What Does A Tree Frog Sound Like? [mp3 Sound Clip]
A fascinating thing about tree frogs is that each species of tree frog sounds differently from the other. You can also identify a tree frog by its sound. Hence, you should know first what a tree frog sounds like.
The vocalization or calls of a tree frog can be musical, low pitched, or high pitched. Also, the tree frog sound can be like a metallic buzz. Some of the tree frogs sound like the sound of a nasal duck. Again, some tree frog sounds are like squirrel or bird, etc.
So, I’ve conducted some researches to find out what the tree frogs sound like. In this article, I’ve summed up the nature of 40 tree frogs’ sounds, the rapidness of their sounds, intervals, seasons of beginning calls, etc.
So, I urge you to go through the article to know the details of the sounds of forty different species of tree frogs.
Sound Of 40 Different Tree Frogs
1. Squirrel Tree Frog
Do you know that squirrel tree frogs are named rain frogs as well? It is because squirrel tree frogs start making sounds during rain and also after a rain shower.
As the name states, squirrel tree frog sound like a squirrel scolding. The sound of a squirrel tree frog is alike with the duck sounds. It applies in cases of the male squirrel tree frogs, especially.
These frogs make calls or sound like waaak-waaak-waaak.
Besides, the squirrel tree frogs repeat such nasal quacking sound 1-2 times per second.
These male frogs start callings like such nasal ducks during their breeding season. So, you can hear those sounds from squirrel tree frogs in the months from April to August.
Moreover, you can hear those sounds during the evening or at night in the breeding seasons. At the pick of the breeding season, you may also hear the squirrel tree frog sound in the daylight.
2. Barking Tree Frog
Barking tree frog has gained such a catchy name because of its unique calls that sound like barking from a distance.
Many persons compare the barking tree frog sound to the barking of a pack of dogs. This barking tree frog sound resembles a honking goose too.
Also, people usually hear the distinctive barking sound that is as loud as 85 decibels. But, a barking tree frog sounds like Tonk, Dong, or Doonk during the breeding season. These appear as hollow sounds. Besides, barking tree frogs bark like this repeatedly at intervals of 1-3 seconds.
Moreover, the researchers found out that a barking tree frog can bark or make a sound almost 8000 times in one night. Besides, these frogs bark or make deeper sounds while floating on the surface of the water. Generally, barking tree frogs make such sounds as barking during the rainy season.
3. Bird Voiced Tree Frog
The only tree frog, which makes a sweet sound like a bird, is bird voiced tree frog. People often get confused hearing bird sound at night. But they might hear the sound of a bird-voiced tree frog.
Bird-voiced tree frog makes calls or sounds like wit-wit-wit.
To be specific, the sound of a bird-voiced tree frog is nearly similar to the northern mockingbird. This bird-voiced tree frog sound is kind of a high-pitched musical whistle.
However, mid-April to July is the perfect season to have such an opportunity to hear bird-voiced tree frog sound. That is because these are the breeding months for the frogs, and they make such advertisement calls.
Since these bird-voiced tree frogs are nocturnal, these frogs call at night. But, people often hear the sweet sound of the frogs in the daytime as well.
4. Cope’s Gray Tree Frog
Cope’s Gray tree frog sound isn’t very pleasant or lovely to hear from a close distance. The sound of a cope’s Gray tree frog is pretty harsh.
The cope’s Gray tree frogs make calls or sound rapidly at the interval of every 2-3 seconds. Further, the cope’s Gray tree frog sounds like a high-pitched metallic buzz. This sound lasts for around half a second.
Besides, two significant factors affect the calling of cope’s Gray tree frogs. So, these two depending factors are temperature and daytime length.
Also, these cope’s Gray tree frog starts their calling in late March. This calling lasts until the end of July. As May-June is the peak breeding season, the calls or sounds of cope’s Gray frog get higher.
The researchers found the calling site origin as waterside areas, edges of ponds, ditches, wetlands, etc. However, these male frogs make the sounds for not only attracting females but also encountering other frogs.
5. Eastern Gray Tree Frog
The sound of an eastern gray tree frog is somewhat of short, flute-like, musical trills. Besides, each gray tree frog tries to make calls competitively higher than other male frogs to attract a female gray tree frog for mating. So, their chorus is short but repetitive.
The eastern gray tree frog sounds like a melodic, low-pitched, short hymn. Again, the trill pulse of an eastern gray tree frog is lower than the cope’s gray tree frog. Also, they pause for a few seconds between calls.
