25 Unique Betta Fish Tattoo Design Ideas For Creative Owners

25 Unique Betta Fish Tattoo Design Ideas For Creative Owners

Discover the enchanting world of betta fish tattoos with these 25 Unique Betta Fish Tattoo Design Ideas. This post offers a curated collection of breathtaking tattoo designs inspired by the vibrant and graceful betta fish. Each tattoo design, from simple watercolors to bold abstracts, perfectly captures the betta fish’s beauty, offering great ideas for your…

Betta Fish Water Turning Yellow? Do These

Betta Fish Water Turning Yellow? Do These

What is the first word that comes to your mind after seeing a fish tank with yellow water? Dirty, I guess. Well, anyone would think of that for sure. But what should you do if you see your Betta fish water turn yellow? When Betta fish water turns yellow, the problem can be solved by…

Should You Breed Betta Fish? [Ethical Considerations]

Should You Breed Betta Fish? [Ethical Considerations]

Betta fish, with their vibrant colors and elegant fins, have captivated the hearts of aquarium enthusiasts worldwide. However, beneath their beauty lies a complex ethical dilemma that challenges even the most seasoned fish hobbyists. I want to start the article with a quote from a betta expert, Mary McCauley. She runs Mary’s Magic Bettas, an…

Heater Stick Too Hot For Betta Fish: What To Do?

Heater Stick Too Hot For Betta Fish: What To Do?

How would it feel to see your favorite pet fish getting boiled in the water? Not good, I guess. A ‘too-hot’ heater stick might not boil the water but make it hot enough to harm your Betta. But what will you do in such a case? First of all, turn off the heater. You need…

Betta Fish Tank Smells Like Rotten Eggs: What To Do?

Betta Fish Tank Smells Like Rotten Eggs: What To Do?

Can you still call your Betta fish tank beautiful if you must hold your breath whenever you get close to it? No, I guess, especially when it’s smelling like a pile of rotten eggs. But how to get rid of that stinking smell? It’s possible to reduce the rotten egg smell by changing the water…

Can You Clean A Betta Fish Tank With Soap?

Can You Clean A Betta Fish Tank With Soap?

When someone says ‘clean,’ what’s the next word that comes to your mind? If I’m not wrong, it’s soap. But can you clean a Betta fish tank with soap? Or maybe I better say, should you? Cleaning the Betta fish tank with soap is not recommended. Using soap can leave behind harmful residue, which harms…

Betta Fish Care Tips for Beginners: Expert Advice from Mary McCauley

Betta Fish Care Tips for Beginners: Expert Advice from Mary McCauley

Caring for a betta fish can be a rewarding experience, but it also requires knowledge and attention to detail. Whether you’re a new betta owner or considering becoming one, understanding the basics of betta care is crucial. Mary McCauley, a renowned betta fish expert, shares her insights to help beginners provide the best care for…

Is Sand Good For Betta Fish?

Is Sand Good For Betta Fish?

While watching those videos on Discovery or National Geographic, I thought, is there any other substrate that could’ve been as good as sand? Well, the answer will be a No, at least for those fish I was watching. But what about Betta fish? Is sand good for them as well? Sand is suitable for Betta…

How To Cool Down Betta Fish Tank?

How To Cool Down Betta Fish Tank?

Do you know when Betta fish lovers feel the brutality of the summer the most? When their fish tank gives a feel like it’s on a stove. It can get hotter any day, depending on where and how you keep the tank. But what matters is how fast you’re cooling it down. Now the question…