What Are The Best Plants For Cherry Shrimps?

Best Plants For Cherry Shrimps

One of the ‘must-have’ requirements for cherry shrimps is plants. Plants do make a safe and homely environment for the cherry shrimps. However, to a beginner shrimp keeper, choosing the correct plants for shrimps can prove to be a confusing task. That’s where this article will come in to help you out.

The best plants for cherry shrimps include:

  • Java Moss
  • Java Fern
  • Anubias Nana Petite
  • Water Wisteria
  • Cryptocoryne
  • Dwarf Lilies
  • Vallisneria
  • Bucephalandra
  • Water Lettuce
  • Rotala Rotundifoila

In addition to knowing the name of the plants that are suitable for cherry shrimps, you’ll also need to know how to take care of them and what to expect from each of these plants.

Read the rest of the article to find those out.

10 Best Plants For Cherry Shrimp Tank

1. Java Moss

DifficultyVery Easy
pH6 to 8
Temperature15 to 32 degrees celsius
SubstrateNot required
Growth Rateslow
Co2not required
Propagationcutting or splitting

If anyone wants to list out the best plants for cherry shrimp, the list must start with Java Moss. Java moss is one of the easiest and most beginner-friendly plants. It demands very less and perfect for a low-tech tank.

If you just want to decorate your tank with a low-demanding plant that doesn’t require anything special, then Java moss should be the choice. Moreover, cherry shrimps also like Java moss.

Some of the advantages of keeping Java moss is:

  • Cherry shrimps love to graze on Java moss. It catches floating food particles that shrimps love to eat.
  • As Java moss is very thick and dense, it works as a great hiding place for cherry shrimps. This is especially important for shrimplets in the presence of bad tank mates.
  • It helps to develop a biofilm which is a major food source for cherry shrimps
  • Java moss helps to filter the water as well as provide oxygenation
  • You’ll not need to offer any extra lighting, carbon dioxide or nutrient supplements for the plant.
bamboo shrimps in a planted tank
Owner: Louise Kennedy

Normally java moss is sold in packets. Once you buy the moss, you’ll need to tie it to driftwood, rock or any other ornament with fishing line. Soon the moss will get attached to the driftwood or rock and start to grow.

Here you’ll find a pretty good deal of Java Moss on Amazon.

Curious about Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina)? This post is packed with info you won’t want to miss! Do Cherry Shrimp Eat Plants?

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2. Java Fern

DifficultyVery Easy
pH6 to 8
Temperature15 to 32 degrees celsius
SubstrateNot required
Growth Rateslow
Co2not required
PropagationRhizome division

Java fern is also widely appreciated by cherry shrimps. This plant is very hardy and can withstand a wide range of water parameters as well as temperature. Like the Java moss, Java fern doesn’t require any additional substrate, lighting or Co2. Of course, the plant will do better with some extra care, but it is not an absolute necessity.

Like the Java moss, this fern also filters out the water and helps in oxygenating. Moreover, Java fern can also be a decorative addition to your shrimp tank.

Java ferns have comparatively larger leaves, which cherry shrimps love. They love to hide behind the leaves, graze on them, walk around the leaves, etc.

Also, the root area of the Java fern is a great place for the cherry shrimps to scavenge. This is because the root of Java fern has a cluster of stems which is ideal for trapping floating food particles.

You can check the latest price of Java Fern on Amazon here.

3. Anubias Nana Petite

DifficultyVery Easy
pH5 to 8
Temperature22 to 28 degrees celsius
SubstrateNot required
Growth Ratevery slow
Co2appreciable but not a must
PropagationRhizome division

I absolutely love to have Anubias nana petite in any of my shrimp tanks. They are visually opposite to Java fern or other Anubias species. Anubias nana petite is comparatively smaller and comes attached to a driftwood.

Like other Anubias plants, Anubias nana petite is very low demanding. They can withstand a wide range of water parameters as well as temperature. It can suit well in both high light and low light conditions. Anubias prefers a bit of Co2 and other nutritional supplements, but they are not absolutely necessary.

