11 Best Frogs For Keeping In Paludarium

If you are thinking to create a Paludarium, you must be searching for suitable animals. In the case of selecting frogs, you should choose carefully so that these frogs can thrive well in the water, land, and air of the Paludarium. To help you get enlightened, I have searched for the best frogs for keeping in Paludarium.

In this article, I have penned down detailed information about 11 pet frogs that fit well in Paludarium. So, I urge you to go through this article if you are looking for compatible frogs for keeping in the Paludarium. 

Can You Keep Frogs In A Paludarium?

Paludarium refers to such a type of vivarium that contains both aquatic and terrestrial habitats. So, you can readily keep frogs in a Paludarium. But, you should avoid those frogs that are aggressive, unsocial, hard to maintain.

What Frogs Can Live In A Paludarium?

Several frogs thrive well in Paludarium. Also, these depend on other animals that you keep in the Paludarium. But, you should focus on one species of the frog at first.

If the frog copes up with the Paludarium well, you can select other animals to coexist with the frogs. Hence, you should focus on the temperament and requirements of the frogs beforehand. 

Let’s look at the following list of the 11 best frogs that can live in a Paludarium.

List Of 11 Best Frogs To Keep In Paludarium

1. Dart Frogs

No pet lovers can not resist keeping dart frogs in their Paludarium allured by their eye-catchy looks. But, these frogs require additional attention for their special requirements.

Scientific NameDendrobatidae
Size (adult)0.75-1.5 inches
Paludarium Size24”×18”×18”
Temperature77-84 degrees Fahrenheit
TemperamentShy and timid
Lifespan7-10 years

When you notice the natural habitat of dart frogs, these frogs live close to the grounds along with water sources. So, dart frogs can survive pretty well in a Paludarium since they get a perfect mimic habitat of humid, tropical environments.

A few inches of water can be enough for dart frogs in the aquatic section of the Paludarium. But, if you keep fish or other animals in the water of the Paludarium, you may increase the water level.

If you keep green and black dart frogs in the Paludarium, you should keep more height vertically. Since these dart frog species are semi-arboreal, you should keep enough climbing opportunities in the Paludarium.

On the other hand, Bumblebee dart frogs and blue dart frogs are floor-dwelling frogs. So, these frogs can do great in the rocks, leaves, moss, plants of the terrestrial part of Paludarium.

Click here to get a full guide for buying dart frogs.

Explore the fascinating world of Frogs—this post has everything you need! 12 Best Pet Frogs For Handling [Beginner’s List]

2. Gray Tree frog

Scientific NameDryophytes versicolor
TypeSemi-aquatic and arboreal
Size (adult)1.25-2 inches
Paludarium Size18”×18”×24”
HumidityAround 50%
Temperature75 degrees Fahrenheit
TemperamentTimid and skittish
Lifespan7-9 years

Gray Tree frogs can be a great option to keep in Paludarium. Since tree frogs are arboreal, you should keep a higher vertical height in the Paludarium. If you want to keep gray tree frogs in your Paludarium, you should ensure lots of climbing opportunities there.

Generally, people make 6”-7” inches deep water section with enough spaces. You need not worry about the gray tree frogs drowning in the water as they thrive in plants and branches.

As there remains a water section in the Paludarium, the crickets or other insects may drown in the water. For this reason, you can keep the tree frog food in a bowl. Also, your gray tree frogs may miss their supplements if the supplementation gets washed away.

You should mist twice a day to keep the humidity level above 50%. Although these frogs do not have special temperature requirements, they do the best in 68-78 degrees Fahrenheit. To mimic the jungle environment, you can adjust UVB lighting sources or compact lighting.

Besides, you can keep several fish and snails as tank mates of gray tree frogs in this set-up. You can also keep multiple tree frogs together. But, the experts suggest not to keep goldfish.

You can check this article to get enlightened more about how to pet tree frogs safely.

Can Red-eyed Tree Frogs Live In A Paludarium?

These green-bodied with large red eyes of red-eyed tree frogs might attract you to keep them in your Paludarium. Since the requirements of red-eyed tree frogs are slightly different from other species, you might be confused about keeping these frogs.

Red-eyed tree frogs can live in a Paludarium. To any frog lover, the red-eyed tree frog can be an excellent choice for keeping in the Paludarium.

When you keep red-eyed tree frogs, you should keep the aquatic part small and shallow. Although tree frogs can swim a bit, these frogs may drown in the water.

You can keep several plants for red-eyed tree frogs in the Paludarium. These frogs may like Calathea, Peace Lily, Pothos, Philodendrons, etc. Also, make sure to keep around 80%-100% humidity for red-eyed tree frogs.

If you want to keep a red-eyed tree frog, you should go through this article to know more about their care.

