How Much Hot Is Too Hot For Leopard Gecko?

Having a Leopard gecko as a pet is a really amazing yet difficult thing to have. As Leopard geckos do need some parameters such as temperature in the tank to be at an optimum level for their survival and growth. If the temperature rises than the optimum level, yet sometimes it does not affect the Leopard Geckos. Then how hot is too hot for a Leopard Gecko?

Leopard Geckos can endure up to 90-94° F temperature as it helps them to do basking. But if the temperature exceeds this limit, such as going beyond 104° F, it can be too hot for your Leopard Gecko to handle. This can lead to death, exhaustion, overheating issues, and more.

If you want to know more about how to deal with the warm temperature in a Leopard gecko’s tank, make sure you read till the end!

What Happens When a Leopard Gecko Is Too Hot?

Generally, the temperature of the tank of a Leopard gecko is kept at an optimum level so that it does not bother their sleep cycle or development. When your Leopard Gecko becomes too hot due to extreme heat, many consequences may occur:

  • Dehydration
  • Burn
  • Diseases
  • Sleeping issues
  • Heatstroke


When your Leopard Gecko is overheated for an extended period, this is probably the most common and one of the most significant problems that can arise.

The condition known as dehydration occurs when your Leopard Gecko does not have access to an adequate amount of water and wears itself out as a result of this lack of hydration. If the dehydration is not treated on time and with the appropriate care, it can be fatal.

Dehydration is a risk when the temperature in the tank is too high for an extended period. Because of this, the moisture from the leopard gecko’s food was absorbed, which eventually had a significant impact on the leopard gecko.

A dehydrated Leopard Gecko will have a sticky mouth and a pale, exhausted appearance. Additionally, its skin will lose its elasticity, and it will experience a loss of muscle mass throughout its body.

Get the full scoop on Leopard Gecko—check out this must-read article! What Is The Ideal Temperature For Keeping Leopard Geckos?


When the temperature inside the tank rises above the ideal range, one of the potential outcomes is a burning condition.

The materials that are stored in the tank for use as decorations, such as stones, rocks, or anything else that is dark, have the potential to soak up the heat and become dangerously hot.

If any of these substances come into contact with your Leopard Gecko, it has a chance of getting burned and suffering skin damage.


The consequence of having an extremely hot tank for a leopard gecko is that it can cause a variety of health problems, including metabolic bone disorder and Enigma Syndrome, amongst others.

Metabolic bone disorder is a condition in which the Leopard Gecko is unable to move or lift any part of its body because of the weakness that has developed in its muscles and joints. This takes place as a result of the leopard gecko’s metabolism becoming impaired as a result of slow digestion.

The metabolic process is slowed down by extreme heat, which over time leads to a deficiency in nutrition and is the root cause of this disease.

The condition known as the “Enigma syndrome” causes Leopard Geckos to be unable to perform their normal functions due to a loss of balance and cognitive ability.

A symptom of this disease is that the animal’s head may move in a circular motion or from side to side. This problem manifests itself in Leopard geckos most frequently when the temperature is excessively high.

In addition to causing obesity, overheating can kill leopard geckos. This may occur if your gecko is exposed to temperatures that are too high for it to maintain regular bowel movements. If you do not provide the appropriate care for your Leopard Gecko, it will become obese and may even pass away.

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The condition known as “heatstroke” occurs when a leopard gecko has been subjected to extreme heat for an extended period, causing it to become extremely ill and eventually pass out from the heat.

This problem arises when the temperature inside the tank is significantly higher than the optimal level of temperature that is required for any leopard gecko.

Sleeping issues

The leopard gecko has a particular sleeping cycle that must be followed. Leopard Geckos are nocturnal animals, so they spend most of their time sleeping during the day and becoming active at night.

Because they are so active throughout the night, they find it much simpler to fall asleep during the day. On the other hand, when the environment in the tank is heated to an excessive degree, it causes stress for the leopard geckos and eventually disrupts their normal sleep cycle.

How To Cool Down Leopard Gecko Tank?