Anubias Nana Petite is great for filtering the tank water as well as providing oxygenation. Its growth rate is quite slow, so you can use it as a foreground/midground plant.

crystal red shrimp in planted tank
Owner: Ricky Sales

One of the advantages of Anubias nana petite is, as it comes attached to a driftwood, there is no hassle of planting it. You can just place the driftwood anywhere you prefer. Also, the plant along with the driftwood offers a pretty good hiding spot for the cherry shrimps. Also, the plant along with the driftwood catches food particles that the shrimps love to scavenge on.

If you want to buy the best quality Anubias Nana Petite, check them out! You’ll be happy with the quality they provide!

Hungry for knowledge about Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina)? We’ve got you covered in this article. Can Cherry Shrimp Survive On Water Plants Alone?

4. Water Wisteria

LightingModerate to High
pH6.5 to 7.5
Temperature70 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit
SubstrateNot required
Growth Ratevery fast
Co2appreciable but not a must
PropagationCutting or Side Shoots

Water Wisteria is a bit different than the other plants we’ve talked till now. It doesn’t come with a root system. However, when planted in the substrate, soon the plant will start to develop a strong root system.

Water Wisteria is not as less demanding as the other ones mentioned above. It does require a moderate amount of lighting, Co2, and fertilizer. However, it is a fairly hardy plant that can withstand a variety of environmental conditions. If you want a lush growth of Water Wisteria, do provide it a little bit of extra care.

Water Wisteria is preferable for pretty much the same reasons as the other plants. It filters as well as oxygenates the water. Also, its leaves accumulate food which the shrimps love to scavenge. Also, a lush growth of Water Wisteria provides a pretty good hiding place for the shrimps.

You can check out the latest price on Amazon here.

5. Cryptocoryne

pH6.0 to 7.5
Temperature68 to 83 degrees Fahrenheit
SubstrateAt least 2 inches depth
Growth Ratefast
Co2appreciable but not a must
PropagationRoot division

Cryptocoryne is more commonly known as Crypts. They come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. There are various species of Cryptocoryne such as Wendtii with a scruffy appearance, pink-colored Petchiis, etc. No matter what the species is, almost all of them are extremely popular with cherry shrimps.

Crypts can be a lot like Java fern visually. Crypts generally prefer low light, however, they are a little bit more demanding than Java fern. The plant needs to be buried at least 2 inches down the substrate.

a shrimp tank setup with live plants
Owner: Ricky Sales

If you are choosing Cryptoryne, one thing you need to be aware of is the Crypt Melt. Crypt Melt is the condition when the Cryptocoryne starts to lose its leaves due to the shock of the imbalance water parameters. This normally happens when the plant is first introduced in an aquarium. Don’t worry though. It should get better with time.

If you want to buy the best quality Cryptocoryne Wendtii Red, check them out! The quality is pretty good and their service is awesome!

Curious about Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina)? This post is packed with info you won’t want to miss! Do Cherry Shrimps Eat Brown Algae?

6. Dwarf Lilies

pH5.5 to 7.5
Temperature72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit
Growth Ratefast
Co2appreciable but not a must
Propagation Grow on Shoots

Dwarf lilies are very fragile as well as slow-growing. They are a bit delicate, so I’ll not advise you to choose these if you are new to planted tank. Also, if there are too many shrimps running around in the tank, it might not be a good idea to plant Dwarf Lilies.

When shopping for Dwarf Lilies, make sure that the plants are matured enough so the stems are not very fragile. It will ensure greater success with the plants.

Check out the latest price here on Amazon.

7. Vallisneria

pH6.5 to 8.5
Temperature63 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit
Growth Ratefast
Co2appreciable but not a must
Propagation Sending out runners

Vallisneria, or more commonly known as the Vals, are grass-shaped aquarium plants. They can grow up to quite tall. A good bunch of Vals provides an awesome hiding place for the cherry shrimps. They also help to accumulate food particles, which the shrimps absolutely love to graze on.

