How To Breed Tree Frogs? [Beginner Friendly Way]

How To Breed Tree Frogs

Instead of spending money by buying a tree frog, many frog owners love to breed tree frogs on their own. These can allow you to earn money by trading your newly-bred tree frogs or their tadpoles. Hence, many frog lovers want to know how to breed tree frogs.

The most popular way to breed tree frogs is by making two tree frogs mate in captivity, where a rain chamber is required. Besides, you can breed tree frogs by hatching their tadpoles. Another breeding process is frog farming. But, tree frog farming is not much appreciable.

In this article, I’ll describe preparatory works and essential steps for breeding tree frogs. If you want to know in detail, I urge you to go through this article.

tree frogs resting inside a cup
Owner: Sue Robbins

Are Tree Frogs Easy To Breed?

It is a complex question to answer whether tree frogs are easy to breed or not. As tree frogs are low-maintenance frogs, the frog owners think its breeding to be less hassling too.

Tree frogs are not the easiest frogs to breed. Besides, people find it additional trouble to create a rain chamber for breeding tree frogs.

However, if you understand all steps of creating a breeding place and other conditions well, you’ll find it relatively easy.

Want to dive deeper into Tree Frogs? This article has all the answers! 30 Stunning Tree Frog Enclosures You Must See!

Preparatory Works For Breeding Tree Frogs

If you want to breed tree frogs in captivity, you’ll have to prepare the frogs, their habitat, etc. These preparatory works help stimulate the entire breeding process.

Let’s take a quick look at these preparations.

1. Get Some Matured And Healthy Tree Frogs

No wonder you will require some female and male tree frogs to make them bred.

If you can create competition among male frogs, the breeding process will be smoother. Hence, you can keep the number of male to females ratio 2:1.

However, the more male tree frogs you can get, the more their competition for winning female frogs gets higher. Besides, you should ensure that both male and female tree frogs are healthy and matured to breed.

gorgeous tree frog under light
Owner: Ravy Tails

2. Increase The Food Intake

When you set the potential timing of the breeding attempt, you should increase the food intake for at least one month. It will be appropriate if you enhance the amount of food by a minimum of 25%.

Before feeding the regular insects to your tree frogs, you have to feed those insects first. It may sound a bit complex to you. But, firstly, you’ve to make these insects enriched so that tree frogs can remain fit to breed.

So, you can feed those insects several foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, etc.

Make sure that the tree frog foods are gut-loaded well.

Also, you should dust all insects prior 24-48 hours before feeding, with supplementation of calcium, mineral, and vitamins.

3. Increase The Temperature And Humidity

Before adding tree frogs into a rain chamber, you have to keep the frogs within the breeding condition for a few weeks. 

So, increase the temperature up to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure that this increased temperature remains constant.

But, the most significant thing is to raise the humidity level in the terrarium. Hence, you can mist the tank more often than before. Keep in check that the humidity level should not become lower than 80%.

It will give a rainy-season vibe and prepare your tree frogs to breed

If Tree Frogs piqued your interest, this article will take you even further. Bloat In Tree Frogs: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

4. Check If The Tree Frogs Reach Breeding Condition

When the female tree frogs bulge with eggs, they are ready to get shifted to the rain chamber. Sometimes, you can see their eggs through the bellies of some gravid tree frogs.

During this time, male tree frogs will also make frequent advertising calls. Moreover, an adult tree frog will have nuptial pads on its thumbs if he is ready to breed.

So, after preparing the rain chamber, you can finally shift the tree frogs to the chamber for breeding.

tree frog with flower as a hat
Owner: Ravy Tails

Preparing Rain Chamber: What Do Tree Frogs Need To Breed?

A rain chamber is an essential tank setup for stimulating the breeding of tree frogs. This chamber will recreate the natural environment to aid breeding.

So, let’s see first what you’ll need to set up a rain chamber.

