Betta Fish Poop: What Secrets It Holds?

Well, most betta fish owners cannot detect many health complications of their bettas in the early stages. Little did they know that they can actually tell the health condition of a betta by examining the poop. A lot of betta owners don’t have this simple idea which is why I am here to discuss one of the most important topics which are about the poop of betta fish.

In the below article, I will discuss A to Z about the betta fish poop and will reveal all the secrets that the poop holds. Stick to the last word of this article in order to have a clear idea about the betta fish poop.

Betta fish poop can tell you about the health condition of a betta fish. In addition, by examining the coloring of the poop you can actually guess what type of food the betta is eating. Finally, different shapes and sizes of betta fish indicate whether it needs your medical attention or not.

Do Betta Fish Poop Or Not?

Indeed, betta fish poop and they poop regularly! The color of the excretion that betta fish make from their rectum might reveal what they have been consuming. Typically, it resembles tiny, shadowy pellets. Given that they consume primarily protein, betta fish create a lot of waste. Because of their waste, the water will frequently be hazy, thus it’s crucial to replace it frequently.

Although you might not notice your betta pooping, you will notice it settling at the bottom of your tank. Betta fish excrement sometimes passes for unconsumed betta pellets since it is frequently clumpy and more rounded than lengthy and stringy.

Bettas naturally prefer to defecate in the same area, similar to other pets. Except when there is a heavy flow or other tankmates are moving in the tank bottom, you will frequently find the majority of their excrement in one place. They are also quite particular about where they defecate, frequently in a landscaped area for seclusion. This may also make cleaning up simpler.

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How Do Betta Fish Defecate Then? 

It turns out that it shares a lot of similarities with all animals, along with us humans. Fish transfer the food they ingest into their stomachs, where the digestive process starts. Some fish eat directly into their guts; they don’t even have stomachs.

A genuine stomach does exist in betta fish, though. Here, food is partially digested and produced more easily. Acids also aid in the elimination of any unwelcomed microorganisms that may have hitched a ride on or within the food. The majority of the nutrients in meals are consumed by your betta’s intestines and enter his or her circulation after that. 

Waste then moves to the rectum where it is expelled as fish excrement after this procedure is finished. Fish’s internal systems are less complicated than ours. None of the fish has a stomach where wastes are held and liquid is received, and not all fish have a big gut. 

Simple expulsion occurs when fish waste hits the end of the line. Since fish are aquatic creatures, water is one thing they have in large quantities. There is hence no need for liquid re-absorption.

How Many Times A Day Do Betta Fish Poop?

Betta fish poop on a daily basis, occasionally many times. This makes sense when you consider that betta fish are continuously consuming food and that their digestive systems are designed to function quickly. The betta fish may get anxious or ill, for example, which may cause the regularity of pooping to decrease. They might only poop occasionally in these situations.

What Are The Pooping Habits Of Betta Fish?

Bettas are opportunistic secreters. They like to defecate in the same location with some privacy, and they typically select a corner or a landscaped area. Therefore, if you believe that your betta is only seeking solitude by hiding out among the grasses, you need to reconsider. Most likely, they’re going to poop.

Bettas excrete through a little hole located just in front of their abdominal fin. Since Betta fish excrement is quite tiny, you most likely won’t realize that your betta fish is pooping unless you see a buildup in their preferred bathroom.

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Where Does Betta Fish Poop Come From?

The meal is consumed by betta fish through their mouths, where their teeth are used to chew it. After being chewed, the food travels to the stomach where it is swallowed and digested. This is followed by a trip to the gut, where all the nutrients required for the betta fish’s health are collected. 

The remainder is regarded as trash and is expelled out the anus near the anal fin as excrement. Betta fish excrement often has a spherical, gloopy shape instead of stringy. The betta fish occasionally seem to defecate in the same place, which is also normal.

If your betta fish is pooping regularly and consistently, and if the betta feces are spherical and brown, you shouldn’t be concerned. Look for symptoms of constipation and bloating if you see persistent irregularity in your betta fish’s digestive processes.

How Does Betta Fish Poop Appear?

