What Are Betta Bulbs? Everything You Need To Know!

Betta Bulbs

Fancy an aquarium with live plants and bettas? Well, that’s a genuine fascination. Bettas are too adorable, but they become more charming with betta bulbs.

I assume you have seen live plants in an aquarium from a pet store, and that’s what we call “Betta Bulbs.” Bettas genuinely adore those green and beautiful plants and live in them.

Well, you know what? Planting betta bulbs is indeed a fun experiment, trust me.

If you are a novice keeper who loves to enjoy a betta fish aquarium, you couldn’t get a better chance than this to plant betta bulbs and have your bettas floating in them. In the beginning, it might seem appalling, but not so difficult.

Read on to explore more about betta bulbs, you might even pick one for your betta if you have an aquarium.

So, What Are Betta Bulbs?

Basically, betta bulbs are the plants that you notice in an aquarium, and we call them aquarium plants too—heard of it?

If I utter of science, well, I mean botanically, betta bulbs somewhat experiment stalks that grow without any special requirements, like sunlight, take care.

You can get betta bulbs at any Petco. They can be either perennials or annuals. It means you can either buy a bulb that needs replacing every year or a bulb that will bloom flowers each year.

Interestingly, when you buy a betta bulb, the betta bulb will come packed with loaded ingredients to help it grow. So, you’re out of the fuss from additional hassles.

Placing them in an ideal situation, the bulbs will pull out roots and grown leaves, and eventually flowers. But if you don’t notice any sprouting in a couple of days, you can bet that you’ve got the wrong one.

Anyway, now, it’s time to take you to the types of betta bulbs. Well, let’s ride.

Want to dive deeper into Betta? This article has all the answers! How to Quill a Beautiful Betta Fish: Easy Techniques for Beginners

Types of Betta Bulbs

Betta Bulbs are too many in kinds but mostly come from a relatively famous known species, named Aponogeton. But you will get to see two main categories exactly, and the rest are followed by hybrid species.

Let’s bring it on with the main categories first.

Aponogeton Sp.

pH6.5 to 7.5
Temperature72° – 82° F (22° – 28° C)
SubstrateAt least 2 inches depth
Growth Ratequite fast
Co2appreciable but not a must
Propagationside shoots, pollinating flowers manually

Aponogeton is the gigantic part of the betta bulb world with around 60 different types of species. They are the most aquatic plant you’ll ever encounter and can survive in quite low light without any hesitations.

For healthy and fast growth, Aponogetons require soft water, whereas they grow in a smaller shape and lose leaves in hot and harrowing water.

I’d say Aponogetons is unbeatable for their growth and shape in low light conditions compared to other betta bulbs. They produce various leaf shapes but in an attractive look.

The flowers in this species are generally submerged for the entire year. In wavering and drought weather conditions, they can hide into a dormant state until the climate goes back to a prompt state. You can easily replace and replant the bulbs comfortably as they don’t dry out swiftly.

You can find a good deal on Aponogeton Ulvaceus Bulb here. The seller has good ratings and the chances of getting a bad bulb is minimal.

Cryptocoryne Sp.

pH6.0 to 7.5
Temperature68 to 83 degrees Fahrenheit
SubstrateAt least 2 inches depth
Growth Ratefast
Co2appreciable but not a must
PropagationRoot division

Cryptocoryne Species is another giant betta bulb era. These species are perfect for less-lit aquariums as they tend to grow super fast in lower tanks.

Well, for large-shaped tanks, you have to ensure a lot of patience in your mind. Because they will grow slow in larger tanks.

But one thing you must keep in your mind. You must not move the Cryptocorynes from tanks to tanks. During the transferring session, the plants may die or take too much time to regenerate leaves in the newest tank.

Sometimes, when you move the plant to a new tank with separate water and lighting conditions will not support them as before, and the leaves will grow pale and kibble.

Cryptocoryne produces root right underneath the surface and expands the sprouts widely. If you have a darker tank and dim-lit, then you can go for cryptocoryne without a blink. They are the best for these conditions.

If you want to buy the best quality Red Crypt Wendtii, check them out! The quality is pretty good and their service is awesome!

As you have seen the giant categories, how about I take you the hybrid and smaller ones now? Feeling interested? Let’s begin.

Betta Bulbs

If Betta piqued your interest, this article will take you even further. 7 Types Of Halfmoon Betta Fish [With Pictures]

Java Ferns

DifficultyVery Easy
pH6 to 8
Temperature15 to 32 degrees celsius
SubstrateNot required
Growth Rateslow
Co2not required
PropagationRhizome division

Ahh, my favorite one to endorse you. Java Fern is loved by most of the bettas, so you can think of planting one with good grace.

If you are hunting for a robust and attractive plant and which doesn’t require any pebble or sand for growth backup, the Java Fern is what you should go for. These plants hoard onto timber itself or any rock or other materials.

With the being said, make sure you don’t bury the Java Fern in your aquarium substrate. This is surely a grave mistake that people make. This way, you will kill the fern instead of producing one.