  • Large glass tank (around 20 gallons)
  • water
  • Submersible water pump
  • PVC pipes
  • PVC elbows of 90 degrees
  • Perforated flexible tubing
  • Aquarium heater
  • Thermostat
  • Electrical timer
  • Tropical plants with broad leaves
  • Sphagnum moss
  • Misting system or fogger
  • Night light
  • Humidity of 90%

How To Make A Rain Chamber For Tree Frogs?

After getting all the required supplies, you can start making a rain chamber for tree frogs. I’ll describe the steps of preparing a rain chamber in detail here.

Step 1: Choose A Breeding Tank

To prepare a rain chamber, the very first essential thing is a large tank. Generally, people choose a glass tank.

 But, there is no specific rule for choosing tanks for rain chambers. You can use any waterproof tank, container, or aquarium.

cute tree frog closeup
Owner: Madison Rodriguez

Step 2: Adding Water Pump and Heater

Now, it is time to place the submersible water pumps in the corners of the sink. You can also attach the hose to the pump. Besides, you should place the heater setting the temperature at 76-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 3: Creating The Rain Bar

In this stage, you need to make the rain bar with the PVC pipes. For this, you have to cut the PVC pipes into pieces of specific sizes. Then, set up the rain bar with PVC pipes and PVC 90 degrees elbows.

Do not forget to make holes in the pipes. These will allow the rain bar to distribute the water like rain.

If Tree Frogs piqued your interest, this article will take you even further. Can Tree Frogs Live In A Paludarium?

Step 4: Fill The Rain Chamber With Water

Now, you can add water to the rain chamber. Make sure that the water level covers the heater and pump in the sink of the rain chamber.

Step 5: Adding Plants

Add some tropical live or artificial floating plants with broad leaves. Your tree frogs can take rest underside those leaves. Moreover, these give them some space to lay eggs too.

tree frog resting on a blue platform
Owner: Lilly Ann

Step 6: Start Operating The Rain Chamber

After completing all setups, you can start operating the rain chamber. If you want an automatic process of several rain events, you can set a timer. However, you should change the water in the rain chamber regularly.

The experts suggest running the rain chamber mainly at night. You can continue raining in the rain chamber for 12 hours of the night cycle. Also, do not forget to keep breaks for a couple of hours.

Step 7: Introducing Tree Frogs To Rain Chamber

Before introducing the tree frogs, you should run the rain chamber for a few days. If the rain chamber is functioning smoothly, you can finally add the tree frogs to the rain chamber.

How To Make Tree Frogs Breed In Rain Chamber?

When all environmental condition is perfect, tree frogs will mate naturally. You can’t force your tree frogs to make love. But, you can create a suitable environment to stimulate your frogs for breeding.

  • Make sure that the rain chamber has continuous spraying of water. 
  • Besides, you should lower the temperature to a few degrees Fahrenheit.
  • In the breeding period, tree frogs tend to eat less. Hence, you don’t need to feed them. But, you must have to monitor their health.
  • When your tree frogs lay eggs, you can return the adult frogs to their tank.
  • If your tree frogs do not mate within a few weeks, you should pull them out. Make your frogs go through the same recondition. So, you can move the frogs to their tank and feed them heavily for a week again. Then, shift the tree frogs to the rain chamber.
  • Also, you must make sure that the quality of water should not get worse. Otherwise, this will put a harsh impact on the tree frogs’ health. Hence, you should change the water frequently.
tree frog on top of red flower
Owner: Brianne V Binkley

If Tree Frogs piqued your interest, this article will take you even further. Are Gray Tree Frogs Poisonous? [Cautionary Tips]

Tree Frog Tadpole Care: How To Raise Tree Frogs From Tadpoles?

Have you ever seen the metamorphosis of a tree frog from the egg?  Tree frog’s eggs turn into tadpoles which eventually grow up into tree frogs. Raising tree frogs from tadpoles is absolutely fun.

Hence, you need to take special care of tree frog tadpoles. Otherwise, there are risks of the tree frog eggs or tadpoles getting harmed.

So, let’s see what supplies you will need to take care of tree frog tadpoles.