Besides, the pulse of the trills of the eastern tree frogs depends highly on the temperature. If the temperature rises, the pulse rate of trills will also increase at a remarkable rate.
Gray tree frogs sound such advertising calls shortly after emerging from hibernation. Thus, you can hear lots of gray tree frogs call in the early spring.
6. Eastern Spadefoot Tree Frog
The eastern spadefoot tree frog sound lasts not more than one second. Moreover, their calls are short-pitched and kind of a nasal sound.
Eastern spadefoot tree frog sounds like waaaah. Also, some people regard the eastern spadefoot sound as a loud, quick snore or groan.
These frogs repeat their loud trill within very short intervals. Furthermore, the eastern spadefoot sounds in the evening or at night.
7. White Lipped Tree Frog
There are several opinions about the white-lipped tree frog sound. Some people find white-lipped tree frog sounds like duck quacks. Again, some people resemble the sound of a cat sounds like a mew.
During the rainy season, white-lipped tree frog sounds like duck quack or loud, harsh croaking. These frogs sound like wark-wark-wark. Some people compare it to a dog barking. Again, their sound turns into mewing when the frogs are in fear or distress.
In summer and spring, white-lipped tree frogs make the sound as their advertising calls. You can also name it their mating calls.
8. Pacific Tree Frog
Pacific tree frog produces several types of sound depending on the situation.
After approaching a female pacific tree frog, a male pacific tree frog makes a one-part call, like krreeck. These frogs make aggressive calls aiming at other male pacific frogs.
At the beginning of raining, pacific tree frogs make land calls. Then, the pacific tree frogs sound like one noted krreeck-eck.
Although these frogs make sounds or calls at any time, they make large choruses at night. Besides, the perfect time to hear the pacific tree frogs sound is during their breeding season (February to June).
9. Mink Tree Frog
The sounds or calls of a mink tree frog are a large chorus. Besides, this sound lacks the twangy bounce and is similar to somewhat of popcorn popping.
When mink tree frogs make a sound to attract a female mink tree frog, they sound like cut-cut-cut-cut. It is a rapid series of four sharp woody raps advertisement calls. On the other hand, the mink tree frogs sound differently while getting aroused. Then, the mink tree frogs sound like grrruut-grrruut-grrruut-grrruut.
Not to mention, this call is a rolling, stuttered sound.
10. Boreal Chorus Tree Frog
Another identical sound is the sound of boreal chorus tree frogs. These frogs make a musical, slow, and short rasping sound.
If you know how your thumb makes a sound pulling across the teeth of a comb, you can smoothly recognize the boreal chorus tree frog sound.
These frogs make the exact chorus sound of stroking the teeth of a comb.
Moreover, the boreal chorus tree frog sound lasts over a second.
11. Canyon Tree Frog
Canyon tree frog makes high pitched, loud sound. Also, the canyon tree frogs sound like krrrrr-errrr.
You can hear the advertising calls of canyon tree frogs in their breeding season from March to August. Besides, these frogs make sounds higher at night time.
But, it is not very unusual to hear a canyon tree frog making sounds during the daytime. If the frogs hear any loud noises or thunder, they will make sounds during the daytime, as well.
12. Pine Barrens Tree Frog
As April to September is the breeding season of pine barrens tree frogs, these frogs will make sounds frequently in these months.
Pine barrens tree frog sounds like honk-honk-honk or quonk-quonk-quonk.
Besides, the pine barrens frogs repeat this nasal sound rapidly at a rate of 25 calls per 20 seconds. But, these frogs do not take frequent intervals among their calls.
13. Pine Woods Tree Frog
Do you know that pinewoods tree frogs are also called Morse code frogs? Not to mention, they gained such a unique name because of their repetitive tapping sounds like Morse codes.
Pinewoods tree frogs sound like a kek-kek-kek-kek call. So, this is kind of a buzzing, machine-like sound.
The pinewoods tree frogs make such frequent calls or chorus, especially after heavy rainfall.
However, these pinewood frogs make such mating calls from March to October. So, these frogs usually make such calls from the breeding sites like ditches, ponds, swamps, shallow water-filled areas, etc.
14. Northern Cricket Frog
Like other tree frogs, male northern cricket frogs produce calls to attract a female one for mating. But, the northern cricket frogs make a sound not only at night but also during day time.
