Say Goodbye to Mites: Bearded Dragon Owner’s Manual to Keeping Mites at Bay

They’re small, sneaky, and can turn your dragon’s cozy habitat into a nightmare.

Mites are a bearded dragon owner’s worst enemy—but they don’t have to be yours.

Armed with the right knowledge and tools, you can take control and keep your pet mite-free for good.

I Asked Experienced Bearded Dragon Owners For Recommendation

I got into 2 popular Bearded Dragon groups on Facebook. I asked in both of them for #1 recommendation to deal with mites on bearded dragon.

Here’s what my post looked like:

I have got a whole array of answers. However, they were not very varied.

Most owners recommended to give the beardie a warm water bath.

A comment from Alanah Glenney pretty much summarizes all the responses:

One owner recommended to use coconut oil on the beardies avoiding ears, eyes, nose, and mouth.

how does mite look like

What Do Mites Look Like On A Bearded Dragon?

Mites form black dots to a small red on bearded  dragons’ bodies. To be more specific, they are small and colorless parasites found in reptiles, like bearded dragons. This parasite bites and‌ sucks bearded dragon blood. As mites look tiny and colorless, it’s difficult to identify them on the bearded dragons.

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What Do Mites Do To Your Bearded Dragons?

Mites are parasites like fleas. They bite and suck the bearded dragon’s blood. After ingesting sufficient blood from bearded dragons, mites lay eggs inside the dragon’s enclosure. Meanwhile, mites carry bacteria and viruses to harm your bearded dragons.

Because of being the small colorless parasites in shape, most bearded dragon keepers find it difficult to spot the mites at their early stage. If you let them get bigger, they can be life-threatening for your bearded dragons. So you need to eliminate the mites at the early stage to protect your bearded dragon.

Where Do Bearded Dragon Mites Come From?

Bearded dragons are adorable but not immune to pests like mites. These tiny parasites love warm, scaly environments. Sadly, they can sneak into your dragon’s habitat in surprising ways.

The Usual Suspects

Mites don’t magically appear. Here’s how they usually invade:

  • Other Reptiles: A new reptile buddy might bring mites along for the ride.
  • Used Equipment: Second-hand tanks, hides, or branches could carry mites. Always disinfect before using.
  • Outdoor Sources: Wild bugs can stow away on plants or decor you bring inside.

Mites are very small parasitic creatures that feed off the blood of your snake. They are visible to the naked eye and look like tiny black, red, or grey bugs. They are often visible on your animal (often in the thin-skinned areas such as eyes, ears, and armpits), on your hands after you handle your animal, and in the water dish in your animal’s enclosure.River Road Veterinary Clinic

3D Rendering Of A Dust Mite

How Do You Know If Your‌ Bearded Dragon Has Mites?

Bearded dragons expose some signs if they have mites on themselves. If you know your bearded dragon has mites, you can take precautionary measures to prevent and get rid of bearded dragon mites. Let’s have a look at the symptoms of mites on bearded dragons below:

  1. You’ll notice tiny arthropods on the foreparts of your beardie if mite infestation happens.
  1. Mite’s color can be black, red or brown. If the infestation of mites is in the early stage, you may see a single mite on your beardie. If the infestation of mites is high, you may notice more than hundreds of mites on your bearded dragon.
  1. Expose dusty white spots on your bearded dragon that results in skin damage.
  1. Mite bites irritate a bearded dragon. Meanwhile, the mite bites will leave a red mark on your beardie’s body and around its eyes. 
  1. With the influence of mites, you’ll notice a significant change in bearded dragons. Consequently, your beardie will be reluctant to eat and will refuse to bask because of discomfort caused by mite bites.
  1. Mites will appear in beardie’s habitats and even on your cloth or skins initially.
  1. Beardie will feel the body itch that will give it skin discomfort. So the beardie will try to dislodge the mites.
  1. Symptoms, like lethargy and anorexia, will be exposed to extreme levels with the effect of bearded dragon mites.
  2. Mites affected by bearded dragons will lose weight.
  1. You will notice your beardie is depressed because of mites.

Besides the above symptoms, you’ll also notice the mites on the following body parts of your bearded dragons:

  • Back or front legs of beardies
  • Infesting eyes and ears
  • Skin folds
  • Bearded dragon’s skin
  • Beardie’s fecal matter

The aforementioned signs are a warning for your beardie. If you notice any of these signs, you must consult a veterinarian. You can get rid of the mites easily at an early stage. But it’s difficult to do away with mites once they get severe.