  • A plastic tank
  • Rocks
  • Sponges
  • Moss or ferns
  • Algae
  • Water plants
  • Boiled lettuce
  • Cabbage
  • Insects and worms

Generally, it takes 14-15 days to develop visible tadpoles from eggs. But, you can’t expect all eggs to turn into tadpoles because some of them remain infertile. So, you should remove the bad or infertile eggs.

Moreover, you need to keep the tree frog eggs at the perfect temperature. The ideal temperature for tree frog eggs is 64-68 degrees Fahrenheit.

If the temperature is too low, the development of the eggs will be slower too. On the contrary, high temperatures may spoil the frog eggs increasing the risk of fungal attack.

While adding tree frog tadpoles in a tank, you should keep 100 tadpoles per tank. Besides, keep the heater at 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Further, you can add algae, plants, ferns, rocks, etc to the bottom of the tank.

After hatching, put the tadpoles in the water of the tank. Otherwise, you can also put them in the rain chamber. You need to ensure that the water in the chamber is dechlorinated.

tree frog habitat
Owner: Ravy Tails

Keeping the quality of water good is a vital condition of caring for tadpoles for tree frog breeding.

Tadpoles require several feeding times. So, you can feed tree frog tadpoles 4-6 times daily. Moreover, you must remove all uneaten tadpole food and waste from the water daily.

Within 8-9 weeks, you will notice the front legs growing of tadpoles. So, you have to add a screen lid over the terrarium. Also, you’ve to wait for growing the tails of froglets fully to give them baby frog food.

Your tree frog tadpoles will become small tree frogs within one year. Finally, when the tadpoles become adult tree frogs, you must remove them from the water tank.

Expand your understanding of Tree Frogs—click here to uncover more! Can Tree Frogs Eat Each Other?

What Do You Feed Green Tree Frog Tadpoles?

Tadpole is a significant phase of tree frog metamorphosis. Tree frog breeding includes the maintenance of each stage of tree frog metamorphosis. Hence, feeding plays a major role to keep the tadpoles healthy.

You can feed vegetables like broccoli, lettuce, carrots, and spinach to your tree frog tadpoles. But, you’ve to make these foods boiled after properly rinsing and cooling them down. Also, you can feed properly grinned fish food.

When the tree frog tadpoles become froglets, you can feed insects, larvae worms, crickets, wingless fruit flies, etc.

Hatching Tree Frog Tadpoles: Do Tree Frogs Hatch From Eggs?

Another popular way of breeding is directly hatching from eggs. To follow this breeding procedure, you need not have any tree frogs. All you need is just a cluster of tree frog eggs.

  • Firstly, you need to collect tree frog eggs for the breeding process.
  • You can collect the tree frog eggs from the underside of broad leaves overhanging any water-sides. Otherwise, you can collect from several breeders or pet shops that deal with frog eggs.
  • Secondly, you have to set up a breeding-friendly habitat. For this, you’ll require a tank, rocks, water, etc. Also, you must remain careful about not adding tap water.
  • If you have already collected the tree frog eggs, you can add them directly into the tank.
  • Generally, tree frog eggs take 2-3 weeks to hatch depending on the temperature of the water. Then, the tree frogs will turn into tadpoles.
  • Further, you must feed the tadpoles regularly. Feeding twice a day will be helpful for this stage of the breeding process. Also, you can feed plants, algae to tadpoles, including necessary supplementations.
  • When the tadpoles grow hind legs, you can add rocks, barks, wood in the tank. These will help these baby tree frogs float above the water. However, you can feed the baby frogs several kinds of insects.
  • Finally, the breeding process becomes complete after turning into an adult tree frog. Further, you can keep newly-bred,  adult tree frogs as your pets. Otherwise, you can release the frog into its natural habitat from where you collected the eggs.
4 tree frog collage
Owner: Ravy Tails

How Long Does It Take For A Green Tree Frog Tadpole To Turn Into A Frog?