Mainly, the sounds of northern tree frogs resemble the chirping of crickets. No wonder why these frogs have got such a name!
Thus, northern cricket frogs sound like glick-glick-glick, which is similar to the sound of some pebbles knocked together.
So, people usually hear the sound of northern cricket frogs from April to August. You can hear their sound originating from the breeding places or sites like streams, marshes, river banks, etc.
15. Spring Peeper Tree Frog
The advertisement calls and aggressive sound of spring peeper tree frogs are pretty different. Also, spring peeper tree frogs try to show off their strength by making strong trill or vocalization.
Spring peeper tree frogs produce purrrreeeeekk sound like a melodic whistle.
Further, the sound is pretty loud. Moreover, the distant chorus of spring peeper tree frog resembles with jingling sound of sleigh bells.
These frogs start the advertising call at a slower pitch at the beginning. But, they raise the pitch at the end of the sound. In the months of late summer and autumn, spring peeper tree frogs make sounds like squeaky peeps.
16. American Green Tree Frog
People can mistake the calls of an American green tree frog as the horn of any vehicle.
American green tree frog sounds like an abrupt horn or bark. So, you can compare it with a loud bell.
Moreover, these frogs make sounds pretty frequently.
So, American green tree frogs can repeat sounds 75 times in a minute. Besides, you’ll find them producing such mating calls in your backward, streams, grasses close to water, etc.
17. Australian Green Tree Frog
The call of the Australian green tree frog is pretty short and fast tapping.
Australian green tree frog sounds like bike roars. Also, the croaking or sounds of these frogs are harsh to hear. Consequently, the sound might seem to you pretty loud, hoarse, and barking, or roaring.
Usually, these frogs get loud at night. During the rainy seasons, you’ll hear the highest amount of Australian green tree frog calls.
Australian green tree frogs make sound from a lofty place close to any still water sources. So, the American green tree frogs call near the places chosen for breeding.
Since the breeding season of Australian green tree frogs is from November to February, you’ll hear the maximum advertising calls from them.
18. White Tree Frog
White tree frogs start frequent calling after periods of heavy rainfall usually.
The advertising calls or sounds of white tree frogs are series of loud croaking, squeaking, or screaming. So, the white tree frogs sound like quack-quack-quack.
However, the croaking sound of white tree frogs seems abrupt barking.
Although white tree frogs are not very social, they try to socialize through breeding calls to attract female white tree frogs. So, you’ll hear repetitive croaking sounds of white tree frogs from November to April.
19. Southern Cricket Frog
The sound of southern cricket frogs is hardly distinguishable from the south of northern cricket frogs.
Southern cricket frog produces breeding sounds like gick-gick-gick. Also, the sound is massively repeated and loud. The sound of southern cricket frog matches with the clicking of rattles or metals.
You get to hear the southern cricket frog making the sound more often in late spring and summer.
20. Southern Brown Tree Frog
People can hear the distinctive sound of southern brown tree frogs from miles.
The calls of southern brown tree frogs are similar to very high-pitched whistles. So, the southern tree frogs sound like weep-weep-weep.
Besides, these frogs take intervals of a few seconds between calls.
People find the southern brown tree frogs making sounds all over the year. But, these frogs tend to make sounds more frequently after rainfall.
21. Arizona Tree Frog
Arizona tree frogs make different sounds for both advertising to female frogs and warning other male frogs.
In the case of breeding calls, Arizona tree frogs sound like low-pitched humming buzz. On the other hand, Arizona tree frogs sound like metallic-clattering to warn other male Arizona tree frogs.
So, Arizona tree frogs usually make such metallic clack-like sounds as their encounter calls. During summer, Arizona tree frogs start making frequent breeding sounds to attract female Arizona tree frogs.
22. Mountain Chorus Tree Frog
People often get confused between the sound of the pacific chorus tree frog and the mountain chorus tree frog.
The trill of the mountain chorus tree frog is high, harsh, and two syllabled. So, the mountain chorus tree frog sounds like wreck or reeek.
Anybody can hear the sound of a mountain chorus tree frog clearly from even a quarter-mile away.
The researchers found out that these frogs can make sounds at a rate of 50-70 per minute. Besides, the mountain chorus tree frogs repeat the calls pretty fast and rapidly.
Again, the mountain chorus tree frog sounds depend on the fall and rise of temperature also. Generally, late February to March is the perfect time for breeding calls of these frogs.
