Are Ghost Shrimps Good Cleaners?

Are Ghost Shrimps Good Cleaners?

You might have heard that ghost shrimp are similar to an excellent eating machine. Hence, these ghost shrimp have a unique reputation for cleaning the tank. For this reason, many shrimp hobbyists want to keep ghost shrimp as cleaners. So, you can also ask whether ghost shrimp are good cleaners or not. Good shrimp are…

Ghost Shrimp Diet & Feeding Guide For Beginners

Ghost Shrimp Diet & Feeding Guide For Beginners

These translucent-bodied ghost shrimp can be an excellent addition to your aquarium. But, it may be a bit confusing to choose the right diet for ghost shrimp as a beginner. In this article, I’ll describe the ghost shrimp diet in the wild and captivity, the feeding guide, the correct pallets, and other foods for ghost…

How To Setup A Proper Ghost Shrimp Habitat?

How To Setup A Proper Ghost Shrimp Habitat?

If you are looking for a proper setup guide of ghost shrimp habitat then this is the right article for you.In this article, I have provided the ultimate guide that you can ever ask for to easily set up a proper ghost shrimp habitat. I divided the whole guide into 9 easy steps so that…

Can You Eat Ghost Shrimp?

Can You Eat Ghost Shrimp?

Ghost shrimps are widely used as feeders but did you ever wonder if you can eat ghost shrimps? You are not alone. I have heard this question many times. If you have the same query then here is the answer for you:  You can eat ghost shrimps as they are safe to eat. But eating…

Do Ghost Shrimps Eat Plant & Algae?

Do Ghost Shrimps Eat Plant & Algae?

Many hobbyists mainly keep ghost shrimps for their algae-eating capability. However, they often wonder if the shrimps will try to eat the plants too! Eating plants can be a potential danger for planted tank owners. So, this is a matter of concern. Ghost shrimps are great algae eaters. They also eat the plants that die…

How To Take Care Of Ghost Shrimp Eggs?

How To Take Care Of Ghost Shrimp Eggs?

If you have both male and female ghost shrimps in your tank then it is normal that you will see the females carrying eggs in their belly every few weeks. And soon after that, they hatch the eggs in the water from which new offspring grow in the tank water. However, after the eggs are…

How To Setup A Ghost Shrimp Jarrarium? [6 Easy Steps]

How To Setup A Ghost Shrimp Jarrarium? [6 Easy Steps]

Jarrarium is a nano-sized aquarium mainly used to keep shrimps or snails. Those who have space problems but have an interest in keeping shrimps can easily start their hobby using a jarrarium. However, as it is small, you cannot keep any other species except shrimp or snails.  Today, in this article, I will mention the…

How To Determine Ghost Shrimp Gender?

How To Determine Ghost Shrimp Gender?

If you are a new shrimp keeper or keeping shrimps for a while now then you must be curious to know the gender of your shrimps. As ghost shrimps are very delicate species it is kind of difficult to determine their gender. However, as a shrimp keeper, it is important to know the gender of…