How To Treat Leopard Gecko Eye Infection?
When you pet a Leopard Gecko, you might often see them going through different eye-related issues. Eye issues in geckos are very common but it does not mean that you will let it affect them repeatedly. Hence a question might arise in your mind- How to treat Leopard Gecko eye infection?
You can treat Leopard Gecko’s eye infection by using antibiotics, preservative-free saline, and sterilized cotton bud or reptile eye drops. This all can be used while handling your Gecko carefully. You can also consult a vet for treating the eye issues of your Gecko.
If you want to know more about treating Leopard Gecko’s eye issues, make sure to read till the end!
Types And Signs Of Eye Infections In Leopard Gecko
Eye problems in leopard Geckos are not an uncommon thing. Many owners of leopard geckos have complained that their Geckos keep one eye closed or have eyes that are cloudy.
Generally, a Leopard gecko can lick its own eyes and can easily clean them to prevent any eye infection from occurring. But eye infection does not only occur from dirt. Parasites, vitamin A deficiency, trauma, etc. can cause eye infections in Leopard Geckos.
There are several types and signs of eye infection in leopard Gecko:
- Hypovitaminosis A or vitamin A deficiency
- Corneal Ulcer
- Conjunctivitis
- Infections
- Debris
- Dysecdysis
- Abscess
- Non-Ulcerative Keratitis
- Genetic Defects of the Eye
Hypovitaminosis A or vitamin A deficiency
Vitamin A is very necessary for eyesight both for humans and Geckos. Vitamin A helps have a clear cornea while maintaining low light vision as this vitamin is a component of rhodopsin.
If your Leopard Gecko consumes less amount of vitamin A in its diet, it surely is going to suffer from eyesight issues.
Signs of Vitamin A deficiency:
- Change in body color that will turn into dull day by day
- Decreased appetite
- Hard time catching or consuming insects
- Pseudo-abscess near the eye area
- Tear production and eye squinting
Prevention from vitamin A deficiency could be consuming gut-loaded insects that are rich in vitamin A. You can also incorporate pinky mice or silkworms into your Gecko’s diet if you feel it has a high chance of having vitamin A deficiency.
However, consuming excessive amounts of vitamin A can cause hypovitaminosis A which can become another issue for your Gecko. Hence you can use alternatives, such as – multivitamin pills, or consult a vet before giving vitamin A to your Gecko.
Corneal Ulcer
This is another eye infection that can occur due to trauma, parasites, injury, or shock caused by the environment or another Gecko.
This can be detected by damaging eyelids easily. You can consult a vet to handle these issues instead of handling them yourself.
To detect ulcers in Gecko’s eye, a vet generally uses a topical fluorescein dye or eye stain that can stick to the ulcer present inside its eye.
After detection, the vet will provide some eye drops for your Gecko’s treatment. Make sure to confirm the re-checkup routine.
Conjunctivitis in Geckos can occur due to the invasion of opportunistic organisms or less hygiene such as living in dirty water or enclosure.
When an inflammation occurs in the pink tissue around the eyelid of your Gecko, you can consider it “pink eye “disease or conjunctivitis.
To treat this disease, you can use an antibiotic eye drop on your Gecko’s eyes but never try to use it unless you know how to handle the eye drops properly. You can call a vet to do the task.
Any infection of the eyes can occur due to the invasion of bacteria, fungi, or injuries inside your Gecko’s eyes.
To treat eye infections caused by bacteria or fungi, antifungal or antibacterial drops are required. But you need to keep your vet updated regarding the eye infection as they can provide the best solution to you.
Debris or foreign bodies can easily enter your Geckos eyes and it does not indicate parasites only. Sands, food, retained skin, etc. anything can enter the eyes of your Gecko and harm its eyes.
The debris can get stuck in the eyeball and can create different eye issues, such as – an eye infection if not cleaned properly.
To clean the debris or foreign body, eye drops with sterilized cotton can be used.
The dysecdysis indicates the abnormal skin shedding procedure in Geckos. Skin shedding is a very natural yet uncomfortable process for any Leopard Gecko.
If your Geckos have difficulties in shedding, it can also cause eye issues in them. Basically, skins around the eyes will not shed properly and those will be stuck there.
As a result, the retained shedding can cause eye infections and sometimes form a plug near their eyes. Thus, it forms difficulties in their everyday life and your Geckos might stop eating as a consequence.
To help your Geckos with dysecdysis, you can simply take a q-tip of a cotton bud and sterilize it. Later carefully take the Geckos in your hand and gently swap the bud around their eyes. Do not force the procedure if you see your Geckos becoming uncomfortable.
