Why Are My Cherry Shrimps Dying? [14 Reasons Why]

This is the most common question I receive from shrimp keepers. Not only new keepers, but even experienced ones face the death of cherry shrimp in their tanks. Cherry shrimp can die for many reasons.

Cherry shrimp can die for various reasons: sudden changes in water parameters (pH, temperature, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate), exposure to toxins (like copper or pesticides), poor diet, diseases (like Vorticella or bacterial infections), molting issues, or predation by tank mates. Regular monitoring and proper tank maintenance are crucial for their well-being.

Aside from not acclimating, there are many more reasons for cherry shrimp’s death. In the rest of the article, I’ll talk about each of these reasons and what can you do to avoid that.

why did my cherry shrimp die? 14 reasons

new shrimp in plastic bag
Owner: Ricky Sales
shrimp acclimation in a bowl
Owner: Ricky Sales

1. Not Acclimating

This is by far the most common reason behind the new shrimp’s death. Most new shrimp keepers make this mistake. After you get your new shrimp, dumping them directly into the tank is a big no-no.

You should never put newly bought shrimp directly into the tank. Doing so will shock and stress the shrimp, and it will often lead to their death.

This is because the water parameters where the shrimps previously lived most probably will not match with the parameters of your tank. And this can come as a shock to the shrimps. Also, there will be a temperature and pH imbalance between the two waters.

As shrimps are very delicate creatures, if they face such a change in the environment all of a sudden, most of them won’t even make it.

So, what needs to be done here? The answer is Drip Acclimation.

What Can You Do:

Drip acclimation is a very popular method of introducing new fishes to a new aquarium.

Drip acclimation is a process in which the fish gradually change their environment. As a result, when they are finally released into the new tank, they will not be shocked by changes in water parameters.

Drip acclimation is very necessary for delicate fishes, especially cherry shrimps. Here’s how you can do that:

  • First, get your shrimps safely to the home. Once you are home, get a bucket and slowly dump all the shrimp there. (of course, with the water they were transported in)
  • Then, get a regular-size tubing. Put one end of the tube in your aquarium. Now suck the other end, and as soon as you can see water reaching the other end, place that end on the bucket. Check if there is a smooth flow of water from the aquarium or not. If not, do it again.
  • Now that water is directly coming from the aquarium, we need to tie a knot at the bucket end so water doesn’t flow smoothly. It should only drip (1-2 drops per second) to the bucket. You can also do this using a control nozzle or valve.
  • Wait until the bucket is filled four times the initial amount. This process should take about a couple of hours. By this time, the shrimp will be ready for the new tank.
  • No matter how busy you are, never forget to drip acclimate your cherry shrimps before releasing them into a new tank.
  • If you want to make the whole process a hundred times easier, get this Drip Acclimation Kit. It comes with everything you’ll need to drip acclimate your shrimps.

If Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina) piqued your interest, this article will take you even further. 9 Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina) Diseases & How To Treat Them?

2. Stress

There are basically two sources for us to get shrimp: the local breeder and the fish store. Most fish stores import shrimp from overseas. Imported shrimp are often stressed by the long journey they had to endure. As a result of the stress, you can see a high mortality rate in the newly bought shrimp.

When shrimps are imported overseas, they have to go through a long journey, which can tire even us humans.

First, if the shrimps are wild-caught, they are transported from there to a farm and there to another shop in another country, mostly overseas. This dramatic change in the environment is capable enough to make a shrimp extremely stressed.

Even if the shrimps are farm-bred, they have to go through a dramatic environmental change twice when they are released into your aquarium. So, you can see how stressful it will be for the shrimps.

Due to this stress, new shrimps often die within a week after buying them.

According to a recent study, about 20%-100% shrimps are subjected to death due to import induced stress.

