

Do Bamboo Shrimp Need A Heater?

Bamboo shrimp is a peaceful shrimp that require medium warm water. These shrimps do well in 70-88 degrees Fahrenheit (22-28 degrees Celsius). So, if it is needed, bamboo shrimp will need a heater to achieve this temperature range.

What Type Of Heaters Does Shrimp Need?

You should consider the size and type of the shrimp tank before buying a heater. There are submersible and immersible heaters.

The submersible heaters are perfect for small bowls or vases. If you keep shrimp in a small bowl, you can go for submersible heaters. Also, these heaters are waterproof.

If you look for a submersible heater, you can check out Orlushy Submersible Aquarium Heater.

On the other hand, you have to keep the immersible heaters above the water surface. These heaters do not entirely submerge underwater.

If the shrimp tank has a 10-gallon capacity or more, these immersible heaters will be suitable for your pet shrimp. I recommend iPower 8 by 12-inch Under Tank Heat Mat.

Besides, you can choose a substrate heater that needs to be buried in the tank substrate. But, you can not adjust these substrate heaters whenever you want because these heaters can’t be reached.

Different Shrimps & Their Ideal Water Parameters

different shrimps' ideal water parameters infographic

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Final Words

The final thought is to keep around 68-74 degrees Fahrenheit to make your shrimp happy. I hope this article enlightened you properly about the ideal temperature range for pet shrimp. However, do not forget to keep the temperature constant for shrimp breeding.

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of AcuarioPets.com. I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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