Vals are not very demanding or hard to take care of. However, the maintenance is not easy. As Vals can grow quite tall, it isn’t suitable for small shrimp tanks. Also, you shouldn’t trim the long leaves which can harm the health of the plant.

blue cherry shrimp grazing on floating plants
Owner: Natalie Skinner

There are many species of Vallisneria. Some can grow up to quite longer than the others. For example, Jungle Val can grow up to 20 inches tall.

Check out the latest price here on Amazon.

8. Bucephalandra

LightingLow to High
pH5 to 8
Temperature72 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit
SubstrateNot Required
Growth Rateslow

Bucephalandra is quite like Anubias. They are fairly new to the planted tank world. However, this plant comes in a wide range of colors which can easily make your aquarium pop among all the greens.

This plant is very low-demanding and can withstand a wide range of water parameters and temperature. Also, it can grow well in both low-light and high-light conditions.

Cherry shrimps love this plant because the large leaves offer a large surface area for biofilm to grow on. Cherry shrimps love to graze on this biofilm.

If you want to buy the best quality Bucephalandra, check them out! The quality is pretty good and their service is awesome!

Discover more cool facts about Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina) with this detailed post! Do Cherry Shrimps Eat Black Beard Algae?

9. Water Lettuce

pH6 to 7.5
Temperature71 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit
SubstrateFloating plant
Growth Ratevery fast
Co2not needed
Propagationthrough pulling apart sections

This plant is different among the other ones on the list because this is a floating plant. Water Lettuce is absolutely one of my most favorite floating plants as they are very beneficial for a tank. The long roots of water lettuce suck up the harmful chemicals from the water including ammonia and nitrate.

If you want a natural solution to keep the shrimp tank water clean and safe for the shrimps, water lettuce will be an amazing choice. The long roots of water lettuce are excellent for accumulating foods. You’ll often see the baby shrimps grazing on these roots. They also offer a very good hiding place for the cherry shrimps.

caridina shrimp grazing on moss
Owner: Ricky Sales

Also, water lettuce is a very low demanding plant. It is extremely easy to take care for.

If you want to check out the latest price of Water Lettuce on Amazon, click here.

Another good floating point for cherry shrimps can be Salvinia. I love the texture of these plants. The texture of the leaves make them unique than most other floating aquarium plants. Shrimps also love these!

10. Rotala Rotundifolia

pH5 to 8
Temperature68 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit
SubstratePreferably ADA Amazonia
Growth Ratefast
Propagationcutting stems

Rotala Rotundifolia is one of my go-to plants for decorating a tank. If you want some decorative plants for your shrimp tank, then this one should do the trick. However, Rotala rotundifolia is not that easy to care for. They require some special care if you really want to pop the color.

Rotala rotundifolia is a stem plant. It does well in the presence of high-light, Co2 injection and fertilizer. It will not overcrowd the tank, but the growth rate is pretty fast. Also, this plant can withstand the cycling period of the tank, which means a higher amount of ammonia won’t cause the plant to melt.

Rotala provides a good environment in the tank for shrimp breeding. Also, the root system prevents anaerobic pockets to form inside the substrate, which can be very toxic to the cherry shrimps.

The plant doesn’t need a ton of maintenance. Occasional pruning will provide it a bushy appearance which many shrimp keepers, as well as shrimps, prefer.

Click here to check out the latest price on Amazon.

If you find Rotala rotundifolia hard to grow, an easy alternative can be Rotala Rotundifolia. Though it doesn’t have a red coloration like rotundifolia, the narrow leaves are pretty eye-catching!

Expand your understanding of Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina)—click here to uncover more! Do Cherry Shrimp Eat Hair Algae?

