How Long Do Newts Live?

How Long Do Newts Live

As newts are members of salamander’s family, people often wonder if newts live as long as other salamanders. Hence, a quick question might pop out of your mind – how long do newts live? That’s why we’ve conducted some researches to help you get enlightened their lifespan.

In wild, an adult newt can reach up to the age of 14 years. On the other hand, newts can live long for 6-10 years or up to 20 years in captivity. Also, their lifespan varies according to their species.

In this article, we will discuss elaborately how long newts live, factors determining their long lifespan, and so on. Let’s go through this article without further ado.

Average Lifespan Of Newts

It’s not any surprise that newts can be good food for many predators. As a result, their average lifespan gets shorter. If newts can save themselves from predators, they may manage to live long.

We’ve found out that the average lifespan of newts is 14-20 years. In wild, there are records of their living for long 17 years.

To fathom other factors related to newts’ average lifespan, we’ve to notice their life cycle. All species of newts go through multiple transformations throughout their life.

You’ll see four phases in their life. Firstly, their life starts at the eggs phase. After that, the larval newt turns into a tadpole. Finally,  it becomes a grown-up newt.

Throughout their life, newt lives on both land and water. Again, some newts live in water throughout their entire life.

So, we can say that newts are either aquatic or semi-aquatic. For this, predators from both places risk newts’ average lifespan. Though tiny newts leave water early, they return to the water for breeding at the age of two.

Want to dive deeper into Newt? This article has all the answers! Do Newts Eat Fish?

How Long Do Common Newts Live?

Many people ask how long common newts live. You might know that common newts are also called smooth newts. Because their skin becomes smooth after migrating into the water for breeding.

An adult common newt can live long for 6-14 years in the wild.

People can also keep common newts in captivity. If they can be kept with proper maintenance, they will live for 4-18 years long. In exceptional cases, common newts can reach up to an age of 20 years in captivity.

Various Species Of Newts And Their Lifespan

Various Species Of Newts And Their Lifespan

Newts have more than 60 species, and each species has a different lifespan. Let’s take a quick look at their different lifespan depending on their species.

Species Of NewtsLifespan
Eastern Newt12-15 years
Northern Crested Newt7-9 years
Rough Skinned NewtOver 12 years
Alpine NewtUp to 30 years
Iberian Ribbed NewtUp to 20 years or longer
Palmate NewtUp to 12 years
Red-Bellied Newt20-30 years
California NewtIn wild, 10-15 years (up to 20 years in captivity)
Carpathian Newt  Up to 14 years
Marbled Newt  20 years
Warty Newt  Over 16 years
Danube Crested Newt  Around 14 years
Southern Banded Newt   12-15 years
Southern Marbled Newt  20 years
Japanese Fire Belly Newt Average 10-15 years (In captivity, they can live up to 30 years with proper care)  
Red-Tailed Knobby Newt  More than 15 years
Anderson’s Crocodile Newt  14-16 years
Sierra NewtApproximately 21.8 years  
Stripped Newt  12-15 years
Chuxiyong Fire Bellied Newt  Around 25 years

How Long Do Newts Live In Captivity?

Newts are pretty popular pets among pet lovers. Besides, this exquisite amphibian makes a good pet. Thus, people want to know how long newts manage to live in captivity.

Newts can live long over 20 years in captivity if you ensure proper care and maintenance.

Besides, some newts are pretty famous in the pet trade. Among those noted pet newts, they are Spanish Ribbed Newts, Paddletail Newts, Japanese Fire Belly Newts, Chinese Fire Belly Newts, Eastern Newts, Red-Tailed Knobby Newts, and so on.

Moreover, there are some rare species of newts that are widely admired. Such as – Yellow Spotted Newts, Rough Skinned Newts, Banded Newts, etc.

Undoubtedly, captive newts have better chances to live longer than wild newts. Because there is no threat of predators in captivity.

So, all they need in captivity is proper care. If you intend to keep a pet newt, you need to ensure their perfect maintenance, well feeding, nursing, etc.

Expand your understanding of Newt + Salamander—click here to uncover more! Is A Newt A Salamander? [Salamander vs Newt]

Potential Reasons Of Newt’s Not Living Long

Precisely newts aren’t immortal. But they can manage to live long for many years. Nevertheless, there are many reasons for which newts can’t live long.

Hence we’ve summed up some potential reasons for newts’ early death or short lifespan. Let’s check them out.

Habitat loss :

Habitat loss is a great cause of why newts do not live long. We’ve mentioned before that newts are either fully aquatic or semi-aquatic. So, ponds, lakes, mud bottoms, moorland, ditches, etc are the perfect habitats for newts.

If that watery land dries up, only adult newts can survive their life on land. Otherwise, larvae newts can’t live long without water.


Predation is another notable reason. The threat of predators risks the average lifespan of newts. Newt’s common predators are fish, frogs, herons, grass snakes, etc. Many newts can not manage to live long or become adults due to the attack of their predators.

Extreme Weather In Winter:

Newts die because of overwintering. Hence, they search for suitable shelter that keeps them free of frost. For example – muddy bank of ponds, composed heap, etc. Albeit, extreme weather in winter reduces newt’s longevity.

Dehydration In The Summer:

Although newts can tolerate the heat of summer, dehydration causes their early demise. Also, aquatic newts are the main sufferer of this. This leaves us with the question of whether newts can cope with heat or not.


Newts can’t live long being affected by diseases as well. However, their diseases can be spread from various parasites too. Also, a new deadly new disease is Bsal which makes them quite extinct now.

Pollution :

Not to mention, pollution puts serious effects on newts. Also, this makes them stressed in their habitat. As a result, pollution results in newts’ short lifespan.

Final Words

Newts are remarkable, tiny, and interesting creatures. Furthermore, we need to take proper steps to save newts from extinction. Because our little deeds can make them live longer than our expectations.

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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