How To Acclimate Ghost Shrimps?

How To Acclimate Ghost Shrimps?

Every shrimp keeper needs to know how to acclimate shrimps. When you are keeping ghost shrimps, you need to know the exact acclimation process for ghost shrimps. So, I wrote this article to give you a step by step acclimation guide. You need to adjust the ghost shrimps to the temperature and other water parameters…

How Many Ghost Shrimps You Can Keep Per Gallon?

How Many Ghost Shrimps You Can Keep Per Gallon?

If you are planning to keep ghost shrimps, then you might wonder how many ghost shrimps can you keep per gallon water. That’s a very legitimate question and I had this one too when I was starting out. Let me give you a straight answer: You can keep about 5 ghost shrimps per gallon water….