It might be challenging to remember which fish’s feces belongs to which species if you have a variety of fish in your aquarium. The condition of your fish may be monitored by keeping a watch on their feces. There may be a problem if the color or substance of fish excrement changes in any way.

The Shape And Color Of The Poop

Betta excrement differs from that of most other aquarium fish. Fish anal canals typically exude a lengthy, brown threadlike material that is simple to identify as fish excrement. Betta feces, on the other hand, has a more pellet-like shape, are reddish-brown in color, and settle near the bottom of the aquarium.

Betta excrement resembles the food they consume extremely closely; nevertheless, the color may change somewhat from the pellet meal, which is another reliable sign that you are seeing fish waste and not leftovers.

The Size Of The Poop

Their excretions are still rather little, despite the fact that betta excrement is remarkably comparable to food pellets. It takes a trained eye to see a single poop amid the other items in your fish tank, but because bettas tend to congregate in one area, it is simpler to watch for a cluster of excrement than a single one.

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How Can You Tell From Their Poop If Your Betta Has a Problem?

It is a sign that your fish could need some assistance if the excrement of your betta fish does not seem like a pellet and is reddish-brown in hue.

Similar to people, bettas can have diarrhoea, constipation, and other stomach issues that may change the appearance of their waste. As a result, by observing your betta’s waste, you can monitor its health. Your Betta may be ill and require medical attention if their excrement resembles any of the following:

The Stringy Look-Like Stools

Constipation can be the cause of your betta’s brown, stringy stools rather of his usual pellet-like poo. According to common perception, fish can suffer from dehydration and constipation. The usual culprit is overeating.

Given their continual proximity to water, it seems strange that fish might become dehydrated, yet a regular diet of food can result in a thirsty betta fish who is experiencing constipation.

Massive Circular Stools

Additionally, in betta fish, huge circular excrement may indicate constipation. A poop that is bigger than the typical particle size in your fish may indicate dehydration and/or overfeeding. Your betta will not enjoy being constipated, but it can be prevented and treated with ease. 

Ensure your Betta has a healthy diet, consumes the right quantity of food, and gets enough exercise.

What Color Is Supposed To Be The Betta Fish Poop?

The color of betta excrement can range from deep brown to tanned to offish red, however, the term “reddish-brown” is frequently used to refer to it. Betta food occasionally contains food coloring, which can change the coloration of their feces. There is absolutely nothing to worry about with food dye in betta food.

Your betta’s excrement may range in color from red to brown to tan as far as you offer them a high variety of food and at the proper duration, and it will stay that color if you give them the same food regularly. Insufficient information might make caring for betta fish a bit difficult. 

Expand your understanding of Betta—click here to uncover more! 5 Types Of Dumbo Betta Fish [With Pictures]

What Do Different Poop Colors Mean?

There might be a number of reasons why the color of your betta fish’s excrement changes. Usually, when a routine is changed or after providing them with a new food to eat, color changes might be entirely natural and caused by these events. It might be a clue that your fish is ill and requires medical treatment if, though, the color of your bettas’ excrement changes without you giving them treats or altering any aspect of their regular care.

It’s advisable to attempt to monitor your bettas’ excrement and look into any color changes in case your betta fish is unwell, despite the fact that the poop of betta fish might be difficult to see because it resembles unconsumed food pellets.

The Change In Color

Well, the color of the poops of your betta might change if you change the quality of the food. Because different manufacturers produce different sorts of fish and also add various colors to the food. That is why your betta might excrete red or brown poos different than the previous stool’s colors in case you change the brand.

The Color Of The Poop Is Red

If the food you feed your betta fish is highly red, you can anticipate seeing bright blood-red excrement. You might wish to consult a veterinarian if the food you are feeding them is not red in color. Betta sometimes has vivid red excrement, but it is not typical.

The Color Of The Poop Is Black

Additionally, some betta fish may have black feces, although this is unimportant. Various elements, like the food you feed your betta and the items you use, might combine to cause black feces.

Why Is The Reason Behind My Betta Fish Poop Appear White Stringy?