Keep These In Mind While Buying Plants For Cherry Shrimps

While choosing any plant for cherry shrimp, there are some things you need to keep in mind. Here are the things:

  • Cherry shrimps are great natural scavengers. They scavenge through the substrate to come across floating food particles. So, plants that can accumulate these floating food particles are an awesome choice for cherry shrimps.
  • Plants with big leaves are ideal for cherry shrimps. The big leaves help the shrimps to hide themselves well. Also, plants with dense carpet also provide a good hiding opportunity for the cherry shrimps.
  • Always choose plants for cherry shrimps that can offer a good hiding spot. Cherry shrimps are naturally very skittish and delicate. They don’t do well among other tank mates, especially if the tank mates are not suitable for shrimps. So, in such cases, plants with long leaves can provide a good hiding place for the cherry shrimps.
caridina shrimp grazing on leaves
Owner: Ricky Sales

Frequently Asked Questions

What plants do cherry shrimp like?

Cherry shrimp like Java moss, Java fern, Anubias nana petite, water wisteria, Rotala, Cryptocoryne and other similar plants that provide hiding places and maintain the appropriate water pH range.

What are the best floating plants for shrimp tank?

The best floating plants for a shrimp tank are Salvinia, Dwarf Water Lettuce, Water Spangles, Hornwort, Red Root Floater, and Frogbit.

Do cherry shrimp need live plants?

Cherry shrimp need live plants in their aquarium as they provide a natural-like environment and various benefits such as maintaining the appropriate water pH range, providing hiding places, and improving water quality.

Do cherry shrimp eat plants?

Cherry shrimp generally do not eat healthy and established plants in their aquarium, but they may consume decaying or dying plant matter. However, if there is a lack of food, they may nibble on live plants.

What are the best plants for breeding shrimps?

The best plants for breeding shrimps are Java moss, Java fern, Anubias, Marimo moss ball, and other similar plants that provide hiding places and maintain the appropriate water pH range.

Additionally, plants such as Indian almond leaves, banana leaves, and cholla wood can be added to the aquarium to provide a natural habitat and improve water quality.

How to trim Jungle Val?

To trim Jungle Val, you can use sharp scissors or pruning shears to cut the leaves close to the base of the plant.

It is recommended to trim only the leaves that have turned brown or yellow and remove them from the aquarium to prevent decay. Avoid trimming more than one-third of the plant at once, as it can cause stress and slow down growth.

Additionally, make sure to provide appropriate lighting and nutrient-rich substrate to promote healthy growth.

What are the best carpet plants for shrimp tank?

The best carpet plants for a shrimp tank are Monte Carlo, Dwarf Sagittaria, Marsilea hirsuta, Dwarf hairgrass, Brazilian micro sword, Pygmy chain sword, and Java moss.

What plants are not suitable for shrimp tank?

Some plants are not suitable for a shrimp tank because they may release toxins or chemicals that can harm or kill the shrimp.

These plants include Copper-based plants such as Anacharis, Elodea, and Egeria densa, and some species of Cryptocoryne, which can release toxic substances when they melt or decay.

Additionally, plants that require CO2 injection or high-intensity lighting may not be suitable for shrimp tanks as they can cause fluctuations in water parameters and stress the shrimp.

What are the best mosses for shrimp tank?

The best mosses for a shrimp tank are Java moss, Christmas moss, Flame moss, Weeping moss, and Taiwan moss.

These mosses provide hiding places for shrimp and help maintain water quality by absorbing excess nutrients and waste.

Additionally, they are easy to grow and maintain, and can be attached to rocks, driftwood, or other aquarium decorations


So, this is my detailed list of the best plants for a cherry shrimp tank. There are plenty of other plants that are suitable for cherry shrimps. This list only includes the plants that I’ve personally used and got a great result.

Also, most of these plants are easy to care for and doesn’t demand a lot. So, if you are a beginner, you can easily go with any of these plants for your shrimp tank.

Lastly, I want to conclude by saying that, live plants are a very important aspect for a cherry shrimp tank. Cherry shrimps need plants to live a healthier and safer life.

So, you should really pay close attention to the plants you are choosing for your shrimp tank.

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of AcuarioPets.com. I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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