Can I Feed My Betta Only Bloodworms?

Can I Feed My Betta Only Bloodworms

Bloodworms are known as favorite treats for the betta fishes. In this article, I will explain if you can keep the bloodworms as the only food in your beloved betta fish’s diet.

Because of the monstrous appetite of betta fishes, you may think that it’s okay to keep feeding your betta only bloodworm. But I am sure after reading this article you will rethink the idea.

Can I Feed My Betta Only Bloodworms?

If you keep giving bloodworms in your betta fish tank, you will see that your betta fish are continuously eating it and enjoying the delicious meal. But don’t get fooled by this.

Keeping bloodworms as the only food in the betta fish diet is dangerous for them.

If you continue giving them blood worms to eat every day, your betta fish will suffer from various problems, including diseases in the swim bladder, constipation, etc. The betta fish will have difficulties because the bloodworms are full of protein and fat. So, even if bloodworm is a good meal for betta fish, too much of anything can ultimately result in causing harm.

As now you know, you can not feed bloodworms to your betta fish every day, let’s dive into learning why you shouldn’t keep feeding your betta fish too many bloodworms and some safe ways to feed bloodworms to your betta fish.

Reasons for Not Feeding the Betta Fishes Only Bloodworms

If you keep feeding your betta fish bloodworms every day, your betta fish will likely suffer from various diseases. Also, problems will keep arising in the tank, which will harm the betta fish.


Constipation is having too much fat and protein in your diet and lack of fiber. So if you feed your betta fish bloodworms every day, it will only consume fat and protein. Hence it will have a constipated stomach.

The remedy for constipation in betta fishes is to keep some food filled with fibers in the diet. You can introduce some vegetables to the diet.

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Swim bladder disease

Your betta fish will suffer from dangerous swim bladder disease if you keep feeding it with bloodworms. Swim bladder disease happens when the fish’s bladder gets filled with gases, and the fish can not control buoyancy.

This disease happens because of not having a proper diet. So if you keep only bloodworms in your betta fish diet, it may suffer from this harmful disease. The only way to get rid of the swim bladder disease is to have a balanced diet.

Ammonia Poisoning

A healthy and safe aquarium needs to have an equilibrium state. If anything gets unbalanced in the tank, then surely there will be problems.

If you put blood worms in the tank every day, then the bacteria can not consume ammonia. Because of that, there will be a rise of ammonia in the tank, which will be fatal to your betta fish.

Secured Ways to Feed Bloodworm to Betta Fishes

I think the safest way to give bloodworms to betta fishes is just five or eight times in a month. In those times, you should just put only one or two bloodworms in the tank rather than giving the whole cube. Because eating too many bloodworms at once is also not healthy for the betta fishes.

Another useful and fun way to feed bloodworms to your betta fish is to give the worms as a treat to the betta fish. You can train the betta fish into doing some activities like eating from your hand or following your hand etc. After they do the activity successfully, then you can give the bloodworms as a treat.

How Many Bloodworms To Feed Betta?

The experts suggest not keeping bloodworms in the list of the daily diet of betta fish. Due to having high fats, bloodworms aren’t ideal food to feed your betta regularly.

You can offer bloodworms to your betta fish twice a week. Keep in mind to provide only 1-2 bloodworms per meal.

Some betta owners tend to feed more when it comes to frozen or freeze-dried bloodworms. It’ll be fatal for your betta if you feed these fish more than 3 bloodworms twice a week.

Overfeeding bloodworms to your betta can cause obesity, constipation, and other health issues. Moreover, these bloodworms will rot in the aquarium if these worms are left uneaten. As a result, there will be an ammonia spike due to the rotting bloodworms.

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Final words

In this article, I hope you have found your answer to why you should not feed only bloodworms to the betta fishes. As an owner of a betta fish, you will obviously want to give the best food to your beloved fish, and bloodworms are absolutely good for the betta fishes. But just be careful that you are not giving too much of it!

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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