Most mites are introduced through new animals, or substrate, though you can also introduce them to your pet’s enclosure on your hands and clothing. Pet stores and reptile expos are especially risky areas due to the large number of reptiles.River Road Veterinary Clinic

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What Are The Health Effects Of Bearded Dragon Mites?

Mites weaken your beardies and affect them with various illnesses. If you find out mites on your bearded dragons, the following health issues might expose to your beardies:

  • Dehydration
  • Anemia
  • Skin Damage
  • Bacterial infections
  • Viral infections
  • Anorexia

Mites can endanger your bearded dragon’s life. If you take proper treatment, your beardie can get rid of mites.

Is It Hard To Get Rid Of Bearded Dragon Mites?

Once the mites are infested at home, it’s difficult to get rid of the bearded dragon mites. In addition, the chemicals you choose to get rid of the mites can be life-threatening for your beardies.

So finding the best treatment to get rid of bearded dragon mites is important. While you can use toxic solutions for bearded dragon mites, you need to use non-toxic treatments for your pets.

anatomy of House Dust mite
anatomy of House Dust mite

How To Deal With Mites On Your Bearded Dragon? 2 Steps

Dealing with mites on bearded dragons isn’t a breeze. Though there are some medicines and treatments available in the pet shops to get rid of the bearded dragon mites, they are less efficient. Once you know your beardie is affected by mites, the foremost thing you should do is to consult a veterinarian.

DIY treatment is also effective, but if the mites are severe on your beardie, I suggest ‌you consult a professional.

Here are 2 easy steps you can follow to get rid of mites from your bearded dragon:

Step 1: Remove The Mites From your Bearded Dragons:

To do away with the bearded dragon mites, you need to clean the mites first from your bearded dragons. Below I am going to discuss this step to help you get rid of the mites:

  • Remove The Beardie To Clean The Enclosure: To remove the mites from bearded dragons, you need to evacuate your beardie to a safe place while cleaning the beardies’ enclosure.
  • Prepare A Bath For Beardie: Using soap you can give your beardies a soak in warm water. Mites cannot stand drowning in the soapy warm water for long. It won’t harm beardie’s head either. Thus, beardies can get rid of mites.

Moreover, you can prepare a Betadine bath. All you need to do is to mix Betadine with water. Betadine works as an antiseptic for beardie’s skin infection. Mix the antiseptic with the water until it gets a weak tea color.

  • Bathe The Beardie In The Diluted Water: Diluted water is handy to get away from the bearded dragon mites. Besides Betavine and a warm water bath, you can bathe your beardie in diluted water. But keep the eyes safe from the diluted solutions.

Replace the water while eliminating the mites and then bathe again with diluted water. Thus, mites can disappear from your beardie.

  • Isolate The Affected Animals: Mites get easily on bearded dragons. Once you’re sure about the mite infestation, you need to isolate the affected ones for 2-4 weeks.
  • Apply Olive Oil: Mites can live on your beardie’s skin. Applying olive oil on your beardie can be very effective. Apply the oil first to the bearded dragon’s body and then leave it for 10-20 minutes.

The mites will disappear from the beardie’s body. But be mindful of beardie’s eyes so that the olive oil cannot enter.

  • Medications For Bearded Dragon Mites:  There are different options, like injectable and topical medications, to treat your bearded dragon mite infestation. Consult your veterinarian to decide which one best fits your beardie.
  • Feed Nutritious Foods:  After mite infestation, your beardie might be weak and devastated. For making the beardie strong, feed them nutritious feeds.

Mites can be very difficult to get rid of and can pose a serious risk to your pet by transmitting disease. Additionally, since they have the ability to reproduce very quickly, large numbers of mites can drain too much blood from your animal causing them to be anemic and lethargic- and can even result in death if left untreated. – River Road Veterinary Clinic

Dust mites feeding on human flakes

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Step 2: Clean The beardie’s Enclosure:

In the first step, you get to learn the mite removing process from bearded dragons. Now you’ll learn the cleaning process of beardie’s enclosure in the second step.

  • Clean The Enclosure: Before cleaning the beardie’s enclosure, you need to move the things that are left behind. Otherwise, cleaning the enclosure will be just a waste of time as mites can reproduce and spread everywhere.
  • Fixture And Lighting: Soak the wooden items in bleached water and evacuate the lighting. Wipe down them with bleached water to make the items free of mites.
  • Vacuum And Clean: Now you can vacuum the enclosures and notice every single small egg of mites that are hidden inside the enclosure. Now clean the enclosure frame. With Soapy water, you can clean the wooden enclosures. But you can apply to spray on glass enclosures.
  • Fumigate The Enclosure: With a flea collar, you can now fumigate the enclosure. Before that, with a tap, you need to seal the enclosure to hold the air. And leave it for a few hours. And then again remove the tap and leave it for a few more hours. Finally, open the window.
  • Check The Surrounding And Vacuum: Now you need to check the enclosures if there are any more mites hiding in the enclosure. And vacuum the mite affected areas.

