Are Amano Shrimps Aggressive?
Are you worried that your Amano Shrimps will kill other species? They can be very aggressive if they feel like they are not getting enough food or other species are having the food that they can have.Â
Amano shrimps can sometimes display aggressive behavior, particularly when it comes to food. However, they generally don’t harm other fish or shrimps.
Here, I am talking about everything you need to know to understand the nature of Amano Shrimp and what you can do about it.Â
Are Amano Shrimps Aggressive?
You must be wondering now if you should put your Amano shrimp with other tank mates? Will they be aggressive?
Let me tell you that Amano Shrimps can be very aggressive if they feel like some other fishes or tank mates are having the food they should have.
They can be aggressive while grabbing the food like they are never going to be fed again! Amano Shrimps sometimes are aggressive enough to eat other shrimps like Sakura Red shrimp, baby shrimps, etc.
You have to be very careful about choosing your tank mates if you don’t want to repent later. If you are feeding your Amano Shrimps with other Shrimps at the same time at the same spot, they can turn that place into a battlefield.
You don’t have to worry if your food is enough if there is a lot of algae in your tank for them. They are quite peaceful if they get enough food and a stressless environment.
The Reasons behind the Aggression of amano shrimps
The food aggression of Amano shrimp is not a joke. They can get into a fight with a fish twice bigger than their size for the food they have hold once.
It can be worse if you maintain one particular spot for feeding them all alone at the same time. Not giving enough food, fish pallets, algae can also be the reason for their aggression.
They are voracious eaters and constantly searching for food. You should always check if your feeding routine is appropriate for them.Â
Steps to Reduce Amano Shrimp’s Aggression
What can you do to lessen the aggression? Well, there are plenty of new things you can execute.
You have to identify multiple feeding places multiple times so that no food war takes place. You can feed your other fish or shrimps at another time in another spot.
- Educate yourself with the idea that what tank mates will be ideal for your Amano shrimps. You should not put aggressive fish like lobster, Blue cobalt lobster, Goldfish, etc.
- You can put Betta fish as their tank companion. You should ensure enough space with a tank holding at least 10 gallons of water. This will give them the space to thrive and grow together.
- You can put your Amano Shrimps with smaller fish which are peaceful ones, this will cause no harm and aggression.Â
- Sometimes after molting, Amano shrimps can be vulnerable, especially the female ones. If you have an equal number of females and males, this will prevent males from killing females.
- They are very sensitive towards transportation. If you are seeing them swimming like crazy or turning into another color e.g. milky or brown, give them some time to get used to your tank.
- You should have a lot of hiding places as Amano Shrimps are fond of climbing and hiding into places.Â
You should keep at least 6 Amano shrimps in a tank. You can put 3 males and 3 females to maintain equality. This will prevent any domination. But do not worry about overstock as they have a very low bioload.Â
Real-life examples of amano shrimp’s aggression
A post on Tropical Fish Forums notes that some users have observed aggressive behavior from their Amano shrimps.
Aquatic Quotient states that while some Amano shrimps can be aggressive towards food, they generally do not harm other fish or shrimps.
The Planted Tank Forum has a discussion where a user observed an Amano shrimp grabbing another shrimp right after it molted. This behavior might be attributed to the aggressive nature of the Amano shrimp when it comes to food.
AquariumStoreDepot mentions that Amano shrimps are very aggressive eaters. If they are fed too well, they might neglect their cleaning duties and stop consuming aquarium algae.
Aquarium Breeder points out that Amano shrimps are aggressive eaters and can easily bully smaller shrimp. There have also been random reports of these shrimps displaying aggressive behavior.
why are my amano shrimp fighting?
Amano shrimp (Caridina multidentata) are generally peaceful creatures, but there are several reasons they might appear to be fighting or displaying aggressive behavior:
- Mating Behavior: Male Amano shrimp can sometimes chase females during mating attempts. This behavior can be mistaken for fighting, but it’s a natural part of their reproductive process.
- Territorial Disputes: While Amano shrimp aren’t typically territorial, they might occasionally squabble over a particularly good hiding spot or a prime feeding area, especially if there’s a limited amount of such spaces in the tank.
- Food Competition: If there’s a limited food supply, Amano shrimp might become competitive and push each other away from food sources. This is especially true if you’ve just dropped a tasty morsel into the tank and they’re all rushing to get a piece.
- Stress: Shrimp that are stressed, whether due to poor water conditions, sudden changes in the environment, or the presence of predators, might display erratic or aggressive behavior.
- Tank Size and Setup: A tank that’s too small or doesn’t have enough hiding spots and plants can lead to increased competition and aggression among shrimp.
