How To Make An Aquaponics Betta Fish Tank? [DIY+Pictures]

Are the readymade aquaponic betta fish tank too costly for you? Then, why don’t you make your own aquaponic betta fish tank by yourself? To implement your ideas and save some money, you can DIY an aquaponic betta fish tank.

In this article, I’ve made a step-by-step guide to making an aquaponic betta fish tank at home. You’ll also find the best plants for aquaponic betta tank, some incredible aquaponic betta tank DIY ideas, and other relevant information.

So, let’s not waste more time reading the entire article to get an overview of DIYing an aquaponic betta tank.

Key Takeaways

  1. An aquaponic system refers to a combination of keeping fish as pets and growing plants without soil.
  2. To make an aquaponic betta fish tank, you need to choose plants that demand similar water parameters as betta fish.
  3. The plants take nutrients from the betta tank in an aquaponic betta tank system.
  4. Before DIYing an aquaponic betta tank, you should decide whether you’ll make a commercial or mini aquaponic system.

What Is An Aquaponic Betta Tank?

Have you already realized how the ecosystem of ponds or lakes works? You can notice wonderful plant growth in these water bodies where fish can live peacefully. No other commercial components or chemicals are required for those plants and fish.

An aquaponic system mimics such a natural method. If you’re a newbie to the term- aquaponic tank, you should get entitled to this tank first.

In short, it’s an umbrella term where people can grow plants without soil that takes nutrients from fish wastes. So, an aquaponic betta tank means a combination of growing betta fish and hydroponics in a closed tank.

An aquaponic betta tank works by balancing an ecosystem between plants and betta fish. This environment-friendly system depends on natural food growing methods. In this system, the input is the betta fish food.

When your betta fish consume the food, these foods turn into fecal and urine later. Not to mention, these betta fish wastes, leftover foods, and other decaying matters contribute ammonia to the tank water. Afterward, the beneficial bacteria of the tank nitrify the ammonia-rich wastes into nitrogen-based nutrients.

On the other hand, plants work as natural filters that take up these nutrients for their growth and nourishment. At the same time, the betta tank water becomes purified and toxin-free. This balanced combination of plants and betta fish ensures a healthy environment in an aquaponic betta tank.

betta fish among colorful plants
Owner: Tony Vincent

Want the inside track on Betta? This post is your go-to guide. How to Quill a Beautiful Betta Fish: Easy Techniques for Beginners

3 Types Of Aquaponic Betta Tank

There are mainly three aquaponic betta tank models popular among hobbyists. If you combine these methods, it may turn into a hybrid aquaponic betta tank model. So, let’s get to know about the three types of aquaponic betta tanks below.

1. Media-Based Aquaponic Betta Tank

Among all aquaponic tank systems, a media-based aquaponic tank is the most popular system. In this method, a medium or grow bed is used to support the plant roots. Expanded clay pallets or gravels are used as a medium.

Like a filtration system, this medium works as a mechanical filter for this aquaponic betta tank. When the water of the betta tank reaches the rock media, the beneficial bacteria will break down the fish wastes. Later, this waste will turn into nutrients for the plants.

You can grow large crops by media based aquaponic betta tank system. However, higher maintenance and cleaning are required for this aquaponic tank.

2. Raft System Aquaponic Betta Tank

The raft system is also known as the Deep Water Culture system. In this aquaponic tank, you’ll require a pool of water with around 1 foot in depth. The roots of the water will float in that water. Then, a floating raft is used to suspend the plant roots into nutrient-rich water.

That’s why, people call it a raft system aquaponic tank. If you follow this aquaponic system for your betta fish, you must require a filter to process the solid wastes. 

Since a filter is used, there will not be many nutrient fluctuations. However, this raft aquaponic system is more suitable for warmer tropical climates.

3. Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) System

In the commercial industry, the nutrient film technique (NFT) is pretty popular. This aquaponics betta tank will be space efficient. A vertical plane or shelf is used in this system to grow plants. But, you can choose only leafy greens for the NFT system.