23. Brimley’s Chorus Tree Frog
The Brimley’s chorus tree frog sound is pretty high.
The advertisement calls of Brimley’s chorus tree frog is a series of short, raspy trills. So, the resonating bass notes sound like quaaack-quaaack. Also, these frogs take a few seconds gap or intervals between calls.
Moreover, these frogs start producing breeding calls in the months from December to April.
24. Blanchard’s Cricket Frog
Blanchard’s cricket frogs sound not only at night but also in the morning.
However, Blanchard’s cricket frogs sound like clicking or tapping sounds of two marvels together. These frogs sound like clik-clik-clik-clik.
Also, the sound is pretty loud and repetitive. The Blanchard’s cricket frogs allow a very short pause between calls.
25. California Tree Frog
Matured male California tree frogs use their vocalization to attract female frogs in the breeding season. So, the advertising calls are highly heard, especially in early February.
The California tree frogs sound like quack-quack that ends abruptly. Also, this sound of a California tree frog is a nasal, duck-like, low-pitched sound. Besides, it is a pretty quick and loud sound.
However, these frogs repeat the calls frequently shortly after less than one second.
26. Red-eyed Tree Frog
Red-eyed tree frogs make sounds in several situations. For example, red-eyed tree frogs produce breeding calls. Also, these frogs make territory calls. Again, they sound when the humidity increases.
Red-eyed tree frogs make chuckling sounds. Or, you can say that red-eyed frogs sound like quack-quack. So, this is a duck-like sound.
However, the sound of red-eyed tree frogs goes to its peak in June.
27. Cajun Chorus Tree Frog
Although people hear the maximum calls of Cajun chorus tree frogs at night, these frogs make a sound during the daytime.
Cajun chorus tree frogs sound like a short noted creeek sound. So, Cajun chorus tree frogs produce one-noted advertising calls.
Cajun chorus tree frogs make sounds of 13 pulses in a call per second. Moreover, these frogs continue their breeding calls for several months. But, Cajun chorus tree frogs make the highest calls during late winter or early spring.
28. Upland Chorus Tree Frog
You can compare the upland chorus tree frog sound with a metallic buzz.
The mating calls of upland chorus tree frog sound like creek-creeeek or preep-preeeep.
Also, the sound is loud and sharp.
These frogs usually make their repetitive sounds in early spring and winter. These are the breeding seasons for the frogs. Hence, the upland chorus tree frogs repeat the sound rapidly to show their strength to female upland chorus tree frogs.
29. Ornate Chorus Tree Frog
The similarity of calls of both ornate chorus tree frog and spring peeper tree frog is closely intimate.
Ornate chorus tree frogs sound like ting-ting-ting-ting. Besides, the calls are not only rapid but also monotonic.
You might have mistaken the ornate chorus frog sound with birds chirping. Sometimes, you may find the sound resembling the low-pitched sound of any alarm clock.
Ornate chorus tree frog produces frequent mating calls from December to March.
30. Cuban Tree Frog
The sound of a Cuban tree frog is too loud that you might need an earplug to get rid of their noise.
Cuban tree frogs produce variably pitched breeding calls.
For advertising, these frogs tend to make long, chorus mating calls. On the other hand, Cuban tree frogs also make sounds when they are in distress.
31. Western Chorus Tree Frog
The calls of the western chorus tree frog are so loud that people can hear the chorus sound from even a half-mile away.
The breeding calls of western chorus tree frogs are a series of wringing sounds. So, the western chorus tree frogs sound like creeeek-creek-creeeek.
It is almost similar to the sound of pulling across the teeth of a comb.
Western chorus tree frog can make 18-20 calls per minute, taking short intervals during calls. When the temperature rises, these frogs increase the rate of sounds up to 30-90 calls per minute.
Since March and April are the breeding seasons of western chorus tree frogs, you’ll hear these frogs making sounds or croaking during these months.
32. Midland Chorus Tree Frog
People hear the sounds of midland chorus tree frogs, especially in March.
Midland chorus tree frog sounds like other chorus tree frogs. So, the calls of these frogs are similar to running your fingernail over the teeth of a stiff comb. Also, the trill is short and high-pitched.
Moreover, the trills of the midland chorus tree frog get slower when the temperature falls.
33. Little Grass Tree Frog
The sound of little grass tree frogs is similar to the chirping of crickets or such tiny insects. Also, these frogs make such low sounds that the calls are hardly audible to humans.
