Here’s How To Treat A Bloated Albino African Clawed Frog

Here’s How To Treat A Bloated Albino African Clawed Frog

Since the albino African clawed frog is a rare species of frog, keeping this rare frog as a pet is certainly a big deal. Moreover, it’ll be a matter of great concern for the owners when they notice their clawed frogs become bloated. The new owners often ask around- how to treat a bloated Albino…

How Long Can An African Dwarf Frog Live With Dropsy?

How Long Can An African Dwarf Frog Live With Dropsy?

It becomes a matter of worry when your African dwarf frog floats weightlessly on the tank surface because of being bloated. Excess fluid build-up makes your sick frog sluggish and miserable. This fluid retention condition is known as dropsy or edema. The miserable condition of the dwarf frog makes owners worried by thinking- how long…

3 Signs That Say Your African Dwarf Frog Is Pregnant

3 Signs That Say Your African Dwarf Frog Is Pregnant

Keeping your pregnant frog safe is a difficult task for any frog owner. Before that, you need to know when your African dwarf frog is pregnant. For this reason, you should look for signs that say your African dwarf frog is pregnant. Before looking for the signs of pregnancy, you should affirm that your frog…

Can An African Dwarf Frog Live In A 1 Gallon Tank?

Can An African Dwarf Frog Live In A 1 Gallon Tank?

Since African dwarf frogs are fully aquatic, keeping this unique frog safe is a hard responsibility. The first condition is to select a tank of appropriate size for your African dwarf frogs. If you don’t have many choices, you may wonder- can an African dwarf frog live in a 1-gallon tank? One gallon tank is…

10 Signs That Say Your African Dwarf Frog Is Dying

10 Signs That Say Your African Dwarf Frog Is Dying

Some beginners often become surprised when their African dwarf frogs die suddenly. The new owners might miss the signs of their African dwarf frog dying. If you detect the signs earlier, you can save your dwarf frog from an early death. Before the situation gets worse, African dwarf frogs show several signs that say your…

Can You Hold An African Dwarf Frog?

Can You Hold An African Dwarf Frog?

Who doesn’t want to touch their affectionate pets? But, it shouldn’t be appropriate for all types of pets. If you have a pet African dwarf frog, you may want to hold your frog. Now, the question arises in the owners’ minds whether you can hold your African dwarf frog or not. You shouldn’t hold your…

What Frogs Can Live Together Peacefully? [Pair Combinations]

What Frogs Can Live Together Peacefully? [Pair Combinations]

The world of frog species is so diverse that it’s hard to resist the desire to keep different pet frogs together for frog enthusiasts. But, not all frogs are compatible with each other. So, frog enthusiasts often ask- what frogs can live together peacefully? You should match the requirements and temperament before keeping different frogs…

Can Frogs Eat Koi Fish?

Can Frogs Eat Koi Fish?

If you have koi fish in your pond, the presence of frogs in the pond may abduct the sleep of the koi fish owners. Some aquarists also try to keep aquatic frogs and koi fish together in an aquarium. So, it’s a pretty common question found in several forums- can frogs eat koi fish? It…