Besides, you’ll require a PVC pipe that needs to be connected with both the betta fish tank and plant shelf. A shallow flow of nutrient-rich water will reach from the betta tank to the plant shelf.

But, this NFT system is not suitable for growing flowering plants. The urban aquarists try to follow this aquaponic betta tank due to their shortage of space.

Get the full scoop on Betta—check out this must-read article! 7 Types Of Halfmoon Betta Fish [With Pictures]

Are Betta Fish Good For Aquaponics?

Many betta lovers wonder whether betta fish can be good for aquaponics. The answer is yes! Your betta fish can thrive well in an aquaponic system.

The experts suggest keeping either edible fish or ornamental fish in an aquaponic system. As an ornamental fish, betta fish have huge fame for their hardy nature. Besides, your betta fish can tolerate temperature fluctuations. 

betta fish swimming among green plants
Owner: Soph Jefferies

So, betta fish can be tolerant of pH and temperature changes in an aquaponic system. These fish will produce beneficial waste nutrients. Not to mention, the plants of the aquaponic require these nutrients for their nourishment.

In short, betta will be a great choice for aquaponics if you do not plan to eat your fish from this system. If you live in a warmer climate, you can readily pick betta fish for aquaponics. Let’s take the following small chart mentioning the environmental requirements for betta fish.

Temperature75-80 degrees Fahrenheit
pH level6.5-8

What Items Do You Need To Make An Aquaponic Betta Fish Tank?

Before setting up an aquaponic betta tank, you should collect all items beforehand. Why don’t you make a list of the required items for your aquaponics? It’ll help you do the grocery smoothly.

Let’s see what items you may need to make an aquaponic betta fish tank.

1. Tank

The very first thing that you put on your shopping list is a tank. But, you may need a few tanks to complete an aquaponic betta fish tank. You’ll require a tank for your betta fish, another tank for plants, and a tank for the filtration system.

To make an aquaponic betta tank, you will require a perfect-sized fish tank. Now, fish tanks can come in several types, shapes, and sizes.

To bring aesthetics, betta lovers tend to choose differently shaped fish tanks. Such as oval, round, rectangular, or square tank. On the contrary, you can choose a fish tank made of any material.

People often choose glass or plexiglass tanks to put betta fish for aquaponics. But, plastic fish tank is also popular for their attributes of lightweight and easy maintenance. The ideal size for your betta fish tank should be within 5-20 gallons.

You must not bring a smaller tank than 5 gallons depending on the size of your betta, you should consider 50 ft square of surface area for each pound of your adult betta fish. If possible, you should buy a larger tank. It’ll help you set a larger grow bed.

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2. Grow Bed

To set up a grow bed or filter media, you’ll need a slightly larger container than your betta fish tank. The grow bed container needs to be set above the fish tank. You can choose a plastic container for the grow bed of your betta aquaponics.

The experts follow a ratio of grow bed to the fish tank in an aquaponic system. Depending on the designs, the size of the grow bed to the betta tank should be 1:1 or 2:1. A larger grow bed will help you grow varieties of plants.

The most significant thing to concern about growing a bed is its depth. It must be 12-14 inches deep bedding filled with gravel or expended clays. Deep bedding of grow bed will pass nutrient-rich water well to the roots of the plants.

However, you should not fill the tank. Leave around 1-2” of the top level of the container dry. It’ll prevent algae or fungal growth at the top. For cheaper options, you can use a few plastic tubs together.

Another significant thing to note down is pH. Before selecting the type of grow bed, you should figure out whether you make an alkaline or acidic grow bed.

betta fish hiding behind wood
Owner: Shea Willis

3. Water Pump

A water pump is a must-thing for your aquaponic betta fish tank. It’ll pump the water from the betta fish tank to the grow bed. Later, the pumped water will return to the betta tank by gravity.

