Can Plakat Bettas Live Together?

Can Plakat Bettas Live Together?

In my early stage of keeping Plakat bettas as a beginner, I committed a disaster in my aquarium tank by keeping Plakat bettas together. Being flattered by the beautiful color and shape of Plakat bettas, I forgot to calculate the consequence of keeping multiple Plakat bettas in a tank. After that, I’ve researched for a…

Are Plakat Bettas Aggressive?

Are Plakat Bettas Aggressive?

While getting flattered by noticing the close resemblance of Plakat betta fish with their wild counterparts, you might be familiar with their fighting spirit. Although another name for all betta fish is Siamese fighting fish, some bettas tend to have a light mood. To make careful selections of tank mates according to temperament, many betta…

Are Plakat Bettas Expensive?

Are Plakat Bettas Expensive?

Aquarium hobbyists must know well that varieties of fancy bettas can cost thousands of dollars. If you are in love with a Plakat betta and have a tight budget, you must know the full expense of owning a Plakat betta as a pet beforehand. Hence, a curiosity may pop into your mind- are Plakat bettas…

How Big Do Plakat Bettas Get?

How Big Do Plakat Bettas Get?

Since I’ve kept Plakat bettas for several years, I’ve found out that their beauty flaunts along with their maturity and age. If you’re an owner of Plakat bettas, you may wait to see the full growth with splendacious elegance. So, a common question may pop into your mind- how big do Plakat bettas get? Generally,…

How Long Do Plakat Bettas Live?

How Long Do Plakat Bettas Live?

You might have heard about keeping wagers for the fighting fish named Plaket bettas. So, people often wonder about the lifespan of Plaket bettas which tend to fight to the death. Hence, a common question may pop into your mind- how long do Plaket bettas live? The average lifespan of Plaket bettas ranges from 3…