What Can You Do:

Basically, nothing is your fault here. However, you can do certain things to lower the death rate significantly:

  • Make sure you buy your cherry shrimp from a local breeder. You also need to know if the breeder is reliable. Most breeders often disguise imported shrimps as home-bred, so it is better to get them from the breeder.
  • Is there a shrimp farm near your location? If yes, go to the farm. See what conditions the shrimp are in and what the water parameters are. This way, you can choose the healthy shrimp yourself and replicate a similar environment in your home. As a result, the death rate will drop.
  • Before buying from any seller, check if he has a good selling record or not. If there is a website, check out the customer reviews. If not, try to get the reference to his regular customers and contact them. Check if the seller is breeding the cherry shrimps correctly or not. When everything checks out fine, only then purchase the cherry shrimps.
  • If you have to buy shrimp from a fish store, check what their shipment time and process are. Choose the one that provides the lowest shipment time. Also, check the quality of their packaging. Look for any survival guarantee. Any reliable fish store will ship its livestock safely and with utmost care.
Owner: Ricky Sales

Expand your understanding of Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina)—click here to uncover more! How To Control Cherry Shrimp Population?

3. Overfeeding

It is very easy to overfeed your shrimps.

Overfeeding is the number 1 reason for polluting shrimp tank water.

Not only does it lower the water quality, but overfeeding can have a deadly impact on the shrimp. Too much leftover food causes a spike of ammonia in the tank, disrupting the nitrogen cycle of the aquarium. As a result, the environment soon becomes toxic for the shrimp, and they start to die one after another.

So, if you are guilty of overfeeding your shrimps, stop that immediately.

What Can You Do:

You should only feed your cherry shrimps the amount they can eat within 10-15 minutes. Even, there is no need to feed them every single day. Most shrimp keepers feed their shrimp every other day or skip a day or two of the week.

This doesn’t starve the shrimps as there are lots of algae in the tank, which is a perfect food source for cherry shrimps. Even, this is a better food schedule than feeding your shrimps every day.

If you want to know how much food to feed your cherry shrimps, check out my article here.

Always remember that shrimps don’t need much food. What they need is pristine water quality.

4. Uncycled Tank

Releasing cherry shrimp into a new aquarium before it is properly cycled is a rookie mistake. Check my guide on how to properly setup a cherry shrimp tank here.

Most new shrimp keepers are guilty of this one. Even I made this mistake.

After setting up a shrimp tank, most hobbyists get so excited that they buy 10-15 shrimps right away. They don’t even think about the nitrogen cycle. Or even if they did, their patience wears out too soon before the cycle is complete.

If you don’t know what the nitrogen cycle is, let me give a brief overview:

nitrogen cycle
  • The cycle starts with ammonia. Ammonia builds in your tank from fish poop, uneaten food, and other biological substrates. Decomposing plant materials also takes part in producing ammonia. Ammonia can be very deadly to all the fishes and livestock inside the aquarium.
  • If your tank is properly cycled, there will be a colony of beneficial bacteria inside your tank. The bacteria will eat the ammonia and turn it into nitrite. But the cycle isn’t finished yet.
  • The nitrite will now turn into nitrates (by the same bacterial colony). The cycle ends here. Now, nitrate can only be removed by regular partial water changes.

So, you can see that if the shrimp tank is not properly cycled, there won’t be any beneficial bacteria colony to turn the ammonia into nitrate. So, excess ammonia will build up, which can easily kill the cherry shrimp in an uncycled tank.

What Can You Do:

Make sure your tank is properly cycled before releasing the cherry shrimps. After you’ve set up the tank and run the filter, wait for about a month. This time is necessary to build up the beneficial bacteria colony.

You can quicken this process by using filter media from an already-established tank. Before releasing the cherry shrimps, check the water parameters with a water test kit. I prefer this one as it produces the most accurate result. Also, the price is comparatively cheaper considering the quality.

If all the water parameters turn out to be fine, only then release the cherry shrimps into their new home.

