Pacman Frog Size: How Big Can They Get?

how big can pacman frogs get

Many beginner frog keepers often wonder how big their pacman frogs can get. Surprisingly, there isn’t much definitive answer to that question. Every owner has seen unique growth in their pacman frogs. Why’s that? How big can pacman frogs actually get?

Male Pacman frogs can reach up to 4 inches and female Pacman frogs can be as big as 7 inches. The female pacman frogs are usually bigger than the male pacman frogs. The growth rate can also be affected by genetics, food habits, and way of living.

The size of Pacman frogs and their growth is stimulated by 6 various factors. In this article, I’ll try to bring out some important factors that directly affect the answer to the question, “How Big Can They Get?”

Pacman Frog Size Chart

You must know that there are eight species of Pacman frogs. But, each species of Pacman frog has a different average size and weight. Let’s take a quick look at the following chart where I’ve mentioned the size and weight of these eight species of Pacman frogs.

Species Of Pacman FrogsScientific NameSize (length)Weight
Pacific Horned FrogCeratophrys stolzmanni2-2.5 inchesAround 6 oz
Venezuelan Horned FrogCeratophrys calcarataUp to 3 inchesAround 6 oz
Cranwell’s Horned FrogCeratophrys cranwelli3.1-5.1 inches (8-13 cm)Approximately 0.5 kg
Surinam Horned FrogCeratophrys cornutaUp to 8 inchesUp to 1 pound
Argentine Horned FrogCeratophrys ornata4.5-6.5 inches (up to 16.5 cm)Over 1 pound
Brazilian Horned FrogCeratophrys aurita10-12 inchesOver 1 pound
Caatinga Horned FrogCeratophrys joazeirensisUp to 4 inchesAround 0.5 kg
Ecuadorian HornedCeratophrys testudoUnknownUnknown

You can also go through the following chart of Pacman frog sizes according to their age.

Age of Pacman FrogsSize of Pacman Frogs
8-12 weeks oldSize of a quarter or a silver dollar
6 months old2.5-3.5 inches
1-year old4-7 inches

Discover more cool facts about Pacman Frogs with this detailed post! 30 Unique Pacman Frog Enclosure Ideas [Pacman Paradise]

Pacman Frog Size And The Factors Affecting

These horned frogs got this nickname from a video game character for their round and fleshy body, big wide mouth. Their eyes remain open while sleeping. They are available in diverse colors and patterns. The most common Pacman frogs are yellow and green with blotchy patterns.

Pacman Frogs are usually bigger than other pet frogs like tree frogs or dart frogs. These horned frog species have big limbs and well-built skulls that comprise most of their body. For these reasons, they are considered being stocky frogs.

Female frogs are prominently larger than males. They can grow almost about 7-9 inches and male frog sizes about 4 inches. A full-grown Pacman frog weighs almost a pound. The growth gets an immense boost within the first year.

There are several factors that have a direct impact on the growth and size of Pacman frogs. After bringing home, a baby Pacman frog will be around the size of a quarter. After getting proper enclosure and food, their growth will be stimulated. Here are a number of factors that determine how big a Pacman frog can be:

  • Gender
  • Method of Breeding
  • Genetics
  • Food Habit
  • Temperatures
  • Stress

female Pacman frogs are bigger than males

Size Of An Adult Male Pacman Frog

An adult Pacman frog is around 2.5 inches to 4 inches 6cm to 10 cm) in size. The diameter is the same as their length. So they grow bilaterally.

Size Of An Adult Female Pacman Frog

As I have mentioned earlier female Pacman frogs are bigger than male frogs in both length and width. They size anywhere from 4 to 9 inches (10cm to 23cm).

Method Of Breeding Can Also Impact Growth Rate

The size of an adult Pacman frog is often determined by the method it was bred. Breeding healthy frogs is never an easy process. Moreover, it’s a complicated and vulnerable process. Every step has to be taken smoothly, or else, the growth of the tadpoles will be badly hampered.