You might know that water flow plays a crucial role in an aquaponic system. If the water flow is too low, your betta fish may become stressed. On the contrary, higher water flow can flush out the nutrients quickly from the fish tank. It causes nutrient deficiencies for the plants.

That’s why you need to choose the right water pump with an efficient water-flow rate. The experts suggest choosing a water pump that can circulate water in only two hours. If your fish tank contains less than 100 gallons of water, the water pump should circulate the water within one hour.

Hence, you should buy a water pump with at least 100 GPH. You can also calculate the ideal water flow rate to ensure optimal performance. It varies according to the tank size, number of betta fish, types of media used, and the growth of plants.

If your aquaponic betta tank is a small system, you can use a submersible water pump. For a larger aquaponic betta tank, you can keep an inline

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4. Air Pump

To introduce more oxygen to your aquaponics, you should install an air pump. The dissolved oxygen will help the beneficial bacteria convert betta fish wastes into nutrients for aquaponic plants. Moreover, this dissolved oxygen is required for betta respiration and plant perspiration.

 It’ll create lots of oxygen bubbles. These oxygen bubbles will add oxygen to your betta fish tank. Besides, an air pump will supply oxygen to the grow bed for your plants.

5. Air Stone

Air stones are porous stones that are required for air pumps. Depending on the flow rate, you should choose the number of air stones for your air pump. You can place air stones in your betta tank or biofilter.

6. Water

In an aquaponic betta tank, you should consider about three factors. These are betta fish, plants, and nitrifying bacteria. Considering all three things, the water pH should remain within 6.8-7.

The best water for an aquaponic betta tank can be rainwater. Otherwise, you can use treated tap water. In short, you can use filtered water for your aquaponic betta tank.

betta fish peeking out from coconut cave
Owner: Ok_Zone2813

7. Grow Light

Since you have plants in your aquaponic betta tank, these plants require light sources for their photosynthesis. You can fulfill their demand with a natural light source. Otherwise, you should take the help of electric light for the indoor aquaponic system.

The experts suggest LED lighting as grow light for your aquaponics. However, you should check the light intensity while selecting grow light.

8. Under Tank Heater

Since betta fish are cold-blooded creatures, these fish require a constant temperature to thrive in an aquaponic system. To prevent stress for your betta, a tank heater is a must-thing for your aquaponic system. If you live in a cold climate, a tank heater will insulate the betta tank and grow bed.

There are several options of heaters for your aquaponic betta tank. You can install a submersible tank heater, an immersible tank heater, and an In-line tank heater. According to the experts, the best option for a heater is a submersible heater for your aquaponic betta tank.

Before installing a heater in your aquaponic betta tank system, you should consider a few factors. Such as-

  • The average room temperature
  • Desired tank temperature
  • Total water volume

Expand your understanding of Betta—click here to uncover more! 6 Types Of plakat Betta Fish [With Pictures]

9. Live Aquatic Plants: Best Plants For Betta Fish Aquaponics

Two compulsory elements of an aquaponic system are fish and plants. In an aquaponic system, you can grow and harvest any plants that you want. But, some plants are suitable for smaller aquaponic betta tanks.

On the other hand, some plants are nutrient-hungry. These types of plants require a larger space to thrive well. Before choosing plants for your aquaponic betta tank, you should check out a few factors.

First, you need to determine what kinds of aquaponic systems you have. If it is a raft or NFT system aquaponic tank, you should keep plants with smaller roots. On the contrary, a media-based aquaponics betta tank will give you the luxury to grow almost any plant.

That’s why, you should consider the available space for your aquaponic betta tank. Also, the climate is a significant factor in choosing plants. After considering all these factors, you can choose leafy greens, flowering plants, herbs, vegetables, fruiting plants, small root plants, etc.

I’ve made a small chart mentioning the best plants depending on the aquaponic tank type.

