How To Tell If Amano Shrimp Is Pregnant?

How To Tell If Amano Shrimp Is Pregnant

If you are serious about breeding Amano shrimp, it is important to keep a close eye when your Amano shrimp gets pregnant. Though you do not have to be an expert shrimp keeper to tell if Amano shrimp is pregnant, I am sharing here how the beginners can easily identify the pregnant Amano shrimps.

You can easily check if your Amano shrimp is pregnant by noticing closely if it is carrying innumerable dark-green, brownish or yellowish eggs underneath its belly. You will also see the amano shrimp fanning her eggs constantly with her rear legs.

Since you can’t breed Amano shrimp in your freshwater tank, it is necessary to observe the condition of the berried Amano shrimp to move it to a breeder tank at the right time. Here I am discussing in detail.

how can you tell if an Amano shrimp is pregnant?

You can tell if an Amano shrimp is pregnant by looking for these signs:

  1. Visible eggs: Female Amano shrimp will carry a visible clutch of eggs on their swimmerets, which are the small legs on the underside of their body. The eggs can vary in color from dark green to brown or dark yellow.
  2. Gravid spot: Female Amano shrimp will have a white patch of eggs, called a “gravid spot,” located between the first two pairs of legs and just above the tail. If a female Amano shrimp is carrying eggs, the gravid spot will be visible.
  3. Fanning behavior: Pregnant Amano shrimp will constantly fan their eggs with their rear legs to keep oxygen circulating around them until they hatch.
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It’s important to note that not all female Amano shrimp will become pregnant, and even if they do, not all of the eggs may hatch successfully.

How Amano Shrimp Eggs Are Developed?

If you have both male and female Amano shrimps, the female will carry eggs in their abdomen most of the time. They will take about 4-5 weeks to release the larvae after they get pregnant. After releasing the larvae, they will mate again and produce and carry the next batch of eggs for another 4/5 months. Thus, you may see them carry eggs almost all the time.

In their identical saddle (egg nest underneath their belly) they carry about 1000-3000 eggs (depending on the age and size of the female) until they are hatched. You can easily see the egg nest which is glued to their forked swimmerets attached to the abdomen.

The dark-moss green eggs are easy to identify through their translucent body. Gradually they will turn into yellowish-brown color.

There is another way to identify the pregnant Amano shrimp. If you notice carefully, you will see the pregnant shrimp fanning her eggs constantly with her swimming legs to supply oxygen over the eggs.

Even when you are buying Amano shrimps from a pet store, you can receive berried female Amano shrimps. But to your disappointment, you will discover that those eggs never give you baby Amano shrimps until you take the proper steps.

amano shrimp and blue cherry shrimp feeding on cucumber
Owner: Natalie Skinner

What Will Happen To The Amano Shrimp Eggs If You Do Not Hatch Them?

Most of the hobbyists are not interested in breeding Amano shrimps. Some of them may have tried to hatch the eggs, but the majority do not even try to spend time after this extremely difficult task.

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If you do not have an interest in breeding them, the female shrimp will drop the eggs after a certain period which will be a tasty food to your other shrimps and fishes!

What Should You Do If You Find Your Female Amano Shrimp Pregnant?

Transfer the berried Amano to a breeder tank when it is expected to release the larvae. When it releases the larvae finally, move her promptly to freshwater and immediately fill the breeder tank with brackish water with a salinity level of 30-35 ppt.

If you do not manage a breeder tank before releasing larvae, you have to catch them carefully as soon as they are released (a little bit tricky) and transfer to a brackish tank with the mentioned level of salinity and enough microscopic phytoplankton. Otherwise, you will lose the 1-2% remaining chance of having Amano offspring.

Note: Even if you manage to provide the correct salinity of water, it is tremendously difficult to successfully breed baby Amano shrimps because of their fragile larval condition and our limitation to mimic the wild environment in the captivity.

how long are amano shrimp pregnant for?

The time it takes for Amano shrimp eggs to develop and hatch can vary based on factors such as water temperature and the individual shrimp’s health. Typically, it can take anywhere from 4 to 5 weeks for the eggs to hatch, but it may be shorter or longer depending on conditions. It’s essential to maintain stable water parameters and provide a suitable environment for the health and successful reproduction of Amano shrimp.

what is the amano shrimp gestation period?

Amano shrimp do not have a traditional “gestation period” like mammals. Instead, they have an incubation period for their eggs. Amano shrimp reproduce through a process called ovoviviparity, in which the female carries fertilized eggs in a specialized brood pouch on her abdomen until they hatch into miniature shrimplets.

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The incubation period for Amano shrimp eggs typically ranges from 4 to 6 weeks, although it can vary depending on factors such as water temperature and water quality. During this time, the female Amano shrimp will carry the eggs in her brood pouch, where they will develop and eventually hatch into juvenile shrimp.

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amano shrimp breeding behavior

Amano shrimp will engage in a mating dance, where the male will chase the female around the tank and try to grasp onto her with his claws. If the female is receptive, she will allow the male to mate with her.

Pregnant Amano shrimp will constantly fan their eggs with their rear legs to keep oxygen circulating around them until they hatch.

How many babies do Amano shrimp have when pregnant?

Female Amano shrimp can carry anywhere from 10 to 70 eggs at once, depending on their size and the amount of food available. However, not all of the eggs may hatch successfully, and even if they do, not all of the larvae may survive to adulthood.

will amano shrimp eggs hatch in freshwater?

Amano shrimp eggs will not hatch in freshwater, as they require brackish water conditions to hatch successfully. After hatching, the larvae will require brackish water for a short period of time before they can be transferred to freshwater.


It is rare but not impossible to breed Amano shrimps successfully. So, if you notice that your Amano shrimp is pregnant and can manage a spare tank and some spare time, you are good to try your luck!

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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