Tadpole management is another important issue. If the tadpoles are not supplied with proper nutrition, their growth will not be ensured. Internal physiological abnormalities will develop which will eventually inhibit the growth of your Pacman frogs.

If Pacman Frogs piqued your interest, this article will take you even further. 12 Most Popular Pacman Frog Morphs With Pictures

Genetics Play A Role In Pacman Frog’s Size

Just like human beings, the size of the parent frogs will determine a lot of things. If your Pacman frog was bred from strong and big-sized parents, it is more likely to be stronger than the one bred from weaker parents. Generally, Pacman frogs always fulfill the expectations when it comes to size.

Varied Diet Helps In Growth

Diet has the most important role to play here. Pacman frogs are bigger than other pet frogs. So many frog owners misunderstand their needs. They have a greedy appetite and can even eat other Pacman frogs smaller in size.

Adult Pacman frogs should be given a variety of foods with cricket being the prime option. The amount of cricket that should be supplied depends on the size of your frog. A Big Pacman frog can eat a large cricket with ease. You can also feed them with cockroaches and mealworms.

How many times your frog is having a decent meal is the next question. An adult Pacman frog should be given three meals a day. And there should be weekly feasts where you’ll allow your frog to eat up to ten crickets. Make sure you’re giving the crickets good dusting and release them in captivity so that the frogs can haunt them naturally. You can also feed them pinky mice if you can find any.

Pacman Frog Size

Wrong Temperature Negatively Impact Growth

This is a significant point many frog owners avoid unknowingly. The temperature has a big role to play when it comes to the growth of Pacman frogs. If the temperature is not optimum, it’ll lead to many physiological abnormalities.

The optimum temperature should be 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. If it falls below 70 degrees at night, you may have to supply supplemental infrared heat. The humidity should be 60-70%.

If the temperature goes down below the normal range, the frogs are more likely to go into Hibernation. During hibernation, frogs quit eating, which will eventually have a great impact on the size of your frogs.

So if you have a frog less than one year of age, it should not be allowed to hibernate. Ensure you’re providing an optimum environment inside the captive to prevent them from hibernating. Doing so will help your frog to eat daily, regularly, and consistently which will lead to better health.

Discover more cool facts about Pacman Frogs with this detailed post! Albino Pacman Frog Care For Beginners [Care Sheet]

Stress Can Stop Growth

Stress is always a culprit when it comes to growth disorders. Stress has a hormonal and neurological connection with appetite. It has also some effect on digestion and metabolism. Stress leads to many severe diseases which can lead to weight loss and eventually growth inhibition.

Try to keep your Pacman frog in an environment that will keep it away from all sorts of stress. To avoid stress, make sure you’re not touching your frog. They are so sensitive to touches and tend to bite their owners when held.

Never put a Pacman frog with other frogs. They do not socialize that well. They may cause stress for other frogs and it will freak them out. Try to keep the captivity parameters within an optimum range.

Small Pet Frogs That Stay Small: Infographic

Want to get a printable version of this infographic? Click here! [If you want to use this infographic on your website, please link back to this post as the source!]

How Fast Does A Pacman Frog Grow?

Unlike other pets, Pacman frogs grow pretty fast. You might have bought your Pacman frog at the size of a quarter. But, your pet frog will grow up into fully adult size in just a blink of an eye of 10-12 months.

So, these frogs can get around 4-8” large in only a year. Within one year, you’ll get a chubby Pacman frog due to its fast growth boost. However, the growth of Pacman frogs highly depends on several environmental, nurturing, and genetic factors.

What Is The Largest Pac-Man Frog?

There are eight species found of Pacman frogs. But, each species has a different maximum size and weight.

Among eight species of Pacman frogs, Brazilian Horned frogs are the largest Pacman frogs. These species can get large up to 5-10 inches whereas the average length of other species of Pacman frogs ranges from 3-6.5 inches.