Can Humans Get Mites From Reptiles?

Good news: reptile mites prefer reptiles. They don’t typically infest humans.

That said, they can crawl onto you, which is definitely not pleasant. I’ve had a few hitchhike onto me while cleaning my bearded dragon’s tank. Luckily, they didn’t stick around.

Why Mites Don’t Live on Humans

Reptile mites need cold-blooded hosts to survive. Your warm, human body doesn’t provide the right environment for them. They might crawl on you briefly but won’t set up camp.

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What To Do If You Spot Mites on Yourself

  • Shower and Change Clothes: Wash off any mites that might have transferred.
  • Wash Your Hands: Always clean your hands after handling reptiles or cleaning their enclosure.
  • Inspect Your Home: If mites escape into your living space, they can become a temporary nuisance. Vacuum thoroughly and keep the reptile’s area clean.

When I dealt with mites on my beardie, I became a bit paranoid. A good scrub and some extra cleaning kept everything under control.

While you don’t need to worry about mites living on you, they can still make handling your reptile a bit creepy. Stay vigilant and keep their enclosure spotless to avoid these pests entirely.

3 Tips To Prevent Mites on Bearded Dragons

Buy From Trustworthy Shop

Don’t purchase the bearded dragon from a local retailer for a low price. Beardie can have medical issues or other sorts of problems. Reputable breeders keep good quality products.

Quarantine New Bearded Dragon

Isolate or quarantine the newly purchased bearded dragons until you are sure they are free of mites.

Maintain Proper Hygiene

Ensure hygiene measures while visiting your friends with a bearded dragon.  You can wash your hands and change your clothes after visiting your friends.

Prohibition sign for house dust mites

How do you kill mites in reptile substrate?

Mites love to hide in reptile substrate. To get rid of them, you’ll need to clean or replace the bedding completely. Skipping this step means the mites could come right back.

When my beardie had mites, I learned this the hard way. I thought I could just spot-treat her, but the mites were still lurking in the substrate!

Steps to Kill Mites in Substrate

  1. Remove the Substrate: Scoop out all the bedding and seal it in a plastic bag. Throw it away far from your house.
  2. Disinfect the Tank: Scrub the tank with hot water and a reptile-safe disinfectant. Pay attention to cracks and corners where mites hide.
  3. Bake or Freeze Natural Substrates: If you’re using soil, coconut fiber, or wood chips, you can bake them in the oven at 200°F for 30 minutes or freeze them for at least 48 hours to kill mites and eggs.
  4. Switch to Paper Towels: Temporarily use paper towels as substrate until you’re sure the mites are gone.

I switched to paper towels after my beardie’s mite issue. It made it so much easier to spot and remove any stray mites.

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Prevent Mites in Substrate

  • Clean Regularly: Spot-clean the tank daily and replace the substrate often.
  • Quarantine New Additions: Always sanitize new substrate or decorations before adding them to the tank.
  • Choose Low-Risk Substrates: Avoid loose substrates that mites can easily hide in, like sand or bark chips.

By staying on top of tank hygiene, I’ve kept my beardie’s setup mite-free ever since. And she’s much happier without those itchy invaders!

Is Bearded Dragon Mite Spray Effective?

Yes, bearded dragon mite spray can work wonders when used correctly. These sprays are designed to kill mites without harming your beardie, but they need to be applied with care.

I used a reptile-safe mite spray when my beardie had mites, and it saved us both a lot of stress. The key is knowing how and when to use it.

How Mite Spray Works

Mite sprays contain ingredients that target mites, either by suffocating them or disrupting their life cycle. They’re safe for reptiles but lethal to the pests.

It’s important to choose a spray labeled for reptiles. Never use something made for dogs, cats, or humans—it could harm your dragon.

Tips for Using Mite Spray

  • Read the Instructions: Always follow the label carefully.
  • Spot Treat Your Dragon: Spray on a paper towel and gently wipe your dragon, avoiding sensitive areas like the eyes and mouth.
  • Clean the Enclosure: Use the spray on the tank, decorations, and hides to kill any lingering mites.
  • Repeat as Needed: Mites often lay eggs, so reapply according to the product’s instructions to catch new hatchlings.

