Leaf Chameleon Price Chart [Buying Guide]

When we see someone like you thinking about getting a chameleon as their pet, we can’t help admiring their taste. After all, they’re picking up something like this mesmerizing creature. And when they go for something like the leaf chameleon, we say they’ve got some solid courage too, as this is one of the most challenging reptiles. But to get one of these, how much will you have to shed in the first place?

Usually, leaf chameleons are available at a price of $50 to $100. But depending on the rarity and species, the price range can reach up to $200 and sometimes even more. And yes, their age plays a vital role when it comes to fixing their price as well.

Now the question is, will all the reptile shops can get you a leaf chameleon at a similar price range? And what are other costs that you’ll have to take care of while owning a leaf chameleon? Well, this time, we’re about to get you those answers.

Price of a Leaf Chameleon

What you call the leaf chameleon got another interesting name as well. It’s called the Brookesia Chameleon, and that’s what most of the pet shops mention while putting them up for sale. But how much do they ask for these reptiles? Well, here’s the list you were looking for.

ShopChameleon TypeMale Chameleon PriceFemale Chameleon Price
  FL ChamsBrookesia Stumpffi Pygmy Chameleon$200$200
  FL ChamsBrookesia Superciliaris$200$200
Underground ReptilesBrookesia Therezieni $74.99 $74.99
Underground ReptilesBrookesia Superciliaris $64.99 $64.99
Underground ReptilesBrookesia Thieli$64.99$64.99
Underground ReptilesBrookesia Brygooi$84.99$84.99
Reptile Pets DirectBrookesia Ebenaui$199.99$199.99
Reptile Pets DirectBrookesia Stumpfii$149.99$149.99
Reptile Pets DirectBrookesia Superciliarus$149.99$149.99
Backwater ReptilesBrookesia Therezieni $139.99 $139.99
Backwater ReptilesBrookesia Superciliaris$139.99$139.99
Backwater ReptilesBrookesia Ebenaui$179.99$179.99

Ready to learn more about Chameleon? This post will give you fresh insights! How Much Does A Veiled Chameleon Cost? [Price Chart, Store]

Things to Keep in Mind Before Buying a Leaf Chameleon

Indeed getting a pet is nothing but picking up a pile of responsibilities on your shoulder, and the same goes for getting a leaf chameleon as well. So, before you simply run to a pet store and grab a leaf chameleon, make sure that you’re fully aware of what you’re getting into.

Short Lifespan

Even with meticulous care and the ideal environment, the average lifespan of a leaf chameleon is just one to three years. Sounding a bit disappointing, right? After all, the other chameleons make it easily up to 5 to 10 years at least. As these little reptiles do not have a good reputation for living for very long, rethink if you really want to have them or not.

We know you won’t be able to keep your leaf chameleon as a pet for a long period of time. But don’t worry; there are still tons of their features that will let you go through an amazing journey and develop a close relationship with them.

Small Size

It’s not a tough job to understand how these reptiles are characterized by their diminutive size. They can reach a size of 3.5 inches in length on average, and that’s when they grow into adults. So, no matter much they age, you won’t be seeing them exceeding that number on the size, like ever. By the way, in case you’re wondering, their tail comes within this measurement as well.

Proper Care

If you’re asking about the leaf chameleons is a tough deal when it comes to maintenance or what, then relax! They’re very low-maintenance pets. So, keeping one of them as a pet won’t cause you any major headaches for sure. Wait for a second! There is still a requirement for intermediate reptile husbandry expertise.

The key to providing the greatest care for your leaf chameleon is to get them the right setup with the right enclosure upgrades and know about their diet & feeding schedules. And yes, you can’t skip having a basic grasp of any health concerns as well. If you manage to take care of these, then you’ll find out that leaf chameleons are just your thing to have as a pet!

Get the full scoop on Chameleon—check out this must-read article! How Much Does A Panther Chameleon Cost? [Store, Price List]

Right Enclosure

You’ll find leaf chameleons as the best choice as a pet reptile if you’ve got no spare room in your home. Thanks to their size that they don’t require elaborate enclosures. A single chameleon needs a glass tank no less than five gallons in size. So, you won’t have to set a big budget for that, at least.