You can use preservative-free saline too to clean the eyes of the Geckos. Reptile eye drops or clean water can also work.
To prevent this issue, you can keep your Geckos in a place with optimum humidity.
Having an abscess around the eye of a Leopard Gecko is a very common scenario. If your Gecko goes through any injury such as – puncturing or gets infected by any microbe, there is a chance that a bump will form directly under its eyes.
You can clearly see a small bump with debris surrounding the Geckos’ eyes. This can also occur if any parasites bite your Gecko or it scratches itself or gets hurt by any branch of plants inside the tank.
In case of an abscess, you can call your vet to take proper measures. Your vet will use a sterilized needle to open the abscess and remove the infected material from inside. If the abscess is not in a good condition, your vet might recommend eye drops or antibiotics for your Gecko.
Non-Ulcerative Keratitis
This is another sort of inflammation that occurs on the outer layer of the eyes. This disease can be identified using fluorescent dye as it does not retain that. Hence you can guess that your Gecko has inflammation.
You need to consult a veterinarian to solve this eye problem of your Gecko.
Genetic Defects of the Eye
Some Geckos can be born with defects in their eyes due to wrong breeding or genetic abnormalities like – cyclopia.
To avoid such cases, you need to be careful while breeding two geckos and consult a breeder for details.
How To Prevent Eyes Issues In Leopard Geckos?
Prevention is always better than cure. Hence preventing eye issues in Leopard Geckos will not only save them from having pains and suffering but also will save your time as well:
Clean Enclosure
Always keep a clean enclosure. A dirty environment where mold formation or parasites live can easily affect the eyes of your Gecko. Moreover, not cleaning the enclosure properly can sometimes cause insects such as – crickets, to stay there and attack your Gecko.
Optimum condition of enclosure
Maintain optimum humidity, temperature, and lighting inside the tank.
When a Leopard Gecko feels uncomfortable due to bad lighting, excess humidity, or low temperatures, it tries to come by the glass wall and climb through the enclosure. This way it can hurt its eyes as well.
Hence always keep an optimum condition in the enclosure.
Clean water and substrates
Keep the substrate and water clean. Make sure that the insects that you are providing are not completely alive as they can attack Geckos and of course their eyes badly.
Choose the substrate for your Gecko’s tank wisely. Having substrates such as crushed nuts or gravel can easily puncture the eyesight of your Gecko.
Thus, it can affect its eyes badly and your Gecko may start having blindness if not taken care of properly.
Clean sharp edges and objects
Make sure there is no sharp object present inside the enclosure. Any sharp object can not only affect Gecko’s eyes but also its whole body. Make sure that the whole enclosure is free from sharp edges as well
Regular checkup
Always conduct a thorough checkup of your Gecko and make appointments with your vet at first. Never take any measures into your hand before consulting the vet.
Why Is My Leopard Gecko Not Opening One Eye?
Your Gecko might not open one eye due to irritation caused by its eye issues. When any debris forms in their eyes or due to improper shedding, plug forms, that time your Gecko might not keep its eye open.
Other than these two reasons, eye infection, low humidity, and malnutrition are some of the reasons that might not let Gecko open its one eye completely.
Why Does My Leopard Gecko Have Gunk In His Eyes?
If you see gunk in the eyes of your Gecko, it must be due to low humidity and poor shedding process. When a Gecko can’t shed well, the skin gets stuck around its eyes. This causes irritation and debris build up around it.
What Can I Use To Clean My Leopard Gecko’s Eyes?
If you want to clean your Leopard Gecko’s eye, you can use saline which is preservative-free with a sterilized cotton tip applicator to clean the eyes of the Gecko.
While cleaning you need to handle your Gecko well otherwise it can become nervous and as a result, might try to hurt you or hurt itself. Hence try to be very gentle and cautious and do not hurry in the process.
Why Is My Leopard Gecko’s Eye Closed?
Your Leopard Gecko might keep its eye close due to eye-related issues that include- abscess, eye infection, parasite invasion, and more. Generally, the eye issues cause much irritation in their eyes and Geckos then keep their eyes close as they cannot withstand the pain.
Can You Use Turtle Eye Drops On A Leopard Gecko?
You can use turtle eye drops for your Leopard Gecko. But the eye drops need to be specific and should have no side effects. The Zoo med turtle eye drop is an example of it.
Final Words
Your Leopard Gecko can suffer from eye issues just as you in their entire life. During this time, you need to make sure that your Gecko gets proper treatment under a professional vet. You also need to learn about all the diseases and how to cure and prevent them. Thus, you can assure a healthy life without eye issues for your Leopard Gecko.
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Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.
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