There are many factors that cause the white stringy poop of bettas. The reasons are mainly based on nutrition deficiency, age-related issues, etc. I have explained those factors elaborately down below:

Food Is Not Given Regularly

The simplest explanation for a betta to eject white, stringy poop is actually the most frequent. The only thing a fish can do while it isn’t eating is making mucus. In fact, the fact that there is no food within explains why it appears white.

Collecting the white stuff and dropping it into a plain glass of water is the easiest approach to examine this. This should unquestionably be an empty feces cast if it isn’t moving.

Even while an empty feces cast is nothing to be concerned about, it is advised to keep an eye on the fish and determine how frequently it is refusing food. If it keeps happening, there could actually be a health issue to consider.

Want the inside track on Betta? This post is your go-to guide. 6 Types Of plakat Betta Fish [With Pictures]

The Age Issue

Older betta fish may also generate white, stringy feces. If your aquarium pet has been a part of your family for some time, its colors have faded, and it requires a little more rest than normal, this is most likely an obvious symptom of ageing. 

Owners must simply provide as much comfort for the remainder of its life because there is, regrettably, nothing owners can do. A vet visit could be a smart option if you are unsure of the actual age of your Betta and suspect it is experiencing other health issues. Just in case.

Bacteria Or Parasites Related Issue

White stringy feces might occasionally indicate parasites in your betta. Food, live plants, and other items that are added to the tank all have the potential to spread parasites.

If that’s the scenario, you must take action right now to stop more problems. Parasites have the potential to kill if not promptly treated. No matter what kind they are, parasites are live things that move. Observing the white stuff in clear water is the best technique to find them. If there is any motion, it is a sure sign that the fish is harmed.

In addition, poor tank water quality increases the risk of bacterial illness in your Siamese. The ones connected to a swollen stomach, a swim bladder, and dysentery are the most typical ones.

A bacterial illness is quite easy to identify since there will almost always be changes in behavior, such as the inability to eat or swim, as well as obvious symptoms like swollen tummies. In these situations, you’ll need to take quick action to keep your fish from becoming really sick and dying.

Why Is My Betta Fish Poop Hanging?

Well, if the poop of your betta fish is hanging then it is because it has internal problems. The problems can be related to infections to the issues of overfeeding. However, you should always consult with the vet regarding these issues. In addition, there can be other lot of reasons why your betta fish poop is hanging. However, the most common two reasons are:

  • First of all, if you observe a brown thread growing close to your betta fish’s anal fin, it is unmistakably an indication that the fish is constipated. Overfeeding a betta fish, which can result in swelling, is the cause of constipation.
  • Additionally, if you see that your betta fish has a white string coming from its tummy, this is a symptom that the fish may be infected with parasitic infections. If you give your betta fish low-quality, unauthentic meals, these parasites may grow within their bodies.

Therefore, you must ensure that your betta fish is receiving the proper amount of high-quality food. The strong appetites of betta fish make them particularly prone to bloating and constipation. They will consume as much food as you give them.

Can You See Betta Fish Poop?

Your betta may defecate without your noticing, but you will find it collecting at the bottom of your tank. Since betta fish feces is typically clumpy and more rounded than long and stringy, it can occasionally be mistaken for unconsumed betta pellets.

Like other pets, bettas naturally like the same spot to urinate. You will often discover most of their feces in one location, with the exception of times when there is a high flow or other tank mates are moving in the tank bottom. In addition, they are quite careful about where they urinate, typically in a manicured area where they may be alone. Additionally, this could make cleanup easier.

Why Is My Betta Fish Not Excreting?

There can be internal issues as well as external issues due to which your betta fish is pooping. I have discussed those causes in simple words down below from which you can have a clear idea.

If Your Betta Is Starving

The law of conservation of energy states that what goes in must come out, and if you aren’t eating enough, not enough will come out on the opposite side. Bettas are tropical fish that need to be fed twice or three times daily in water that is 79 to 81 degrees Fahrenheit. 