Media Bed Aquaponic SystemNutrient Film TechniqueRaft System
CauliflowerBroccoli rabeBeets
GingerLettucesBok Choy
PepperBlueberriesSwiss Chard
SquashMintsSweet corns
BroccoliSpring onionsChives
Citrus fruit Orchids
Basil Radishes
Kale Asparagus
betta fish peeking from skull aquarium decor
Owner: Repulsive-Stand11

10. Clay Pebbles And Gravels

These are used as the media of grow bed. Depending on the pH of the growing media, you should choose between clay pebbles and gravel. Before that, you need to know about the pH requirement of your plants.

If your plants thrive in an acidic environment, you should make a gravel bed. On the other hand, plants like blueberries require an alkaline environment. To create a grow bed of pH 7-8, you should make grow bed with clay pebbles.

11. PVC Piping

These pipes are required to transfer water from your betta fish tank to grow bed. The experts recommend choosing 3-4 inches of piping for your aquaponic system.

12. Bell Siphon

A bell siphon is a useful tool to drain out water from your grow bed. Otherwise, your plants may die due to the flood of water. When you need to drain your aquaponic system, you need not rely on the water pump. You can simply use a bell siphon.

13. Decorative Stones

These are not the stones used for a grow-media. You can use decorative stones in your betta fish tank. It is an optional item since these stones are used for decorative purposes.

14. Marimo Moss Ball

Marimo moss balls are small green balls of algae that give a velvety appearance. These will be an amazing addition as underwater plants for your betta fish tank.

15. Natural Beneficial Bacteria

Undoubtedly, beneficial play the role of the hero in an aquaponic system. Otherwise, the ammonia produced from your betta fish wastes will not turn into nitrate. That’s why you can add natural beneficial bacteria in a small quantity. It’ll help your aquaponic system kick off.

16. Betta Fish

Your grocery to set up an aquaponic betta tank will be incomplete without betta fish. You can buy betta fish from local or online stores. Make sure to choose healthy betta fish.

betta fish eating
Owner: Frankie Hernandez

17. Betta Food

Without betta fish wastes, the beneficial bacteria can not turn ammonia into nutrients for plants. For this reason, you should feed your betta healthy food. Aside from homemade food, you can buy several types of commercial betta foods from reliable stores.

18. Ph Test Kits

pH test kits are easy tools to monitor the pH level of your aquaponic system. Otherwise, your betta fish may not thrive in your aquaponic betta tank.

19. Thermometer

you might know that betta fish can not survive in cold temperatures. That’s why you should buy a thermometer beforehand. Monitoring the temperature range, you can raise or cool down the temperature of your betta fish tank

20. Seed Starting Tray

Seed starting trays are biodegradable trays. These trays will get mixed up with soil over time. If you want to plant seeds, you can use these nature-friendly seed starting trays.

21. Natural Sludge Eradicator

To keep the water quality good, you can use natural sludge eradicators. These will remove sludge from the grow-media and the fish tank. As a result, you will achieve a clean and odor-free aquaponics betta tank system.

How To Make An Aquaponic Betta Fish Tank?

DIYing an aquaponic betta tank must be fun and exciting for betta lovers. If you want to create such a balanced ecosystem of plants and betta fish, you should follow the step-by-step guidelines. Let’s see how to make an aquaponic betta tank at home.

Step 1: Cleaning All Required Things

Before starting the setup procedure, you should make a proper cleaning of the fish tank, clay pebbles or gravel, décor items, etc. Make sure not to leave any soap residues. If you use an old fish tank, you should sterilize the tank. Use a scraper to remove algae too.

Step 2: Set Up The Grow Bed

At first, you will need a drilling machine to drill the grow bed. Then, you should drill around a 1/8” hole at every 2 square inches of the grow bed bottom. These holes will help the water drain from the grow bed to your betta tank.