If you are looking for ideas before setting up your own cherry shrimp tank, check my article here, where I discussed 20 cherry shrimp tank setup ideas.

gorgeous blue white shrimp
Owner: Kaz Brown

Hungry for knowledge about Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina)? We’ve got you covered in this article. Cherry Shrimp Molting Problems: How To Deal With Those?

5. Inappropriate Water Parameters

Shrimps, especially cherry shrimp, are very delicate. They are extremely prone to changes in water parameters, and a sharp change or inappropriate water parameters can cause shrimp death.

Before even buying the cherry shrimps, check if the water parameters are favorable or not for them. If not, you need to wait longer. Under no circumstances should you bring new shrimps to an inhospitable environment.

What Can You Do:

Here is a chart of the water parameters suitable for cherry shrimps:

Temperature70 to 75 Degrees Fahrenheit
pH6.5 to 7.5
GH6-8 ppm
KH1-4 ppm
TDS150-250 ppm

If you need a test kit for measuring the water parameters, I’ll recommend API Master Test Kit. With this master test kit, you can measure ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, and many other water parameters. It is certainly a worthwhile investment for any shrimp keeper!

6. Adding Plants Directly To The Tank

If you love plants as much as I do, then chances are there are live plants in your shrimp tank. Live plants are extremely important and, to some degree, essential for a shrimp tank.

They work as a hideout and a food source for the shrimp. However, most of us plant them directly into the shrimp tank after buying new plants.

This is a BIG NO-NO!

You need to quarantine the plants for a few days to check if everything is okay. Plants often carry with them harmful chemicals or pest eggs, which can have a deadly impact on the cherry shrimps. Some chemicals are so dangerous that your cherry shrimp can start dying within that day.

What Can You Do:

  • First, rinse the plant thoroughly under running water. Make sure the plants are clean as much as possible.
  • After rinsing under running water, you can use the plants directly into the shrimp tank. But I won’t recommend them. I highly recommend quarantining the plants first.
  • By quarantine, I mean that you need to keep the plants in a separate tank first. The tank will work as a quarantine or hospital. During the next few days, check if the plants are releasing any chemicals or pests are emerging from the plants. If everything turns out to be safe and okay, only then transfer the plants into your shrimp tank.

Want to dive deeper into Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina)? This article has all the answers! Why Is My Cherry Shrimp Losing Color?

7. Higher Temperature

Higher temperature is not a good thing for cherry shrimps. The best temperature range for cherry shrimps is 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

The chart below will show you how temperature affects certain aspects of a cherry shrimp’s life:

Higher TemperatureLower Temperature
Shorter lifespanLonger lifespan
Eats more oftenEats less
Molts more frequentlyMolts less frequently
Breeds quickerBreeds slowly
Lower offspring qualityHigher offspring quality

What Can You Do:

  • Try to maintain a temperature between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Don’t use a heater unless you absolutely have to.
  • If you want to get the correct temperature reading of your shrimp tank, I’ll highly suggest this digital aquarium thermometer. It is cheap yet very reliable! It will show you the temperature in digital reading so that you know exactly what is going on in the tank!
  • If you need to use a heater, make sure it is of great quality and reliability. Most aquarium heaters malfunction and can electrocute everything inside the aquarium. That’s why you need to choose one that has a better build quality and safety system.
  • I personally try to avoid using the heater in my shrimp tank as much as possible. Of course, if the outside temperature is freezing cold, then you’ll have to use a heater.
painted red shrimp grazing on leaf
Owner: Kaz Brown

8. Chloramine In Water Supply

Chloramine is a water sanitizer. It is used in our water supply for sanitizing purposes. Though chloramine is safe for us, you can’t say the same for shrimps. Chloramine can be very deadly to them.

Shrimps are repulsive to certain chemicals, and chloramine is one of them. So, if you supply water directly into the shrimp tank, this can cause the death of many cherry shrimps (if the supply water has chloramine in it).