The Java Fern is one of the rare plants which will grow with a happy face and no aquarium light required. Said that the aquarium gets enough lighting externally. So, I can say that this kind of bulb prefers dim lights.

You can check the latest price of Java Fern on Amazon here.

Java Moss

DifficultyVery Easy
pH6 to 8
Temperature15 to 32 degrees celsius
SubstrateNot required
Growth Rateslow
Co2not required
Propagationcutting or splitting

If you are one of them who changes aquarium water and lighting regularly, Java Moss is the go-to betta bulb for you. This plant is exceptionally sturdy and comfortable to cope with various conditions in some hard-weather and lighting conditions or any average climate.

As these kinds of species prefer light with lower levels, they can grow smoothly and happily in your aquarium. You won’t need to attach another overhead light to the aquarium.

Outstandingly, the Java moss can generate its life on rocks, driftwood, and other materials similar to the Java Fern. That means you don’t have to worry about any additional substrates.

This plant doesn’t turn into either tall or small, ensuring it to be the best betta bulb for bettas and aquariums. Also, they stand out in the plant game for the best nano aquariums.

Here you’ll find a pretty good deal of Java Moss on Amazon.

Explore the fascinating world of Betta—this post has everything you need! Crochet a Stunning Betta Fish in Just Minutes – Free Patterns Inside!

Cryptocoryne Petchii

Well, I have another betta bulb that doesn’t ask for additional help like a substrate for its growth. The Petchii attaches itself to pebbles, rocks, driftwood, or any other extra materials it gets nearby. Without any requirement of overhead light, you can see the Petchii growing seamlessly.

Plus, whether you have hard or soft water in your aquarium tank, the plant is comfortable with both water conditions. It increases the maximum to 15cm.

Anubias Nana

DifficultyVery Easy
pH5 to 8
Temperature22 to 28 degrees celsius
SubstrateNot required
Growth Ratevery slow
Co2appreciable but not a must
PropagationRhizome division

Similar to the Java Fern, Anubias Nana doesn’t play any exception growth game. This one also anchors its roots to rocks, chunks, gravel, or any other aquarium ornaments you love. Unlike other plants, if you bury the Anubias Nana into aquarium substrate, this plant will die eventually.

This one is a truly hearty, pretty tiny, long-lasting and slow-growing plant. It doesn’t matter in which water condition you keep it – it will survive. But, an aquarium light is going to be a necessity.

Well, apart from all of these, the Anubias Nana is a plant to grow super fast and easily in your aquarium tank.

If you want to buy the best quality Anubias Nana Petite, check them out! You’ll be happy with the quality they provide!

Floating Moss Ball / Moss Ball

A super easy betta bulb is quite a loveable preference for every betta lover. And Floating Moss Ball is the unbeaten choice. Anyway, the Moss Ball is basically a kind of moss species that turns big and forms like a ball-shaped bulb.

Moss balls are one of those bulbs which bettas really adhere. These plants need no anchoring, but you may try the Cladophora.

Remarkably, this plant will float on the water; in case bettas get along with it and roam happily. Also, betta loves to use the Moss Balls as shelter. This plant is sturdy and robust to become a hardy shelter.

Aquatic Arts is selling 10 high-quality Marimo Moss Balls as a package. If you ask me, it’s a great deal to pass on. Click here to check out the details.

If Betta piqued your interest, this article will take you even further. 5 Types Of Dumbo Betta Fish [With Pictures]

Amazon Sword Plant

LightingLow to moderate
pH6.5 – 7.5
Temperature60.8 – 82.4°F
Growth RateModerate
Co2appreciable but not a must
PropagationVegetative, Runners

Amazon Sword Plant, the name resembles something similar to a very hardcore thing, right? Yeap, true. The plant is undoubtedly a hardy and hefty plant, but it can grow under a minimal amount of light.’

I’d recommend you going for this species only when you have an enormous aquarium, at least 30L. Because Amazon Sword Plant grows like Amazon, I mean they are speedy to generate a large size body.

This plant has to be placed under substrate, sand, rock, or gravel. The substrate with iron-riched fertilizer can help the plant to stay healthy.

If you are interested in getting some healthy Amazon Sword Plants, don’t miss out on this 3 Bundle Amazon Sword Plant Package. You’ll get very high-quality Amazon Swords from a reputable seller at a cheap price.

Anubias Hastifolia

LightingLow to moderate
pH5.5 to 9
Temperature68° – 86° F (20° – 30° C)
SubstrateNot required
Growth Rate2 – 6 leaves per year
Co2appreciable but not a must
PropagationRhizome division

Here is another betta bulb-like Amazon Sword Plant, the Anubias Hastifolia. This plant produces a giant-sized and 80cm tall height body. Like the Amazon Sword Plant, it requires at least 30L of aquarium tank, cause it realistically grows big.

Under the lower level of light, it feels to expand its body and latches the body to wood, rocks, and other ornaments. Though it becomes a giant shape, it grows slowly.

If you like Anubias, you can get 4 different of Anubias species as a bundle from this seller. The four different species will be Wrinkle Leave, Barteri, Hastifolia, Cogensis. If you want to decorate simply with a few gorgeous live plants, I wouldn’t pass on this deal.

