What Are The Holes On A Bearded Dragon Head?

Having a bearded dragon as a pet is always interesting. You always get to know more about their features, behaviors, food habits, and many other things. One of their exciting features is the two holes on their head beside their eyes. Did you ever wonder- what are the holes on a bearded dragon head?

The holes on bearded dragons’ heads are their ears. These holes are located almost 3-4 inches away from the back of their eyes, about midway between their eyes and mouth corner. A thin membrane called “tympanic” is found recessing the opening, and no appendages or lobes are located beside the ears.

If you’re looking for more information about this unique feature of bearded dragons, stick with us until the end!

How Does The Bearded Dragon’s Ear work?

The bearded dragon’s ear has tiny membranes and bones that help in the hearing process. The sounds transmit via air into the ear and pressure the signals. The sensory cells get stimulated by the vibration, helping to interpret sounds when they hit the cavity.

The stapes or stirrup in the middle ear also helps transmit sounds from the middle ear to the inner structure with the help of vibrations in the tympanic membrane.

Other than listening to sounds and interpreting them, the ear of a bearded dragon does help in other functions.

How To Take Care Of Bearded Dragons Ears?

The ear infection in bearded dragons is widespread as many simple facts are associated. Such as imbalance in temperature and humidity, shedding or improper diet, and more. To keep your bearded dragon safe from these infections, there are some ways you can maintain:

  • Maintaining temperature and humidity
  • Planning a proper diet plan
  • Making the shedding process easy

Maintaining temperature and humidity:

The temperature and humidity both are two essential factors for the bearded dragon’s survival. Hence slightest fluctuation can significantly create an impact on their entire system. Thus, keeping the 75ºF and 85ºF and humidity at 30-40% can help prevent ear infections.

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Planning a proper diet plan:

A diet plan is necessary for your bearded dragon to survive for an extended period of time without any hassles. As they do not live in a natural habitat, residing in a tank as a pet does not allow them to grow appropriately unless there is a similar environment.

Providing UV light, vitamin D, calcium, or insects can help them get an enriched amount of nutrition to prevent ear infections and shedding.

Making the shedding process easy:

The shedding or skin peeling process is a natural yet uncomfortable process for any bearded dragon. Hence any slight changes can make the whole process more difficult for them and build up ear infections. To keep things easy, you can give them a bath or set their tanks properly to allow them to go through a smooth shedding process.

What Are The Other Functions Of the Bearded Dragon’s ear?

Like humans, bearded dragons also have ears, but they have different functionalities.

Hunting for food:

In some areas, where the bug-finding seems next to impossible, bearded dragons use their ear as a method to find the insects near them easily.

As bearded dragon’s ears are extremely sensitive to sounds, it helps them find their prey using their sense of hearing.

Defense mechanism:

The vibration through sensory cells allows bearded dragons to listen to their attackers from a long distance. It hence works as a defense mechanism for them as they can save themselves from snakes or birds.

Regulating balance:

Bearded dragons use their ears to balance their walking, just like humans. The semicircular canals in bearded dragons help them regulate their balance just like humans do.

Apart from ear holes, you may spot different types of holes on a bearded dragon’s body. These features make bearded dragons a bit unique from other reptiles as well.

What Is The Hole On The Top Of A Bearded Dragon’s Head?

If you ever spotted a hole on top of your bearded dragon, it’s none other than their “third eye” This partial eye or this eye is located on top of their head, appearing just like a dot. This unique feature allows bearded dragons to:

  • Sensing shadows
  • Understanding the changes in lighting
  • Maintaining biological processes
  • Checking directions
  • Safeguarding from predators

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Sensing shadows:

The sensing of different shadows greatly helps a bearded dragon look for food or keep itself safe from attackers.

When they sense the presence of any bug in front or behind them using their “third eye,” they can go slowly towards their prey and catch it without letting it know.

When any hawk wants to catch a beardie, the beardie uses its third eye to sense its attacker’s presence and flee away. Thus it becomes easier for them to keep themselves safe from any danger.

Understanding the change in lighting:

The lighting changes can also help bearded dragons keep themselves safe from their attackers. When in the dark, the third eye allows a beardie to detect the changes in light as this organ works as an optic lobe.

Maintaining biological process:

All living beings, including reptiles, need to regulate their biological process to survive. The “third eye” in bearded dragons also assists them in this process.

The third can connect to different glands that secrete hormones to maintain their balance. For instance: the “third eye” connects with the pineal gland. It directs the beardie to release melatonin for maintenance of the sleep cycle.

Checking directions:

The “third eye” of a bearded dragon can detect light shifting, making this gland an internal GPS for them. This useful organ is a great way to look for directions both day and night.

Safeguarding from predators:

As mentioned earlier, detecting predictors using the “third eye” is one of the most useful functions of this organ. This organ can detect the shadows, which allows them to look for their prey and save themselves as prey from their attackers.

How To Detect The Unhealthy Ears Of A Bearded Dragon?

Bearded dragons go through ear infections most frequently due to variation in temperature, difficulty in shedding, etc. Some symptoms can help you detect infections in them:

  • Imbalance walking and hearing loss
  • Swollen tympanic membrane
  • Discharge from ear
  • Spots in ear

Do Bearded Dragons Have Three Eyes?

The bearded dragon has two eyes in front, which help to see. But the other eye located on top of their head allows them to perform multiple functions that include- detecting changes in light variations, sensing shadows, and more.

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Why Do Bearded Dragons Have A Dot On Their Head?

As mentioned above, the “Third eye” or partial eye is a unique feature of bearded dragons that appears as a dot on their head. Hence if you ever spot one, you do not need to worry.

How To Take Care Of A Bearded Dragon’s Third Eye?

By now, you must have understood how critical the third eye is for a bearded dragon. Hence to perform proper maintenance, there are some steps that you may follow to help them:

  • Turning off lights during nighttime
  • Automatic lighting
  • Use natural lighting

Turning off lights during nighttime

The bearded dragons are used to staying in their natural habitat. So to maintain the exact environment inside their tank, it would be best to keep the light off at night and on in the daytime. This will allow them to differentiate between different lighting are react accordingly.

Use natural lighting

The best way to take care of a beardie’s third eye is to use natural light instead of artificial lighting. It may take some of your time but will also benefit your bearded dragon in the long run for survival.

Automatic lighting

Automatic lighting, a bit costly method, can help you keep the lights functioning the way you want. Even if you forget to keep the light off at night, this automated system will turn it off on time.

Final words

The ear holes of bearded dragons serve multiple purposes for bearded dragons alongside their “third eye,” which keeps them safe from every danger. Hence, taking proper care of these organs is essential for a bearded dragon’s survival. To pet bearded dragons and keep themselves as a company, make sure to follow these steps always.

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of AcuarioPets.com. I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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