So, there needs to be an alternative way. Fortunately, there is!

What Can You Do:

There is no way you can take out the chloramine from the supply water. But you can convert it to something else that is not harmful to the shrimps. And the mysterious friend that does this conversion is a de-chlorinator.

There are many types of de-chlorinator available in the fish stores. I like Seachem Prime the most. After being into the hobby for many years, I can confidently recommend Seachem Prime as a reliable de-chlorinator for shrimp tanks. Like me, thousands of shrimp keepers are using it to keep their supply water safe for cherry shrimps.

Curious about Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina)? This post is packed with info you won’t want to miss! Why Is My Cherry Shrimp Disappearing?

9. Presence Of Copper/Lead

I have already mentioned that cherry shrimp are repulsive to certain chemicals.

Copper and Lead both fall into that category. Sometimes, cold tap water can contain copper or lead. Both of them can turn out to be deadly for cherry shrimps, even if they are present in very small amounts.

Also, copper/lead can come from medications or fertilizers dosed in the aquarium. That’s why you can’t use just any fertilizer or medicine in a shrimp tank. You need to use the ones that are labeled as ‘Shrimp Safe.’

What Can You Do:

If your shrimps are dying mysteriously one after another, check if there is any copper/lead in the tank water. There are cerain test kits available for doing this from Aquarium Pharmaceuticals.

Also, don’t use any medicine or fertilizer without doing research. Make sure they are safe for shrimp and don’t contain copper or lead.

red yellow shrimp feeding dish
Owner: Maryanne Young

10. Medicines Containing Harmful Chemicals

Many types of medicines are intended to cure fish illnesses. However, not all of them are safe for shrimp. If you have a community tank and some of the fish get sick, medicating them may result in the death of shrimp.

This is because some medications may contain chemicals such as copper/lead that are deadly for cherry shrimps. So, you need to check before doing anything in the aquarium.

What Can You Do:

Don’t just dose any medication into the shrimp tank. Do research first and check if the medication is safe for shrimp. Anything containing copper or lead is very dangerous for cherry shrimp.

11. Pests

Pests can be the cause of death for baby shrimps. If your shrimp tank is infested with pests like Hydra, Planaria, Dragonfly Nymphs, or Vorticella, then they can pose a real threat to the baby shrimps.

Pests can infest the tank due to overfeeding. Also, they can come from any external sources such as through a new plant you bought from the fish store.

What Can You Do:

It is comparatively easier to get rid of planaria and hydra from the shrimp tank. All you need to do is use a product called No Planaria from FishAquatics.

This is 100% safe for both shrimps and the plants. Also, it will work its magic within just 72 hours of dosage.

However, you can’t remove Dragonfly Nymphs this way. You’ll have to remove them manually either with a siphon or a tube.

12. Too Many Males

If the shrimp ratio in your tank is heavy toward males, then it can be concerning. Too many males can be a cause of death for the female shrimp.

When there are too many males compared to females, many males will try to mate with a single female during the breeding time. The males especially do this when the female has just molted.

This type of crazy behavior from the males can stress out the female shrimps. Also, in some cases, I heard that male shrimps can attack the female ones.

What Can You Do:

If you see an overwhelming number of male shrimp in the tank compared to the females, try adding some more female shrimp. The safer bet is to have more female cherry shrimp in the tank than the males.

multiple colored shrimps all grazing and having fun
Owner: Ricky Sales

13. Using Hot Water To Fill The Tank

During the colder months, many of us change the tank water with new hot water. We do this in order to regulate the temperature of the shrimp tank. But without knowing, we bring death to the shrimps from this practice.

Do you know how?

Remember I mentioned that copper is deadly for shrimps? When you get hot water from the supply, there is an excessive amount of copper ions in that water.

Hot water reacts with the pipe, causing corrosion. Due to corrosion, copper ions get mixed with the water. Along with copper ions, many other heavy metals can get seeped into the water. That’s why hot water from the supply can be deadly to cherry shrimp.