When I treated my beardie, I sprayed her enclosure and everything in it twice a week for a month. It felt like overkill, but the mites were gone.

Does It Always Work?

Mite sprays are effective, but only if you combine them with deep cleaning. Mites hide in cracks and crevices, so clean every nook of the tank.

If the infestation is severe, or if the spray doesn’t seem to work, it’s time to call the vet. They might recommend a stronger treatment.

Mite spray works if you’re thorough. It’s not a magical fix—you still have to put in the effort. But trust me, the relief of seeing your beardie itch-free is worth it!

Which bearded dragon mite spray is the best?

Several bearded dragon mite sprays are available on the market, and their effectiveness can vary based on individual experiences. However, the only one I’ll recommend is Natural Chemistry Reptile Mite Spray. This product has thousands of positive reviews on Amazon for its ability to kill mites and lice instantly on contact without harming the reptile.

The spray is designed to kill mites and lice instantly upon contact without harming the reptile. Users have reported immediate results, with mites coming off their reptiles right after application.

One user mentioned that after soaking their ball python in a solution made with the spray, mites immediately came off, especially when aided with a q-tip for the face.

The product is easy to use. Some users have combined the spray with other cleaning and disinfecting methods for a comprehensive mite treatment.

For instance, one user described a process where they first bathed their bearded dragon, then disinfected the entire tank, and subsequently used the mite spray to treat both the tank and the dragon. This user emphasized the importance of diligence, recommending a two-week treatment period to ensure all mites are eradicated.

The spray is deemed safe for reptiles. However, one user noted that while the spray effectively kills mites on contact, it might be uncomfortable or even slightly painful for the reptiles, suggesting that it should be used sparingly.

Many users expressed satisfaction with the product, highlighting its effectiveness in treating mite infestations. One user, in particular, mentioned that after a single application, all mites were gone and did not return.

Another user emphasized the importance of being thorough in the treatment process, suggesting cleaning, scrubbing, and replacing old substrate to ensure complete eradication.

It’s essential to note that while many users found the product effective, it’s always a good idea to consult with a reptile specialist or veterinarian before using any product.

closeup of an eye of an bearded dragon.
closeup of an eye of an bearded dragon.

How Do Mites Spread From One Beardie To Other Reptiles?

Mites are often found on bearded dragons, especially when you bring home the dragons from a pet store. Despite having a short span of life, mites can lay eggs and reproduce millions of mites fast on bearded dragons. They are great at hiding themselves inside the enclosures and infest everywhere.

Bearded dragon mites around eyes?

Finding mites around your bearded dragon’s eyes is stressful. These tiny pests love warm, moist spots, and the delicate skin around the eyes is a prime target.

I noticed this with my beardie when she kept rubbing her face on everything. At first, I thought it was normal behavior—turns out, mites were the culprits.

Signs of Mites Around the Eyes

Here’s what to look for:

  • Tiny Black or Red Dots: Check the skin and scales near the eyes.
  • Swelling or Irritation: The area might look puffy or reddish.
  • Constant Scratching: They may rub their face on tank walls, decorations, or your hand.
  • Watery or Cloudy Eyes: Irritated eyes can start to tear up or look a bit dull.

It’s easy to miss mites at first since they’re so small. When I used a flashlight, I saw them moving. Gross but necessary to catch early!

What To Do If You Spot Mites

Don’t panic—you can handle this. Follow these steps:

  1. Isolate Your Beardie: Move them to a temporary, clean enclosure.
  2. Clean the Tank: Deep clean every surface, including decorations and hides. Use a reptile-safe disinfectant.
  3. Treat the Mites: Use a vet-recommended reptile mite spray or soak your beardie in lukewarm water to help wash some mites off. Avoid the eyes directly during treatment.
  4. Check the Eyes Carefully: Gently wipe around the eyes with a damp cotton swab to remove visible mites.

Prevent Mites in the Future

  • Keep the enclosure clean and free of debris.
  • Quarantine any new reptiles or tank accessories before adding them.
  • Regularly inspect your dragon for early signs of mites.

When my beardie recovered, I became a clean freak about her tank. It’s worth it to avoid seeing those creepy crawlies again!

Final Thought:

The essence of keeping a bearded dragon lies in the hygienic environment. To ensure an ideal environment for reptiles, like bearded dragons, you will require proper knowledge to prevent the severity of the mites. I hope you’ve already known about how to deal with mites on a bearded dragon.


Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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