It takes almost 12-16 months for a green tree frog tadpole to turn into a frog. However, the tadpoles require at least 16 weeks to turn into froglets.

Farming Tree Frogs

Another way of breeding tree frogs is farming.

But, this breeding process is less applicable. Moreover, farming is mainly applied to extinct frogs.

Also, you must follow local zoning regulations to continue tree frog farming. But, keep in mind that farming tree frogs may not be a profitable breeding process.

How Often Do Tree Frogs Lay Eggs?

Each species of tree frog has its breeding season. So, the numbers and duration of laying eggs vary from species to species.

Generally, tree frogs lay eggs two or more times in each breeding season.

During the breeding season, a female tree frog lays around 20-30 clusters of eggs.

In each cluster, you may find around 50 eggs. But, these frogs can lay up to 4,000 eggs.

tree frog resting on a leaf
Owner: Dee Ponita

Do Tree Frogs Breed In Water?

Because of being arboreal, you may wonder thinking whether tree frogs breed in water or not.

Tree frogs need to keep their skin wet while breeding. Hence, they remain around water areas whenever they need to breed or lay eggs. So, these frogs mate near any type of water body like ponds, swamps, puddles, pools, etc.

You may find tree frogs breeding in the water containing fish too.

Before mating, male tree frogs start breeding calls to attract female tree frogs. Eventually, these frogs come back to the water to continue breeding. But, some of the tree frogs lay eggs in the trees or leaves that contain water.

What Time Of Year Do Tree Frogs Mate?

There is a specific period for the mating of frogs. It is called the breeding season.

Late April to early August is the breeding season of tree frogs. So, this early spring period is the time of the year when tree frogs mate. 

Also, tree frogs find the winter rain as a suitable time for mating. During these breeding seasons, you’ll hear lots of croaking or advertising calls from tree frogs.

3 tree frogs resting on leaves
Owner: Dee Ponita

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the easiest frogs to breed?

Some of the easiest frogs to breed are the African Dwarf Frog, African Clawed Frog, Tree Frog, Fire-Bellied Toad, etc. However, all of these frog species have their own distinctive breeding procedure.

What is a rain chamber for frogs?

A rain chamber for frogs is an enclosure that mimics the natural rain patterns that frogs would experience in the wild, providing them with a source of freshwater and helping to maintain the humidity levels in their enclosure. It is a key component of a healthy environment for frogs.

Rain chambers are also used in the captive breeding of various neotropical tree frogs, including the Tree Frog.

How to make tree frogs breed?

The most popular way to breed tree frogs is by making two tree frogs mate in captivity, where a rain chamber is required. Besides, you can breed tree frogs by hatching their tadpoles.

Another breeding process is frog farming. But, tree frog farming is not much appreciable.

How to breed green tree frogs?

Breeding green tree frogs in captivity can be difficult and requires a fair amount of knowledge and experience. Green tree frogs require a specific temperature, humidity, and lighting to breed successfully.

A large enclosure with ample vertical space and hiding places is also necessary. Providing a rain chamber and a water source is important as well. Additionally, it is recommended to feed green tree frogs a varied diet and to avoid handling them as much as possible.

Breeding green tree frogs should only be attempted by experienced amphibian keepers.

How to breed white tree frogs?

Breeding White’s Tree Frogs can be challenging but also rewarding if done correctly. The first step is to ensure that the frogs are healthy and well-fed. The breeding process can be initiated by simulating a rainy season with a rain chamber and gradually lowering the temperature of the enclosure.

The frogs will then mate and the female will lay eggs, which should be removed and placed in a separate container with water. The eggs will hatch into tadpoles, which should be fed a diet of algae and fish flakes until they metamorphose into frogs.

It is important to provide a clean and healthy environment for the tadpoles and frogs to thrive. 

Final Words

It’s really fun to breed tree frogs in captivity and see them growing from the eggs to matured frogs. I hope this article helped you comprehend all the processes of breeding tree frog well. So, enjoy breeding your tree frog following the described instructions!

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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