What Can You Do:

Just never use hot water from the supply when performing water changes for your shrimp tank.

14. Too Much Water Change

Too much water change or changing the water at a large amount can cause an imbalance in the water parameters.

This can also result in temperature fluctuation.

I’ve said earlier that a sudden change in the water parameter or temperature can stress out the cherry shrimps. As a result, the cherry shrimps can face a temporary shock and die.

What Can You Do:

Do regular water changes, maintaining a definite interval. I perform weekly water changes for my shrimp tank. During each water change, I replace 15-20% of the old water with fresh water.

This schedule works for me and my cherry shrimp. Also, if you are using direct-supply water, remember to add the dechlorinator first before adding the water to the shrimp tank.

Cherry Shrimp Diseases & Prevention

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Cherry shrimp, like other aquatic creatures, can be susceptible to various diseases and health issues. Here are some of the common diseases and conditions that can affect cherry shrimp:

  1. Vorticella: This is a parasitic infestation where tiny white organisms attach to the shrimp, often on its rostrum (nose area) or body. It looks like small white specks or fluff. Vorticella is a protozoan parasite that feeds on the shrimp’s fluids.
  2. Scutariella Japonica: These are tiny white worms that can be seen on the shrimp’s head or rostrum. They are a type of parasitic flatworm.
  3. Ellobiopsidae or “Green Fungus”: This is not actually a fungus but a parasitic algae. Infected shrimp will have green patches, usually on their underside. It’s a severe condition that’s often fatal if not treated.
  4. Bacterial Infections: These can manifest in various ways, including a milky or cloudy appearance on the shrimp’s body. Bacterial infections can be caused by poor water quality or injuries.
  5. Muscular Necrosis is a condition in which the shrimp’s tail or body turns white, starting from the tail and progressing forward. It’s a sign of tissue decay and is often fatal.
  6. Shell Disease: This is characterized by black or brown spots on the shrimp’s shell. It’s caused by bacteria that eat away at the shrimp’s exoskeleton.
  7. Molting Issues: Improper water parameters, especially regarding GH and KH, can lead to molting problems. Shrimp may get stuck in their old shell or may not molt at all, leading to death.
  8. Gill Flukes: These are tiny parasites that attach to the shrimp’s gills. Infected shrimp may be seen trying to rub or scratch themselves against objects in the tank.
  9. Internal Parasites: These can cause the shrimp to become lethargic, lose color, or stop eating. They might be introduced through contaminated food or new tank additions.
  10. Rhabdocoela: These are tiny flatworms that can sometimes be found in shrimp tanks. While they typically feed on detritus, they can occasionally become parasitic and attack shrimp, especially the young ones.

Why are my cherry shrimps dying one by one?

There can be several reasons why cherry shrimps die, and it can sometimes be challenging to pinpoint the exact cause.

Here are some common reasons and potential solutions:

