10 Brilliant DIY Bearded Dragon Hides You Can Make in an Afternoon

Is your bearded dragon staring at their tank like it’s the most boring place on Earth? Don’t worry—we’ve all been there.

Store-bought hides can be pricey and, let’s face it, not always “dragon-approved.”

That’s where these 10 DIY hide ideas come in. They’re affordable, creative, and you can whip them up in just an afternoon!

10 DIY bearded dragon hide ideas

1. Coconut Shell Hide

Supplies Needed:

  • Large coconut
  • Saw or serrated knife
  • Sandpaper
  • Spoon or scraper
  • Reptile-safe paint (optional)


  1. Take a large coconut and cut it in half using a saw or serrated knife. Ensure the cut is clean and wide enough for your dragon to enter.
  2. Use a spoon or scraper to remove the coconut meat completely.
  3. Sand the edges of the entrance hole to make them smooth and safe.
  4. If desired, paint the outside with reptile-safe paint for added color and seal with a non-toxic sealant.
  5. Place the shell in the enclosure upside down, with the entrance hole facing outward.

2. Clay or Terracotta Pot Hide

Supplies Needed:

  • Terracotta pot (6-8 inches)
  • Sandpaper or file
  • Reptile-safe paint or decorations (optional)


  1. Lay the terracotta pot on its side to create a natural cave.
  2. Use sandpaper or a file to smooth any sharp edges, especially around the opening.
  3. Optionally, decorate the pot with reptile-safe paints or wrap it in natural moss to make it blend with the tank setup.
  4. Position it in a quiet corner of the tank, partially burying it in the substrate for stability.

3. Cardboard Box Hide

Supplies Needed:

  • Thick cardboard box
  • Scissors or utility knife
  • Non-toxic paints or paper for decoration
  • Reptile-safe sealant (optional)


  1. Choose a cardboard box that’s big enough for your bearded dragon to comfortably hide in.
  2. Cut an entrance hole on one side using a utility knife. Ensure the hole is smooth and free of jagged edges.
  3. Decorate the box with non-toxic paint or wrap it in reptile-safe paper. For added durability, apply a thin coat of sealant.
  4. Place it in the tank and replace it periodically as cardboard tends to degrade over time.

Discover more cool facts about Bearded Dragon with this detailed post! 8 Genius DIY Bearded Dragon Hammocks That Your Pet Will Love

4. PVC Pipe Tunnel

Supplies Needed:

  • PVC pipe (6-8 inches wide)
  • Saw
  • Sandpaper
  • Aquarium-safe adhesive (optional)
  • Rocks, sand, or substrate for decoration


  1. Cut a section of PVC pipe to your desired length, usually about 8-12 inches.
  2. Sand down the edges to ensure there are no sharp bits.
  3. Use aquarium-safe adhesive to attach rocks, sand, or substrate to the outside of the pipe to make it look natural.
  4. Place the pipe in the tank, angling it slightly if you want it to double as a climbing structure.

5. Stacked Slate Cave

Supplies Needed:

  • Flat slate stones
  • Aquarium-safe adhesive
  • Sandpaper (if needed)


  1. Gather slate stones of various sizes. Ensure they are clean and free of sharp edges.
  2. Stack the stones to form a cave-like structure, leaving enough space for your bearded dragon to crawl in and out comfortably.
  3. Use aquarium-safe adhesive to secure the stones together for stability.
  4. Allow the adhesive to dry completely before placing it in the tank. This hide also works as a basking spot!

6. Wooden Box or Bark Hide

Supplies Needed:

  • Small wooden box or cork bark pieces
  • Saw or utility knife
  • Reptile-safe sealant


  1. If using a wooden box, cut a hole in one side to create an entrance. Smooth the edges with sandpaper.
  2. If using cork bark, choose pieces that can naturally form a cave shape.
  3. Seal the wooden surfaces with reptile-safe sealant to prevent mold or water damage.
  4. Place the hide in the enclosure and partially bury it in the substrate for added stability.

7. DIY Foam and Grout Hide

Supplies Needed:

  • Expanding foam
  • Non-toxic grout
  • Utility knife
  • Reptile-safe paint


  1. Spray expanding foam into the desired shape of the hide. Let it fully cure.
  2. Carve the foam into a hide shape with a utility knife, making sure the entrance is large enough.
  3. Cover the foam with non-toxic grout for texture and durability. Apply multiple layers, letting each layer dry completely.
  4. Paint the hide with reptile-safe colors to mimic natural rock. Let it dry before placing it in the tank.

Hungry for knowledge about Bearded Dragon? We’ve got you covered in this article. 10 Bearded Dragon outdoor Enclosures That Are So Cool, You’ll Want to Move In Too

8. Plastic Container Hide

Supplies Needed:

  • Plastic container with lid
  • Utility knife or scissors
  • Sandpaper
  • Non-toxic decorations (optional)


  1. Cut an entrance hole in the plastic container, ensuring it’s big enough for your bearded dragon.
  2. Smooth the edges with sandpaper to remove any sharp bits.
  3. Decorate the container with non-toxic materials or paint to make it blend with the enclosure.
  4. Position it in the tank and partially bury it in the substrate if needed.

9. Plant Pot Saucer Hide

Supplies Needed:

  • Large plant pot saucer
  • Utility knife (if cutting is needed)
  • Reptile-safe paint or decorations (optional)


  1. Take a large saucer and flip it upside down to form a dome.
  2. If needed, cut an entrance hole using a utility knife and smooth the edges.
  3. Optionally, decorate the saucer with reptile-safe paint or attach moss or rocks.
  4. Place it in the enclosure and ensure it’s stable.

10. Log or Driftwood Hide

Supplies Needed:

  • Hollow log or large piece of driftwood
  • Sandpaper
  • Cleaning supplies (for sterilization)


  1. Select a hollow log or driftwood that’s large enough for your bearded dragon to hide inside.
  2. Clean and sterilize the wood by baking it in the oven at a low temperature or soaking it in a bleach solution (rinse thoroughly afterward).
  3. Sand down any rough spots or sharp edges.
  4. Place the wood in the tank as a natural and functional hide.
Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of AcuarioPets.com. I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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