How To Transport A Betta Fish In A Car?

How To Transport A Betta Fish In A Car

If you have a journey ahead and want to take your beloved pet betta with you, you need to consider many things for your betta’s safety. But hold on! No need to be afraid.

Even if you are scared of traveling with your little friend, you still can do it without a hitch. In this article I am going to explain to you how you can transport a betta fish in a car. Just go through the steps below, and you will reach your destination safely with your betta along.


For traveling with a betta in your car, you need to prepare before a few days. You need to consider the following things before you start your preparation.

Type Of Containers

While traveling, a full aquarium is neither safe nor a smart choice, especially with glass aquariums. Use fish-only Tupperware that hasn’t been used for human use. Tanks that are bigger than average size are not comfortable for a betta.

On the other hand, if you use too small a tank, it will get dirty too quickly. It will also shock your fish and might get them sick. It’s better to use a Tupperware or container that can hold at least half a gallon of water. To help prevent leaks, use containers with tops. If you can screw the top, that will be the icing on the cake.

How You Feed A Betta While Traveling?

In the case of traveling with a betta, a common preference will be not to feed the betta the day before. However, it’s not necessary to do so. As bettas are much more likely a creature that thrives on habits, I suggest you follow its usual feeding routine. In this way, there’s no risk of disturbing their already placed routine and risking overstressing them.

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Changing The Water

Different people have different types of preferable choices to prepare the water for bettas. Changing the water partially one or two days before the trip is an excellent way to prepare the water.

Before the journey, a quarter of the aquarium’s water should be changed as it is essential because the travel water needs to be half of the tank water. The process will ensure your betta doesn’t get into a shock because of a sudden water change.

Preconditioning The Water

The water you will put in your new container will need some conditioning. Then it will be prepared to be mixed with the former water.

As for preconditioning the tap water, aquarium salt is an absolute necessity. Its de-stressing capabilities will help neutralize toxic components of tap water, which will help ensure you are not risking your betta’s life.

As for conditioning the water, use Seachem aquarium salt. Don’t directly mix the salt in the water before getting the fish out of there. It will burn the fish.

In order to precondition the water firstly, you need to take one gallon of water and put one teaspoon of your chosen salt there. Mix the mixture thoroughly. Let the mixture settle for at least a night. When the combination is well-rested, then put the fish in that water.

What To Do Before You Start The Journey

The big day needs a lot of work on your part. It would be best if you did everything from transferring the betta to set it up again.

Transferring Betta

To transfer your betta from its usual container to the chosen container, you will need a small cup. Pick the betta with a net. Fill the cup from the current container’s water, drop the betta in that water-filled cup. Then slowly dunk the cup in the new container and hold sill till the betta move from its own.

The motive behind filling the cup with current water is to allow the bettas to adjust better with the freshwater temperature. Keep a watch on the betta after the transfer. See if you notice any irregularity in its movement. If you see any such issue, it’s better to move it to its former container and check out the new water.

Your betta has been safely transferred in a traveling container, and you need to prepare your bettas former container for the car journey.

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Preparing The Aquarium For Traveling

First, drain all the water from the betta’s former tank. Then remove all the accessories and props from the tank. Keeping them inside the aquarium during traveling will make them roll around. You don’t need the additional stress of breaking your accessories on top of everything.

Water Removal: Pump Out The Water

Find a hose of any kind to help you to pump the water out of your betta aquarium, and you can always use the aquarium hose to drain the water. Drain enough water to make the aquarium as empty and light as possible for the car ride. Be careful with the empty tank as they tend to be heavy.

Cleaning The Aquarium

Before you travel, you have two choices to clean your regular betta aquarium. You can find some time to clean your aquarium before you start your ride, or you can wash it after you reach your destination.

Even if you cleanse it beforehand, you still need to give your accessories and substrate another rinse. One thing to keep in mind is that the bath’s residue can be an issue in the outdoor environment.

Temperature Adjustment

Betta fish are adaptable up to their environment till a point. Seventy degrees to the high eighty degrees range of temperature is comfortable for them. But an increased shift in temperature can shock the system of a betta.

So it would help if you used your sense in adjusting the water temperature when you are traveling in different climates.

Setting Up The Tank

For setting up the tank:

  1. Reverse every procedure you had.
  2. Precondition your water and check the temperature.
  3. Look out for any abnormal movements in your betta after you set it up.

Final Words

I hope now you have understood how you can transport your betta fish in a car and what procedures you need to follow in order to do that. I believe if you follow the procedures accordingly you can safely travel with your little friend!

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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