  1. Water Parameters: Cherry shrimps are sensitive to water parameters. Ensure that the following parameters are within the recommended range:
    • pH: 6.5 to 8.0
    • Temperature: 72°F to 78°F (22°C to 25°C)
    • GH (General Hardness): 4 to 8 dGH
    • KH (Carbonate Hardness): 3 to 15 dKH
    • Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate: Ammonia and nitrite should be 0 ppm. Nitrates should be below 20 ppm.
  2. Sudden Changes: Shrimps are sensitive to sudden changes in water parameters, especially pH and temperature. When introducing shrimp to a new environment, always acclimate them slowly.
  3. Toxic Substances: Ensure that there are no toxic substances in the water. This includes:
    • Heavy Metals: Copper is especially toxic to shrimp. Ensure that there is no copper in the water and be cautious when using medications.
    • Pesticides: If you’ve added new plants to the tank, ensure they were not treated with pesticides.
    • Chemicals: Avoid using soap or detergents to clean equipment. Rinse everything thoroughly before introducing it to the tank.
  4. Overfeeding: Overfeeding can lead to poor water quality. Feed shrimps sparingly and remove any uneaten food after a few hours.
  5. Molting Issues: Shrimps shed their exoskeletons as they grow. If they have difficulty molting, it can be fatal. Ensure they have enough calcium in their diet and that the water hardness is appropriate.
  6. Predators: Check if there are any fish or other creatures in the tank that might be preying on the shrimps.
  7. Disease: Shrimps can be affected by various diseases. Look for signs of disease, such as discoloration, lethargy, or unusual behavior.
  8. Age: Cherry shrimps have a lifespan of about 1 to 2 years. It’s possible that some of your shrimps are reaching the end of their natural lifespan.
  9. Oxygen Levels: Ensure that there’s adequate oxygenation in the tank. A well-functioning filter or an air stone can help with this.
  10. Tank Size and Overcrowding: Ensure that the tank is of appropriate size and not overcrowded. Overcrowding can lead to stress and competition for resources.

To get a clearer picture of what might be causing the deaths, you can:

  • Test the water parameters using a reliable test kit.
  • Observe the behavior and appearance of the remaining shrimps.
  • Review any recent changes you made to the tank or its environment.

all my shrimp died suddenly. What to do?

I’m sorry to hear about the sudden loss of your shrimp. It’s distressing when something like this happens. Here’s a step-by-step approach to help you determine the cause and prevent future occurrences:

Immediate Actions:

  • Remove the Dead Shrimp: This will prevent further deterioration of water quality.
  • Test the Water: Use a comprehensive water test kit to check for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, pH, GH, and KH. Sudden spikes in ammonia or nitrites, in particular, can be deadly.
  • Water Change: Perform a 50% water change using dechlorinated water. This can help dilute any potential toxins.

Investigate Potential Causes:

  • Recent Additions: Think about any new additions to the tank – plants, decorations, fish, or even new water. New items can introduce toxins or diseases.
  • Chemical Exposure: Ensure that no household chemicals, sprays, or fumes could have accidentally gotten into the tank. Even small amounts of substances like soap, detergents, or aerosols can be lethal.
  • Equipment Malfunction: Check heaters, filters, and air pumps. A malfunctioning heater can cause temperature spikes, and a broken filter can lead to decreased oxygen and increased toxins.
  • Signs of Disease: Even if the shrimp died suddenly, look for signs of disease in the tank. This includes unusual spots, discolorations, or growths on plants, decorations, or any remaining livestock.

Preventative Measures for the Future:

  • Quarantine New Additions: Always quarantine new plants, fish, or shrimp for at least two weeks before adding them to the main tank.
  • Regular Maintenance: Stick to a regular maintenance schedule, including water changes, filter cleanings, and substrate vacuuming.
  • Avoid Overfeeding: Excess food can decay and deteriorate water quality.
  • Educate Yourself: Learn about the specific needs and potential issues related to the type of shrimp you’re keeping.

Seek Expert Advice:

  • Local Fish Store: They might provide insights based on their experience or knowledge of any recent supply issues.
  • Aquarium Forums: Sharing your experience and tank parameters on specialized shrimp or aquarium forums can provide feedback from experienced hobbyists.


  • If you decide to reintroduce shrimp or other livestock, ensure the tank environment is stable. You might want to run the tank without any livestock for a few weeks, monitoring water parameters.
  • Consider starting with a few shrimp to see how they fare before adding more.

Document Everything:

Keep a log of water parameters, changes, additions, and any issues. This can be invaluable for troubleshooting in the future.

Are cherry shrimp hard to keep alive?

No, cherry shrimp are not hard to keep alive. They are considered one of the hardier freshwater shrimp species and are suitable for beginners. However, they require stable water parameters and a clean environment to thrive.