Expand your understanding of Frogs—click here to uncover more! 19 Types Of Pet Frogs You Can Keep At Home

3. Glass Frog

Scientific NameCentrolenidae
TypeMostly arboreal
Size (adult)1-3 inches
Paludarium Size18”×18”×36”
HumidityAround 90%
Temperature72-78 degrees Fahrenheit
Lifespan10-14 years

Glass frogs are popular for their unique transparent body. You can find these frogs alongside stream or water sources. But, because of being arboreal frogs, glass frogs tend to live in branches.

So, these glass frogs can be one of the best options for keeping in Paludarium. The Paludarium has to be vertically longer with two-third part of the land area.

Since glass frogs require moving water sources, you can add a water stream, pump, or water filter to the Paludarium. These frogs are pretty good swimmers. So, they will not drown in the Paludarium water.

Besides, you must add plenty of real or artificial plants to mimic their natural habitat. Also, plants help increase the high humidity level of around 60%-90%.

Do not forget to add the places to hide for glass frogs.

You can also add several animals with glass frogs to your Paludarium. These frogs are compatible with cichlid fish, caiman lizard, any species of tree frogs, etc.

4. Fire-bellied Toad

Scientific NameBombina orientalis
Size (adult)3-6 inches
Paludarium Size36”×18”×24”
Temperature62-68 degrees Fahrenheit
Lifespan10-15 years

If you look for any easy-to-care frog in your Paludarium, a fire-bellied toad can be an excellent choice. This toad has pretty small requirements compared with other toads and frogs.

Besides, fire-bellied toads are pretty social creatures. So, you can freely add several animals to your Paludarium. Such as fancy guppies, white cloud minnows, Chinese fire-bellied newts, mystery snails, tree frogs, common goldfish, geckos, etc.

Since fire-bellied toads are semi-aquatic, you must provide dechlorinated and freshwater. So, you can add a filter for the water section of the Paludarium.

That’s because you should keep the ammonia and nitrite level of the water between 0 ppm to 0.25 ppm. However, the experts suggest keeping around 2-4 inches of water in the Paludarium of fire-bellied toads.

Besides, fire-bellied toads thrive best in 70%-80% humidity. To keep a constant ideal range of humidity, the water and land ratio of the Paludarium should be 70:30.

Also, you can keep damp substrate. In addition, do not forget to provide a balanced diet with proper supplementation to your toad in the Paludarium.

Get the full scoop on Frogs—check out this must-read article! 4 Best Frogs For Koi Ponds [Collector’s List]

5. Vietnamese Mossy Frogs

Scientific NameTheloderma corticale
Size (adult)2.5-3.5 inches
Paludarium Size24”×18”×18”
Temperature65-75 degrees Fahrenheit
TemperamentShy and timid
Lifespan10-20 years

This patch of moss-looking Vietnamese mossy frogs can be a strong candidate for keeping in Paludarium. Since mossy frogs require both land and water, these frogs can fit well in the environment of Paludarium.

Considering the friendly temperament of mossy frogs, you can keep several peaceful fish like white cloud mountain minnows, platies, tetras, zebra danios, etc. Besides, you can keep plants to retain the ideal humidity range.

When you choose plants for Paludarium, you should choose small plants that grow slowly. For example- live moss, peace lily, pothos, etc. It will take less hassle for the maintenance of these plants.

Another benefit of adding mossy frogs is their low maintenance. You need not keep any filtration system in the Paludarium as mossy frogs can thrive in stagnant and unclean water. 

I suggest you go through this article to get a clear idea about mossy frog care.

6. White’s Tree Frog/ Dumpy Frog

Scientific NameLitoria caerulea
Size (adult)3-4.5 inches
Paludarium Size18”×18”×24”
Temperature70-75 degrees Fahrenheit
LifespanAround 16 years

Like gray tree frogs, White’s tree frog can also be one of the best frogs for keeping in the Paludarium. Also, you need not take much hassle of fulfilling their requirements as these frogs are pretty tolerant.

Being arboreal frogs, these dumpy frogs have a special demand for branches, vines, plants, and so on. But, these frogs need one part of the water in the Paludarium to keep themselves hydrated.

Besides, you should maintain a cycle of 12 hours of the day and 12 hours of the night. As White’s tree frogs do great in warm temperatures, you can implement heat sources in the Paludarium.

7. Amazon Milk Frog

Scientific NameTrachycephalus resinifictrix
Size (adult)2.5-4 inches
Paludarium Size24”×18”×24”
Temperature80-85 degrees Fahrenheit at daytime, 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit at night.
TemperamentFriendly and peaceful
Lifespan8 years or more

Are you searching for such a frog that coexists peacefully with other animals in Paludarium? Then, amazon milk frogs can be on the top of your priority list. You can also keep fish, snails, shrimp, etc.