Why buy a betta bulb?

Well, betta bulbs can be fascinating if you got an aquarium. Growing underwater plants and watching them grow and glow is quite an exciting sight. Usually, betta bulbs contain a variety of species of plants. As you will not know what you are going to have, the experience will be more exciting and thrilling for you.

Explore the fascinating world of Betta—this post has everything you need! 6 Types Of plakat Betta Fish [With Pictures]

What are the downsides of betta bulbs?

Sometimes, the betta bulb can sprout a semi-aquatic plant, and that’s a warning for you. Because semi-aquatic plants must grow outside of the water level to survive. Now you won’t want to have the plants growing into the hood.

Besides, the idea of growing a plant in the aquarium from tuber or seed, though it is a fun thing to do, is not actually one of the best options. Because, the bulbs are unpredictable and can affect the water chemistry.

So, you can not just drop some random betta bulbs into the tank. They may also not grow at all and rot in the tank. So, though they come at a pretty cheap price, it is recommended that you do not use them directly in the main tank. Use a separate tank to grow the bulbs or use pre-grown plants.

How long does it take for an aquarium plant bulb to grow?

If you want to observe the complete growth of a plant, betta bulbs may be a perfect choice for you. Specially Aponogeton sp. as they can grow in small tanks in weeks.

While dealing with bulbs, you may end up with a dud or a moldy bulb. Very often, hobbyists face this. Suppose you don’t notice any new growth in a week. It is best to remove it. It will save the water from being affected by a rotting bulb. If you face this, the good news is, most companies offer a warranty of 30 days. So, if you face this problem, just check for the warranty quickly and use it if available.

Do bettas need real plants?

Well, like most other fishes, bettas don’t really require live plants. But live plants matter. Using them, you will be benefited, as they will provide you with nutrient export, aeration, and natural beauty to your bettas and betta tank.


Plants are based on an autotrophic system, and they use photosynthesis to make their own food.

Photosynthesis is the process of compressing carbon dioxide, water and converting them into glucose and oxygen. In this process, sunlight or artificial light is required for the process to run.

Betta fish does precisely the opposite of this process. They turn oxygen and sugars into water and carbon dioxide.

Ultimately, the oxygen helps bettas to breathe, and bettas help pants with carbon dioxide.  This is why live plants and betta fish are reliable partners in a tank that comes in limited space and inappropriate gas exchange.

Natural Beauty

Needless to say, nature and natural beauty are heartily close to every human being. The natural beauty comes from the plants, and so does the aquarium. Plant in aquarium adds a beautiful hue to its interior.

The plants come in various shapes, colors, and sizes to invent an underwater forest in your aquarium and make your bettas feel like home.

Not just that, the plants also act as a shelter to fish and, eventually, a home.

Nutrient Export

Simply put, hobbyists and other professional fishkeepers prefer plants for aquarium tank is just because of nutrient export. Here’s how it works.

Plants ask for nutrients to feed themselves and grow, and to grow, phosphates and nitrates intrigue the major impact on a plant’s growth. Both nutrients are basically responsible for heavy algae outbreaks in aquarium tanks.

Now, if you have a betta tank with densely planted plants, it’s the possible way to get rid of excessive nutrients. Most plants will absorb a good amount of nutrients and use them for themselves. More importantly, you won’t have to hustle for a filter in your tank.

But I would still suggest you get a filter for your tank and open doors for oxygen flow into the tank.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Betta Bulbs good?

Answer: Obviously, they are a pretty good choice for any novice or professional. These are surely a pleasing choice of plant. They’re neat and clean to maintain, but you have to remember to keep trimming them regularly and ensure the bulbs end to stay out of the aquarium substrate.

How fast does Aponogeton grow?

Answer: Aponogeton grows fast, basically pretty fast. This species can reach nearly 1ft in a single month. You won’t have to call for fertilizers.

Do I need light for my betta fish?

Answer: A light for your betta fish is a good recommendation from me. But turn off the light at night so that your betta fish can rest properly.

Is Amazon Sword Plant good for betta fish?

Answer: Yes, and it is quite a favorite choice among the betta fish. The Amazon Sword can grow longer than 3 feet, which is quite massive for a betta fish and play with it. Around 10-gallon tanks or even larger is preferable for these plants.

Are LED Lights OK for betta fish?

Answer: I’d moderately say YES. Betta fish, like other animals and living beings, require a light source. You can happily do it with LED lights because they are inexpensive and don’t stretch too much heat. On the contrary, you can buy other lights – just make sure they don’t generate too much heat in the aquarium water.

Final Verdict

As long as you came this far, I believe you already figured out what betta bulbs are. Well, betta bulbs are certainly a fun experiment to do in your aquarium tank, and don’t ask for much maintenance.

However, if you buy a betta bulb, I’d highly recommend you to grow it in a separate container or aquarium tank. Then, add it to your betta fish tank.

Not to mention, most betta bulbs might not find the right atmosphere to grow. So, it’s better not to risk your betta fish in a tangled situation.

Happy aquarium!

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of AcuarioPets.com. I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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