Cherry shrimp thrive in stable water conditions. If you can ensure the water parameters are in the ideal range, your cherry shrimps should thrive and breed happily. For your convenience, I am mentioning the ideal water parameters for cherry shrimp again below:

  • pH: Ideally between 6.5 to 8.0.
  • Temperature: Best kept between 72°F to 78°F (22°C to 25°C).
  • Ammonia and Nitrite: Should always be 0 ppm.
  • Nitrates: Ideally below 20 ppm.
  • GH and KH: They prefer a GH of 4 to 8 dGH and a KH of 3 to 15 dKH.

should i remove dead shrimp from my tank?

Yes, you should remove dead shrimp from your tank as soon as you notice them. Here are the reasons why:

Decomposition: As the shrimp decomposes, it can release ammonia into the water. Ammonia is toxic to most aquatic inhabitants, even in small amounts. An increase in ammonia levels can harm or kill other tank inhabitants.

Water Quality: The decomposition of organic matter, like a dead shrimp, can lead to a decline in overall water quality. This can result in unfavorable conditions for other tank inhabitants and potentially lead to more deaths.

Disease Prevention: If the shrimp dies from a disease or parasite, leaving the body in the tank can spread the disease to other inhabitants.

Aesthetics: A decomposing shrimp can be unsightly and can also produce an unpleasant odor over time.

Predation: While some tank mates might consume the dead shrimp, it’s not guaranteed they’ll eat the entire body. Partial consumption can still lead to decomposition and associated water quality issues.

how to save a dying shrimp?

If you suspect a shrimp is dying or showing signs of distress, taking prompt action can sometimes help save it. Here’s a step-by-step approach:

Isolate the Shrimp: If possible, move the shrimp to a quarantine or isolation tank. This prevents the potential spread of diseases and provides a controlled environment for recovery.

Check Water Parameters: Using a reliable test kit, check the water parameters, including:

  • pH
  • Ammonia
  • Nitrite
  • Nitrate
  • GH (General Hardness)
  • KH (Carbonate Hardness)
  • Temperature

Ensure all parameters are within the ideal range for your shrimp species. Gradually correct any deviations.

Water Change: Perform a 25-50% water change in the main tank using dechlorinated water. This can help dilute any potential toxins or contaminants.

Increase Oxygenation: Ensure there’s adequate oxygenation in the tank. An air stone or a sponge filter can help increase oxygen levels, which can be beneficial for a stressed shrimp.

Avoid Stress: Minimize disturbances around the tank, such as sudden movements, loud noises, or bright lights.

Dietary Considerations: Ensure the shrimp has access to a balanced diet. Sometimes, malnutrition can weaken shrimp, making them more susceptible to diseases.

Observe for Signs of Disease: Look for any visible signs of disease or parasites on the shrimp, such as discoloration, spots, lesions, or unusual behavior. If you identify a specific disease, treat it accordingly with appropriate medications or remedies.

Consult Experts: If you’re unsure about the cause of the shrimp’s distress, consider seeking advice from experienced shrimp keepers. This could be through local aquarium clubs, online forums, or your local fish store.

Maintain Good Tank Hygiene: Regularly clean the tank, remove uneaten food, and siphon off waste. A clean environment is crucial for the health of all tank inhabitants.

Review Recent Changes: Think about any recent changes to the tank, such as new additions, decorations, or treatments. Sometimes, new items can introduce contaminants or stressors.

It’s essential to act quickly when you notice a shrimp in distress. While it’s not always possible to save a dying shrimp, taking these steps can increase the chances of recovery and prevent further issues in your tank.


In this article, I’ve tried to list all the factors responsible for cherry shrimp’s death. These factors can also apply to other shrimp.

So, if you are having sudden shrimp deaths, look into the root cause and try to eliminate that. Hopefully, your shrimps will survive the disaster!

Happy Shrimp Keeping!

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of AcuarioPets.com. I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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