Use your grow media in the grow bed. Depending on the aquaponic types, you need to choose your preferable grow media. Some popular grow media are-

  • Clay pebbles
  • Lava rocks
  • Gravel
  • 3-4” river rocks
betta fish hiding under aquarium decor
Owner: Odd_Savings562

Step 3: Connect Required Equipment

You should connect the water pump’s tubing to one corner of the grow bed. Then, you need to adjust the water pump with your betta fish tank.

Besides, you can plug in the water pump to check out its ability. You should check whether the pump can cycle the water to the grow bed.

Later, the water should flow down the grow bed and into the betta fish tank. Also, you should place the air stones inside the betta tank.

Then, you should connect the air pump with the air stones. When you plug the air pump, you’ll notice lots of bubbles filled with oxygen developed in the tank.

Step 4: Add Décor Items

Since it is an aquaponic betta tank, you should remain concerned about two tanks. However, the betta fish tank should be similar to a regular betta tank. You need to keep necessary décor items for your betta fish in their tank.

To help your betta fish take a rest, you can keep some hideouts. In the list of décor items, you can add hollow coconut shells, mountain caves, moos balls, lava rocks, driftwood, and other artificial decorations.

Step 5: Fill The Tank With Water

Now, you should fill the tank with safe water. The experts strictly forbid to use tap or chlorinated water. You can filter the water or prepare the tap water. Although rainwater is the best option for aquaponic betta tanks, you can use any pH-neutral safe water.

Step 6: Test The Water

Before adding fish, you need to test the water with water test kits. Check out the temperature, pH, ammonia level, water hardness, etc. Considering the requirements of your betta fish, you should check other water parameters, such as nitrate, nitrite, dissolved oxygen, etc.

Step 7: Add Live Plants

Betta fish love to play and hide among plenty of plants and hideouts. Besides, plants will give off a natural vibe in your betta fish tank. That’s why you should add safe plants for your betta fish.

You should remember that the live plants must have similar requirements of water parameters as your betta. Also, these plants should not change the pH level of the water.

Step 8: Add Beneficial Bacteria

To kick the establishment of this new eco-system you can add some beneficial bacteria into your aquaponic betta tank. 1 ounce of beneficial bacteria will suffice to start the process. I’ll recommend using Zym Bac Natural Beneficial Live Bacteria.

betta fish tank with indian almond leave, moss ball
Owner: James Trot

Step 9: Cycle The Tank

Adding the beneficial bacteria is a part of cycling the tank. The purpose of doing fishless cycling is to start the process of nitrifying ammonia. For this, you can leave some fish foods to rot in the tank. Otherwise, you can leave some ammonia.

Since you have already added beneficial bacteria, these bacteria will turn ammonia into nitrite. Then, it’ll turn into nitrate that the plants will take. When you add your betta fish, the waste will readily turn into nutrients for your plants.

Step 10: Acclimate Your Betta Fish

You must not throw your betta fish into the tank of your aquaponic system. It can cause stress to your betta fish. For this reason, acclimatizing your betta fish is a must to do work.

Keep the bag of your betta fish over the surface of the tank water. In this way, your betta fish will get accustomed to the temperature of its new tank water. After keeping the bag for 2-3 hours, you can finally add your betta fish.

Step 11: Introduce Your Betta

Now, this is the last step of setting up your aquaponic betta tank. After acclimation, you can introduce your betta in the already set tank.

You need to frequently check the water parameters after adding betta fish. Make sure to meet all requirements of your betta. If the water parameters of the betta tank don’t remain optimal, the plants in grow bed will not get enough nutrients. 

5 Things To Consider For An Aquaponic Betta Tank

The care guide for an aquaponic betta tank system is simple. You need to keep in mind the environmental consideration for your aquaponics. Let’s take a look at the things to consider for an aquaponic betta tank.

1. Humidity

The ideal humidity level of your aquaponic system depends on the types of plants grown in the system. You should ensure good evaporation and moisture level in the space of your aquaponic betta tank system. Depending on your climate, the humidity range should be within 50%-70%.