Since the outcomes of overheating of Leopard Gecko’s tank are not at all good, there are multiple ways you may try to keep the tank cooled for the Leopard Gecko. Some are listed below:

  • Shift the terrarium away from the sun
  • Keep the curtains down
  • Turn on AC/ fans
  • Do mist on your Leopard gecko
  • Spray the terrarium with cold water
  • Use mesh roofs
  • Wet towels
  • Damp substrate

Shift the terrarium away from the sun

To provide their Leopard Geckos with natural sunshine and to facilitate the formation of vitamin D within their bodies, many owners position the terrarium in such a way that it faces the sun.

However, suppose a terrarium that is expressly made of glass is placed in direct sunlight. In that case, it can heat up very quickly and eventually create a warm temperature, both of which can harm the Leopard gecko’s general health.

Because of this, it is in your best interest to keep the tank out of direct sunlight, particularly if it is made of glass. Your Leopard gecko will have no trouble adapting to the sunshine if you do it this manner.

Get the full scoop on Leopard Gecko—check out this must-read article! 36 Expert-Approved Tank Setup Ideas For Leopard Geckos

Keep the curtains down

As was said before, the amount of sunshine entering the terrarium is a significant factor in the overall rise in temperature. There are a variety of other ways in which this can impact your gecko.

You can protect your gecko from the heat outside by drawing the curtains and preventing any light or sun rays from coming inside the house. This will help keep the gecko from overheating.

Your Leopard Gecko will have a better chance of surviving in the environment you create for it if it is warm and has a low level of background noise.

Turn on AC/ fans

If you think the temperature in the tank might rise over time or if you notice that your gecko is becoming lethargic or weak because of something, you should switch on the air conditioning or fans in your room so that the temperature can be brought down.

You won’t have to worry about your Leopard Gecko suffocating or passing away thanks to this method.

Do mist on your Leopard gecko

Misting refers to a process in which you spray water on your Leopard Gecko as part of the treatment. This makes it much simpler to feed your gecko with the necessary amount of fluids that it needs.

Spray the terrarium with cold water

You should also try to spray cold water into the tank if you can. Not only will this make it easier for your gecko to live, but it will also make it possible for plants to flourish. The temperature inside the tank will remain stable in this manner.

Use mesh roofs

In several contexts, roofing made of mesh can be of tremendous assistance. The mesh roofs are an easy way to help pass the air that is in the tank, and they also allow the air that is in the tank to escape.

This is an extremely efficient method for making your Leopard Gecko more comfortable and lowering the temperature in its tank.

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Wet towels

You have the option of using a damp cloth and a fan to bring the temperature of the tank down, and both of these methods can be of significant assistance in accomplishing this task.

The evaporation that will take place as a result of the circulation of air around the towels is the explanation for this. Damp substrate

You can lower the tank’s temperature further by moistening the substrate, which could be soil in this case. Because of this, your Leopard Gecko will have contact with the moist surface, which will prevent them from experiencing feelings of suffocation or exhaustion due to the heat.

How To Know If The Leopard Gecko Tank Is Too Hot?

You can determine whether the temperature of the tank is unsafe by using a thermometer and a probe to get an accurate reading. To obtain precise readings, you will need to position the thermometers in a variety of different locations within the tank.

Take, for instance: The temperature that is maintained on the warm side of the tank is not the same as the temperature that is maintained on the cool side of the tank.

As a result, using a probe to measure temperatures at a variety of points will enable you to determine the tank’s average temperature.

How To Know If Your Leopard Gecko Is Feeling Too Hot?

If your Leopard Gecko is feeling really exhausted and hot due to extreme heat in the tank, it will definitely show some signs of overheating.

Since Leopard Geckos are cold-blooded, they are unable to self-regulate their body temperature, thus they will perish if exposed to temperatures that are too high. They will show a lethargic attitude and will become weak.

Moreover, your Leopard Gecko will suffer from different diseases and its skin will start to look pale and dull due to dehydration.

Final Word

Leopard Geckos are seen in the wild and are known for their high levels of activity. The temperature at which they reside in the natural environment is unquestionably distinct from the temperature that they are exposed to in the terrarium.

The Leopard Gecko is susceptible to a wide variety of problems that can be brought on by improper temperature maintenance. Your Leopard gecko could suffer a significant amount of damage if the temperature is allowed to rise above the ideal threshold.

Therefore, as the temperature plays a significant part in the life of a leopard gecko, you need to constantly be attentive in keeping that temperature optimum.

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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