- Molting: Shrimp are vulnerable after they molt because their new exoskeleton hasn’t hardened yet. Other shrimp might take advantage of this vulnerability, leading to what looks like aggressive behavior.
- Presence of Other Species: Sometimes, the presence of other aggressive species or fish can cause shrimp to become more territorial or defensive.
- Health Issues: Sick or weakened shrimp might be targeted by healthier ones.
Will Amano shrimp eat other shrimp?
Amano shrimp (Caridina multidentata) are primarily detritivores and herbivores, meaning they feed on detritus, algae, and other organic matter. They are not naturally predatory towards other shrimp.
However, there are a few circumstances under which Amano shrimp might interact with other shrimp in ways that could be concerning:
Shrimp Fry: While adult Amano shrimp are unlikely to prey on adult shrimp of other species, they might consume tiny shrimp fry (baby shrimp) if they come across them. The small size of the fry makes them easy targets, especially if they are in the open.
Molting Shrimp: As mentioned earlier, shrimp are vulnerable after molting. If a shrimp has just molted and is still soft, an Amano shrimp might harass or even attempt to eat it, especially if the molted shrimp is of a smaller species.
Dead or Dying Shrimp: Amano shrimp, like many other shrimp species, will scavenge on dead or dying organisms in the tank. If another shrimp dies, Amano shrimp might be seen feeding on the carcass. This is not predatory behavior but rather opportunistic scavenging.
Food Competition: If there’s a particularly tasty morsel in the tank, Amano shrimp might become aggressive in trying to claim it, pushing away other shrimp in the process. This isn’t them trying to eat the other shrimp but rather competing for food.
In a well-maintained aquarium with adequate food and hiding spots, Amano shrimp should coexist peacefully with other shrimp species.
However, if you’re planning to breed smaller shrimp species and want to raise the fry in the same tank, it might be a good idea to either not include Amano shrimp or to provide plenty of hiding spots for the fry to reduce the risk of predation.
will amano shrimp eat cherry shrimp eggs?
When it comes to cherry shrimp eggs, Amano shrimp are not typically known to actively hunt for and eat them.
However, there are a few scenarios where they might come into contact with the eggs:
If, for some reason, a cherry shrimp drops her eggs or they become dislodged, Amano shrimp might scavenge and eat them. This is more of an opportunistic behavior rather than active predation.
If a cherry shrimp is stressed or disturbed during the egg-carrying phase (berried stage), she might drop her eggs. In such cases, Amano shrimp or other tank inhabitants might consume the fallen eggs.
If a berried cherry shrimp dies, Amano shrimp might scavenge on the carcass, and in the process, they might consume the eggs as well.
That said, under normal circumstances in a well-maintained tank, Amano shrimp should not pose a significant threat to cherry shrimp eggs.
can you keep amano shrimp and cherry shrimp together?
Yes, you can keep Amano shrimp and Cherry shrimp together in the same aquarium. Both species are generally peaceful and can coexist without significant issues.
Here are some considerations and tips for keeping them together:
Tank Size and Setup:
Ensure that the tank is of an appropriate size to accommodate both species without overcrowding. Provide plenty of hiding spots, plants, and decorations to allow both species to find shelter and reduce stress.
Water Parameters:
Both Amano and Cherry shrimp have similar water parameter requirements. They prefer clean water with stable parameters. Regularly check the water’s pH, hardness, temperature, and ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels to ensure they are within the ideal range for both species.
Both species are primarily detritivores and will feed on algae and biofilm in the tank.
However, it’s a good idea to supplement their diet with shrimp pellets, blanched vegetables, and other suitable foods. Ensure that there’s enough food to go around so that there’s no significant competition between the two species.
Breeding Considerations:
While Cherry shrimp can breed readily in freshwater aquariums, Amano shrimp have a more complex breeding process that requires a brackish water stage for the larvae.
If you’re breeding Cherry shrimp, be aware that Amano shrimp might consume Cherry shrimp fry if they come across them. Providing plenty of hiding spots can help protect the fry.
Tank Mates:
If you have other fish or invertebrates in the tank, ensure they are compatible with both Amano and Cherry shrimp. Avoid aggressive or predatory species that might see the shrimp as food.
Regularly observe the behavior of the shrimp to ensure there are no signs of stress, aggression, or health issues. If you notice any problems, it might be necessary to adjust the tank setup or conditions.
I have mentioned everything related to the aggression of Amano Shrimps. Make sure to find the right place with the right companion with the right portion of feeding style to avoid any type of aggression among the Amano shrimps.
About Author
Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.
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