To ensure a healthy nutritional composition, make sure the food you are giving has only been opened in the last 6 months. The supplied quantity of fish food needs to be finished within 4 to 6 minutes. Give a bit extra if it disappears too quickly; otherwise, you can be overfeeding the fish if it takes more time than that to consume it.

Important Factor: Overfeeding

Overfeeding your betta can have detrimental effects, which may seem paradoxical. Overeating without properly processing the meal might result in an obstruction, which can prevent all food from moving through the digestive tract. 

Frequently, your betta will keep eating without pooping at all and develop an enlarged belly. Contact your aquatic veterinarian right away if you have any concerns about your betta’s potential overeating and constipation.

You Are Not Seeing The Betta’s Poop Or It Has Weak Appetite 

Since the majority of fish keepers are unable to keep an eye on their fish around the clock, it is possible that your fish defecate during the day or at night. Take a look at your fish’s surroundings rather than looking for excrement on it. Your betta may not be willing to eat even when you are feeding or providing enough food, which can be caused by a variety of factors. 

The Stomach Issue

In addition to being an indication of diarrhoea in betta fish, a large stomach can also be a symptom of extreme constipation when your fish is not releasing any brown water or stool at all. Swim Bladder may result from very constipation. When this happens, your fish’s stomach has swollen due to overfeeding and is pressing against its swim bladder, which affects its buoyancy.

In such a scenario, it is recommended to refrain from giving your fish any meal for a period of one to three days to give the food enough time to digest and their digestive system a chance to grow back to its regular size. Contact a veterinarian if this is ineffective.

The Epsom Salt Effect

It’s possible that you’ve heard that giving your fish an Epsom salt bath might be good for their health, and practically speaking, it is. Epsom Salts, on the other hand, maybe difficult on Betta Fish.

If you want to treat other conditions in betta fish, such as dropsy, you can give them an Epsom salt bath either once or sometimes twice a week, but if you do that too often, the salts can be rough on their digestive tracts and lead to issues.

If you actually gave your betta an Epsom salt bath and they are now not defecating, it may be due to the salt contact; however, they should resume regular behavior within the next day or three.

How To Clean Betta Fish Excrement?

Your tank will start to become unpleasant if betta feces begin to accumulate in it. Poop will accumulate more quickly in a small betta fish tank than in a bigger one. So it’s important to clean frequently. Using a suction tube is the ideal method for cleaning betta fish waste (gravel vacuum). 

Particularly in a small little betta fish tank, the gravel has to be cleaned. Instead of just changing the water, leave the bettas’ waste buried in the substrate. Ammonia and other wastes containing nitrogen can be found in fish waste. 

Remaining fish waste will lead to an increase in ammonia concentrations even after you replace the water and eliminate part of it. In addition, the roots of plants can be fragile. You may destroy any mature plants you have by cutting them. 

Additionally, as fertilizer, plants can absorb ammonia and other contaminants. In a planted tank, you thus don’t need to be quite as careful while cleaning betta fish waste.

Does Betta Fish Poop Floats Or Not?

Betta fish excrement typically floats due to its small weight. The amount of air contained in the excrement determines whether it floats or sinks. Betta fish excrement is often quite simple to identify. However, occasionally you could be uncertain as to whether it’s true excrement or only food waste that they haven’t fully digested.

When betta fish consume pellets, it might be challenging to distinguish between their waste and what’s left of their meal since both will settle to the tank bottom simultaneously. In this situation, it is preferred to wait until they have completed eating before searching the water for excrement.

How to Make Certain Your Betta Fish Always Poops Healthily

Feed your Betta fish a premium, Betta-appropriate food to ensure that it always produces the best waste possible. Your Betta fish may be fed high-quality floated pellets as an excellent nutritional foundation, as well as freeze-dried, frozen, chilled, or live bugs like bloodworms and red grub worms.

Betta fish can survive without plant material. Since they are real carnivores, giving them a herbivorous diet might cause serious stomach problems.

Wrapping Up

Finally, we have understood how important it is to make sure that the bettas excrete normal stools all the time. Because unhealthy poop also indicates symptoms of health complications like dropsy. Therefore, I recommend you to read my next article which is about dropsy. Dropsy In Betta: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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