But if you want a whole bunch of chameleons in the same cage, you’ll need an extra five gallons for each of them. Since leaf chameleons are not a fan of climbing, a habitat with lots of flat surfaces is something like that will be just perfect for them.

On top of that, individual chameleons preferentially mark out their own space. So, this kind of arrangement is especially crucial in cages housing more than one chameleon at a time. By the way, It is possible to keep males together, but only in a very big tank. So, this is not something that we recommend in the first place. But it is possible to house both men and females safely.

Don’t forget to put together a solid cover for your reptile’s enclosure. A lid should be enough to prevent your chameleon from escaping and being attacked by cats, children, or other intruders.

Setting Up Habitat

It can simply be a ton of fun to create a home for your leaf chameleon. These sociable lizards prefer the ground of forests; therefore, a habitat that replicates this terrain will make them feel most at home.

The majority of a reptile’s space should be dedicated to plants, both genuine and artificial. This way, your chameleon will feel more secure and at ease, knowing it has a place to go when feeling threatened. So, when you’re planning to buy a leaf chameleon, you need to set up a budget for grabbing some good plants as well.

By the way, before putting the lizard in there, both the natural and artificial plants must be cleaned. In case you prefer to keep it nothing but natural, trees like golden pothos, hibiscus, croton, and Madagascar dragon tree are all great chameleon-friendly options.

Get the full scoop on Chameleon—check out this must-read article! These 5 Are The Most Expensive Chameleons You’ll Ever Find

Quick Breeding

Breeding leaf chameleons isn’t that tough of a task. Clearly, this results in a great deal of convenience for the breeders. So, if you’re getting one of these for breeding purposes, then we bet you’re going to love the pace of their breeding.

But things can get a bit completed when you’re getting them as a simple pet. After all, they might just start a new generation in your cage!

Lighting & Temperature Setup

The good news is both the temperature and illumination conditions for Leaf chameleons don’t have to be very elaborate. So, you won’t have to shed too much of your extra bucks there for sure.

There’s a reason why these lizards don’t feel the need for something special, like the temperature gradient or UVB bulbs. If we’re not wrong, it’s because while living in the wild, leaf chameleons spend much of their time on the forest floor, unlike the arboreal chameleons.

When it comes to temperature, it’s better to hold it between 65° – 80° F as it’s ideal for them. Though the optimal temperature is around 70° Fahrenheit, ensure that the enclosure’s temperature is not exceeding 80° F.


There are tons of aspects that require your utmost priority when it comes to taking care of a leaf chameleon, and one of them is maintaining a constant level of humidity at all times. This one is kind of challenging, as sticking to the right humidity level is something that needs your constant attention.

These little reptiles require a humidity level that is never lower than 60% and never more than 80%. You can provide your leaf chameleon with the humid climate it requires in a handful of different methods, the best of which is by misting the enclosure. So, keep a budget for that kind of setup as well.

Hungry for knowledge about Chameleon? We’ve got you covered in this article. What Is The Cheapest Chameleon? [Store, Price]

What To Ask The Breeder While Buying A Leaf Chameleon?

If you’re planning to get your leaf chameleon from a breeder rather than going to any random reptile shop, we’d say it’s a great idea. But we suggest that if you’re going to buy those reptiles in your area, you should pay the breeder a visit first, if possible. This way, you’ll be able to inspect their facility and see how the reptiles are treated.

When you can, check in on the terrarium’s inhabitants to make sure everything is okay. You should probably view other lizards along with the one you’re buying. Of course, this won’t be possible when you’re getting your chameleon from an online purchase. This is where the use of your instincts will be crucial.

Make sure that you’re getting the answers to your questions, and the first one should be about the reptile’s history. Also, ask them about the health issues of the chameleon and the possible ones too. And don’t forget to get their suggestion on the aquarium setup, as you don’t want the reptile to be in an improper enclosure.

Before You Go…..

We can totally understand if you’re planning to change your mind about getting a leaf chameleon. After all, they’re not as big or colorful as the other chameleons.

Hold on a sec! Why don’t you just take a peek at the veiled chameleons? After all, they live long, are colorful, and grow bigger as well. And we have mentioned it all in our blog How Much Does A Veiled Chameleon Cost?

All you have to do is just give it a click!

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of AcuarioPets.com. I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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