6 month old betta
Owner: 1ftintherave

2. Temperature

Temperature plays a crucial role to balance the combination of plants, betta fish, and beneficial bacteria. There are some sayings that people tend to keep their aquaponic tanks in the ground to keep them warm. However, the ideal temperature range depends on your climate, and the requirement of betta fish, and plants.

The experts suggest keeping the aquaponic tank water around 68-86 degrees Fahrenheit warmer. You need to insulate the betta tank, grow bed, and piping. If you do not keep the ideal temperature range, the beneficial bacteria will not thrive in your aquaponic betta tank system.

3. Lighting

To ensure proper growth of your plants, you must consider the type and duration of lighting. Natural lighting sources can be the best option for your aquaponic betta tank. Generally, people tend to set up their aquaponic tank in a place with an abundance of sunlight.

But, it might be difficult for an indoor aquaponic betta tank system. In such a case, you may need to rely on electrical lighting.

Depending on the type of plants, you can use several types of grow lights. Such as LED grow lights, induction grow lights, fluorescent grow lights, etc. The experts suggest providing at least 12 hours of lighting each day.

4. Water Spillage

One of the biggest disadvantages of aquaponic betta tanks is the risk of water spillage. Your aquaponic tank may crack. Sometimes, holes can be created in the teak.

As a result, the area can get wet due to such accidents. You should think about this risk while placing your aquaponic betta tank.

5. Water Drainage System

For maintenance, you may require to flood the grow bed. Also, changing water is an essential task to keep the water quality good. That’s why you should outline a water drainage system beforehand.

However, if you want any recommendations for a readymade aquaponic system, I’ll suggest PENN-PLEX Aquaponic Betta Tank.

In this readymade aquaponic tank, you’ll get a 0.5-gallon betta fish tank. The betta fish tank is made of clear plastic. So, you can enjoy the activity of your betta fish from the outside of the tank.

Its dimensions are 6*6*8 inches. Besides, PENN-PLEX aquaponic system provides ceramic plant media. There’s a black plastic top that needs to get opened to provide fish food to your betta.

When you want to add water to your aquaponic system, you can water the plants. You can grow any type of plant that absorbs its nutrients from the betta tank. This PENN-PLEX Aquaponic betta tank will cost you only $19.

10 Aquaponic Betta Tank Design Ideas

1. Fusion Aquaponic Betta Tank

If you want to make your aquaponic system more unique, you can make fusions of aquatic and terrestrial plants. You might wonder because terrestrial plants thrive well in the setup of terrestrial tanks. That’s why you can call it a fusion aquaponics betta due to adding terrestrial plants with aquatic plants.

Firstly, you should set up the betta fish tank well. To create a naturalistic vibe, you can add Vallisneria, java fern, waterweeds, etc. These plants will create good hiding spots for your betta fish.

On top of the betta tank, you can keep your chosen plants with the help of sheets or racks. You can include colorful flowering plants that’ll make your aquaponic betta tank a garden. Make sure that the leaves and shoots of the terrestrial plants should not be submerged.

2. Garden Cress Aquaponic Betta Tank

You can make an urban garden with a garden cress aquaponics betta tank. In this aquaponic tank design, you can maintain simplicity. To make it more unique, this tank design follows a desktop mini aquaponic tank.

You can avoid overstocking your betta fish tank. So, your betta can roam freely in its tank among waterweeds and gravel at the bottom. Then, you should keep your garden cress plants on the top of the betta tank. The fish wastes will turn into nitrate that the garden cress will happily consume.

3. Minimalistic Aquaponic Betta Tank

If you practice minimalism, this aquaponic betta tank design should be preferable for you. You can make a balanced ecosystem of betta fish and peace lilies in this aquaponic tank system. No excess items are required for this aquaponic system.

First, you need to set up a simple betta tank. To make it minimalistic, you need to add only rotate plants into your betta fish tank. To make a cohabitation of plants and fish, you can keep a peace lily on the top of the betta tank.