The advertisement calls of little grass tree frogs are high-pitched, tinkling, or ringing sound. Besides, little grass tree frogs sound like craawork-tink.
The calls of little grass tree frogs get higher at night or after rainfall. However, these frogs start producing breeding calls from January to September.
34. Strecker’s Chorus Tree Frog
Strecker’s chorus tree frog is unique because of beginning the breeding in late winter. Hence, you’ll hear more advertising calls of Strecker’s chorus tree frog during their breeding season from November to March.
Strecher’s chorus tree frogs sound like peep-peep. Also, this breeding sound is pretty high-pitched and sharp.
These frogs repeat these mating sounds frequently, applying a short pause of less than one second between calls.
35. Northern Casquehead Tree Frog
Northern casquehead tree frogs or lowland burrowing tree frogs have their distinctive sounds.
The sound is hoarse and loud. Besides, Northern casquehead tree frogs sound like wauk-wauk-wauk.
The calls of Northern casquehead tree frogs are very repetitive and paused by a short interval of fewer than one second.
June to September are the breeding seasons of northern casquehead tree frogs. So, these frogs make the breeding calls frequently in these months.
36. Southern Chorus Tree Frog
As southern chorus tree frogs are shy creatures, these frogs often make sounds hiding in grasses or holes.
Southern chorus frogs create a clear, musical trill. Also, it is kind of a sound of the tinkling of bells. These frogs sound like creeek.
In the breeding season of January-September, southern chorus tree frogs sound from shallow pools, ditches, fields, etc. Besides, you might hear their sounds after heavy rainfall.
37. Fowler’s Toad
Comparing with other tree frogs, Fowler’s toad makes a long sound with an interval of 3-4 seconds.
Fowler’s toad sounds like waaaaaaa. Also, this breeding call of Fowler’s toad is loud and sharp.
You will hear the sound of Fowler’s toad in the breeding season from quiet streams, roadside ditches, low grounds, etc. These frogs start calling or making sounds in mid-April.
38. Illinois Chorus Tree Frog
The breeding calls of Illinois are so loud that people can hear them clearly from a distance of up to one mile. Although these frogs remain underground, they make the sound coming out in agricultural areas, wetlands, grasslands, etc.
Illinois chorus tree frogs sound like preep. Besides, the sound is similar to a series of high-pitched whistles.
Late February to early April is the breeding season when Illinois chorus tree frogs make frequent breeding calls.
39. New Jersey Chorus Tree Frog
The calls of the new jersey chorus tree frog are almost similar to the sounds of other chorus tree frogs.
New jersey chorus tree frogs sound like crreeek or prreeep. It is a long series of repeated sharp, fast, musical sounds.
Besides, the sound has a short interval between calls. Also, the sounds or trills get higher near the ending.
New jersey chorus tree frogs start calling breeding sounds from late winter. Therefore, these frogs continue making sounds to June.
40. Mexican Tree Frog
The trills of Mexican tree frog sounds are short quick notes with medium pitch. Mexican tree frogs sound like a series of nasal calls.
Again, these frogs make 6-12 sounds in 1-2 seconds. However, they took pretty long intervals of 3-4 seconds between calls.
The maximum amount of calls are heard during the evening and at night. But, at the peak of the breeding season, you can also hear the sounds of the Mexican tree frog in the daytime.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do tree frogs make sound at night?
Tree frogs do make sound at night. Tree frogs are known for their remarkable mating calls, but their vocalizations do not end once the sun sets.
What does a frog sound like?
Frogs can make a variety of sounds depending on the species, their intent (mating, territorial defense), and the language that the human interpreting the sound speaks.
English speakers typically think frogs make a “Ribit Ribit” sound, whereas French speakers hear “Croac Croac.” Frogs can also make sounds like chirp, bark, scream, trill, croak, cluck, peep, beep, whistle, quack, hoot, and bellows, among others.
Do tree frogs sing?
Tree frogs do sing. Tree frogs are known for their remarkable mating calls, which they use to attract mates.
Male frogs of many species, including tree frogs, attract mates with advertisement calls. Each frog species has its own call so female frogs can listen for potential suitors of their own species.
Final Words
Each tree frog has their unique, distinctive sound. Although the sound of some species of tree frogs get matched often, the breeding seasons are different. I hope this article helped you determine the sound of the tree frogs by noting down their trills, pitch, sound intervals, breeding seasons, etc.
About Author
Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of AcuarioPets.com. I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.
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