But, if you are talking about the heaviest Pacman frog, it will be Cranwell’s horned frogs.

Explore the fascinating world of Pacman Frogs—this post has everything you need! How To Setup A Pacman Frog Habitat? [Setup Ideas]

What Is The Smallest Pacman Frog?

The Pacific horned frogs or Pacific big-mouthed frogs are the smallest species of Pacman frogs. Such is because these species of Pacman frogs can reach up to only 2-2.5 inches whereas their average size is around 4-8 inches. In addition, the weight of a full-sized Pacific horned frog ranges from 0.35-0.45 grams.

How Much Do Pacman Frogs Weigh?

The general weight of any frog is usually 0.80 oz or 22.7 g. But, Pacman frogs tend to gain more weight than other species of frogs. On the other hand, adult Pacman frogs can weigh over one pound.

How Big Is A 6 Months Old Pacman Frog?

Since Pacman frogs have immense growth, a 6-month-old Pacman frog becomes bulky. At the age of 6 months, Pacman frogs usually become 2.5-3.5 inches larger. But, the female Pacman frogs can reach up to 5 inches when they remain 6 months old.

If you own a baby Pacman frog, you must need this article to know the details care guide for a baby Pacman frog. Hence, click here to get enlightened more.

How Big Is A 1 Year Old Pacman Frog?

Pacman frogs grow pretty fast in their first year. Also, the female Pacman frogs tend to become bigger than the male Pacman frogs. However, the size depends on the species and upbringing of your pet Pacman frog.

Generally, a male 1-year-old Pacman frog gets 2.5-4 inches larger. On the other hand, a female Pacman frog can get 4-7 inches in length when it reaches 1 year old.

Besides, it’s pretty common to expect your 1-year-old Pacman frog to weigh around half a pound to over a pound.

Do All Pacman Frogs Get Big?

Almost all Pacman frogs get big. But, two significant factors of their growth rate are the species and gender of Pacman frogs. Among eight species of Pacman frogs, Pacific Pacman frogs tend to remain smaller than other species. So, other Pacman frogs remain bulkier than Pacific Pacman frogs.

Do Female Pacman Frogs Grow Faster Than Males?

The quick answer to this question is a yes! The female Pacman frogs generally grow faster than the male Pacman frogs.

The average size of an adult male Pacman frog ranges from 2.5 to 4 inches in length. On the other hand, when you measure a female Pacman frog, you’ll find them up to 7 inches in length.

Since the female Pacman frogs need to carry eggs, these frogs naturally get bulkier. Besides, the female Pacman frogs require to bear the weight of the male frogs while taking part in mating. Hence, the female Pacman frogs grow faster in length and weight than the male Pacman frogs.

If Pacman Frogs piqued your interest, this article will take you even further. Why Did My Pacman Frog Die? [Probable Reasons & Solutions]

How Fast Do Albino Pacman Frogs Grow?

Albino Pacman frogs are special to other Pacman frogs due to their sensitive eyes and skin. But, their growth rate is similar to other species of Pacman frogs. These Albino Pacman frogs grow into full adult size in only 10-12 months.

If you are interested to keep an albino Pacman frog, you can go through this article: Albino Pacman Frog Care For Beginners.

How Big Do Strawberry Pacman Frogs Get?

Strawberry Pacman frogs are one of the prettiest of all Pacman frogs having a light orange colored morph. If the strawberry Pacman frog is male, it can reach up to 3-4 inches. On the contrary, the female strawberry Pacman frogs become 5-7 inches large.


Pacman frogs are so easy to take care of. They don’t need much attention and are less prone to problems. They can live in a decent enclosure without creating much of a problem. So you should always try to provide them with all the essential needs and make sure you’re not creating any situation unfavorable to their growth.

So, if you are into frogs with vibrant color, blotchy patterns, and a massive size which do not need rapt attention, you should definitely go for Pacman frogs. They come in various colors and surely fill your tank with their big, round, glossy, and fat shape.

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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