The roots of the peace lily need to be submerged in the water of the betta fish tank. The nitrifying bacteria will turn the ammonia into nitrate. As a result, your peace lily plant can thrive well by taking nutrients from the betta tank.

4. Mason Jar Aquaponic Betta Tank

When everybody chooses a square tank for aquaponics, you can try something different with a mason jar. Create your mini aquaponic system in a mason jar with your betta fish and philodendron plant. Since a mason jar can hold a small amount of water, you can grow only one plant in this aquaponic system.

5. Self-Cleaning Aquaponic Betta Tank

What about an aquaponic betta tank system that needs minimal human intervention? You can get this by setting up a self-cleaning aquaponic betta tank.

For this, you will require a 3-gallon betta fish tank. Also, you’ll need gravels for growing media, a water pump, an air pump, organic seeds, betta fish food, etc. Since it is a small tank, the filter will automatically clean the betta tank water.

On the contrary, the plants will absorb nutrients from the water of your betta fish tank. You need to make this water garden over the grow bed which is placed over the betta tank.

6. Aquaponic Betta Herb Garden

Since you can grow any plants in your aquaponic system, medicinal herbs can be an amazing choice for aquaponic plants. In this aquaponic betta herb garden, you can create a balanced ecosystem of betta fish and herbs. Once your betta fish tank is completed, you can add your herb plants to the betta tank.

For this, you can choose peppermint, basil, wheatgrass, sprouts, etc. Make sure to balance the pH and temperature according to the demand for betta fish and herb plants. By creating a symbiotic balance, you can grow your herb garden packed with lots of health benefits.

7. Simple Indoor Garden Aquaponic Betta Tank

Do you want to make an indoor garden? Then, you can establish an aquaponic system where you can grow plants with betta fish.

It can be a media-based aquaponic system. Otherwise, a raft-based aquaponic system will help the plants float over the betta tank surface. For this, you need to set up a simple tank for your betta fish in the beginning.

Then, you can add garden grass to the grow bed of your aquaponic system. These plants will grow well since their roots take nutrients from the betta tank. Do not forget to install a water pump, air pump, lighting, and other necessary items.

8. Color Paradise Betta Aquaponic Tank

If you want to set up an aquaponic betta tank on a small scale, you can try this color paradise betta aquaponic tank design. You can grow lots of colorful flowering plants that may look like a small paradise on your desk.

Since it is a mini aquaponic betta tank, it’ll not need much water change. That’s why you should not add more than 1-2 betta fish. By following a raft system or media-based aquaponics, you can grow colorful flowering and other types of plants in this color paradise aquaponic design. 

9. Wheatgrass Aquaponic Betta Tank

In this aquaponic tank design, you can cultivate wheatgrass in a balanced ecosystem with betta fish. For this, you need to soak the seeds for 8 hours. After that, you can drain the water.

Afterward, you should leave the wheatgrass seeds for 7-8 hours. After repeating the same process a few times, you need to place the seeds in the grow bed. To acquire maximum production, you should keep the seed density right.

Make sure to keep the humidity level ideal. Also, you should ensure to maintain optimal water parameters in your betta fish tank.

10. Raft Based Betta Tank

This tank design is a perfect example of Raft based aquaponic tank system. As you can see, the plant roots are hanging in the water. Some sheets help the plants float over the surface.

The betta tank is well established with all required items. You need to add substrate at the bottom layer of the tank. Then, you can include driftwood, Rotala plants, Anubis, and other décor items.

Since the plants’ roots are connected to the betta tank, these plants receive nutrient-rich water from the tank. Electric lighting should be adjusted for the good nourishment of the plants.

Are Betta Fish Good For Hydroponics?

The answer is no. Although betta fish are good for aquaponics, these fish do not have any function in hydroponics.

The key difference between aquaponics and hydroponics systems is the method of taking nutrients. Hydroponics systems do not require fish wastes as nutrients for plants. That’s why betta fish will not be good for hydroponics.

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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