Amazon milk frogs do not usually come down from the trees or branches. So, these frogs will not get bothered by the water section of the Paludarium.

Rather, the water of the Paludarium will keep the ideal humidity range of 50%-100. Also, you can add moist substrate to enhance the humidity level.

To mimic the natural environment, you should implement 5.0 UVB fluorescent tubes or compact bulbs in the Paludarium. Click here to know more about the Amazon milk frog care guide if you are interested.

If Frogs piqued your interest, this article will take you even further. 21 Popular Small Pet Frogs That Stay Small

8. American Bullfrog

Scientific NameLithobates catesbeianus
Size (adult)Around 8 inches
Paludarium Size48”×18”×21”
HumidityAround 60%
Temperature74-80 degrees Fahrenheit
Lifespan7-9 years

Another compatible frog to keep in Paludarium is the American bullfrog. You have to keep shallow and still water for American bullfrogs in your Paludarium.

Even if the water level becomes high, these frogs will not drown. After all, American bullfrogs are highly aquatic and pretty good swimmers.

When you add American bullfrogs to Paludarium, you should choose their tankmates carefully. These frogs can grow up to 8 inches.

Being carnivores, bullfrogs can easily gobble up fish, snails, crayfish, small turtles, etc. But, you can add gouramis, white cloud minnows, cichlids, other bullfrogs, etc.

However, check out this article to get ensured whether bullfrogs can live with koi or not.

Besides, you should add java moss, flame moss, soil, rocks, and other plants in the Paludarium to enhance the naturalistic vibe. Since these bullfrogs are voracious eaters, you should not forget to feed your frogs regularly.

9. African Dwarf Frogs

Scientific NameHymenochirus boettgeri
TypeFully aquatic
Size (adult)3 inches
Paludarium Size24”×18”×18”
Temperature68-78 degrees Fahrenheit
TemperamentSocial and peaceful
Lifespan10-15 years

The pet lovers can remain in the confusion of keeping African dwarf frogs in Paludarium. Despite being fully aquatic frogs, you can keep dwarf frogs in this aqua-terrarium.

For African dwarf frogs, you must keep a large water section with an appropriate filtering system. Although these frogs are pretty good swimmers, they are not good climbers.

You will not have to worry that your frogs may dry out due to staying on the land accidentally. Hence, you can keep the terrestrial part higher than the water section.

Since African dwarf frogs tend to jump out of the tank, you can adjust a lid over the Paludarium. Also, you can add guppy, mystery snail, bamboo shrimp, platy, mollies, and other compatible tank mates to your Paludarium.

However, you must keep extra concerns about changing water and maintenance of dwarf frogs. Do not forget to add a filter for dwarf frogs to keep the water clean.

Hungry for knowledge about Frogs? We’ve got you covered in this article. How Long Can A Bullfrog Stay Underwater?

10. Common Reed Frog

Scientific NameHyperolius viridiflavus
Size (adult)1.25 inches
Paludarium Size18”×18”×24”
Temperature70-80 degrees Fahrenheit
LifespanOver 5 years

Common reed frog can be a colorful inclusion of your Paludarium. Since these are semi-arboreal frogs, you can keep the water section small.

Also, reed frogs thrive well in slow-moving water. Although reed frogs are not picky about temperature, you should keep the Paludarium warm.

Because of having a large appetite, you should provide enough fresh insects from time to time. Dust the insects with calcium and vitamin supplementation.

Do not forget to add substrate, cork bark, driftwood pieces, coconut hide, rocks, plants, etc. Besides, these frogs are pretty social and friendly.

11. Wallace’s Flying Frog

Scientific NameRhacophorus nigropalmatus
Size (adult)Up to 4 inches
Paludarium Size18”×18”×36”
Temperature70-84 degrees Fahrenheit
Lifespan6-15 years

Wallace’s flying frogs are unique frogs that are capable of gliding flights. Considering the nature and requirements, Wallace’s flying frogs can be excellent frogs for keeping in your Paludarium.

Like tree frogs, flying frogs also spend a great time in trees by being arboreal frogs. So, you should arrange the Paludarium with lots of live and artificial plants, vines, logs, bamboo pipes, etc.

These arboreal frogs can breed in the water section of the Paludarium. Also, the diet of flying frogs is pretty simple. You can feed them varieties of insects with supplementations.

Final Words

I hope this article enlightened you about the 11 best frogs for keeping in Paludarium. Make sure that your frog gets its required temperature, humidity, feeding, and other essential needs. In addition, it is your responsibility to monitor whether any animals of the Paludarium get stressed or not.

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of AcuarioPets.com. I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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