Amano Shrimp Eggs Care: All Your Questions Answered

Amano Shrimp Eggs Care

In captivity, getting Amano shrimp eggs to hatch is hard, especially if the water conditions are not right. I did some digging online and found some key info on how to care for Amano shrimp eggs.

Amano shrimp eggs need the perfect combination of water pH, water hardness, and temperature to hatch. Though the Amano shrimp larvae require brackish water after hatching, the mother shrimp can’t handle the salinity. So, until the hatching day, make sure the mother Amano shrimp gets everything right.

Then again, other factors like KH, ammonia concentration, etc., play a key role in hatching the Amano shrimp eggs. If you want to know the in-depth process of caring for your Amano shrimp eggs, read below.

Amano Shrimp Eggs Care: Step-by-step Guide

Pregnant Amano shrimp females carry eggs in sacks located underneath their bodies. These eggs can stay there for up to 7 weeks after fertilization. Turns out, a minor ignorance can cause the female to drop all her eggs.

So, how to avoid it? Don’t worry. If you follow the steps properly, all your eggs will turn into baby Amano shrimp. Let’s begin.

Keep The Water Parameters Perfect For Amano Shrimps

An imbalance in the water parameters can stress out the Amano shrimps. A saying goes, feed the mother to feed the child. If the female Amano shrimps are stressed out, they can munch down on the unhatched shrimp eggs.

Here are the water parameters you need to keep steady:


The optimal temperature for the eggs to hatch is 64-80 °F. When the temperature of the tank decreases below 64, the female shrimps start to freeze. Then again, tank temperature above 80 °F will increase the shrimp’s metabolism, causing them to crave more food.

It is not uncommon for the shrimps to eat their own eggs when hungry. Try keeping the temperature of the tank to 75-degree Fahrenheit on a regular scale.

pH Level

The pH of the water will determine how acidic or basic the water is for the Amano shrimps. Generally, pH between 6.5-8 is good for them. However, when the eggs mature, make the pH 7-7.5 exact. This range will improve the egg’s health and give it a head start before hatching.

Ammonia Level

Ammonia is generated from the excretion of fishes, shrimp, and so on. The lower the ammonia content, the better it is for the Amano shrimp eggs. Too much ammonia sucks out the life from the water, causing the eggs to die. At the time of Amano shrimp eggs hatching, keep the ammonia content 0, or else all the larvae may not survive.

Nitrate Concentration

Nitrate pollutes the tank water and causes shrimps to stress out easily. Tough eggs can survive in nitrate concentration above 20 ppm, the Amano shrimps can’t. Keep the nitrate level below 20 ppm, or else the mother shrimp can’t lay her eggs in a good amount.

General Hardness

The general hardness of the tank should be between 7 to 8 ppm. Too much hardness will decrease the larvae count and decrease production. Then again, shrimp eggs don’t hatch in too hard aquarium water.

How Often Do Amano Shrimps Molt

Want to dive deeper into Amano Shrimp? This article has all the answers! Amano Shrimp Breeding 101: Everything You Need To Know

Correct Water Parameters For Amano Shrimp

Parameters Values
Tank size10 gallons and more
Optimal pH7.0 – 7.4
Optimal GH7 – 8
Optimal KH2 – 4
Optimal Temperature64 – 80 °F
TDS150 – 200
Minimum size1.5 – 2 inches
DietAlgae eater or, omnivore
NitrateLess than 20 ppm
Maturity6 months at least

Keep A Healthy Diet For Amano Shrimps

During the egg production time, the Amano shrimp metabolism increases. So, females tend to eat more food as they produce eggs. Feed them a good mixture of algae and brewer’s yeast. Don’t just wait for the aquarium to produce algae for the shrimps.

Check For Amano Shrimps’ Egg Maturity

When the eggs start to mature, you will see a color shift from green to yellowish-brown. The reason is, the zoa are maturing. This stage is common when the eggs are at their peak maturity.

Make a Tank With Identical Water Parameters And Brackish Water For Amano Shrimp Larvae

Even before the shrimp hatches, you need to make another tank with identical parameters. However, the water has to be slightly brackish. Newborn larvae can’t survive in fresh waters for more than 12 hours. After the eggs mature, you need to start preparing a tank with saline water.

If the pH of the first tank is 7, keep the new pH at 7. Keep all the parameters like GH, KH, ammonia, etc., exactly the way it was.

Shift The Amano Shrimp Larvae After Hatching

Within 6-7 weeks, the eggs will start to hatch. Now, you need to shift the newborn to the new aquarium. This should be done as soon as possible, or else the larvae will weaken with time and die.

amano shrimp and blue cherry shrimp feeding on cucumber
Owner: Natalie Skinner

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do Amano Shrimp carry eggs?

Female Amano shrimps can carry eggs for up to 7 weeks with her. However, this carrying time depends on the genes of the Amano shrimp.

Environmental factors like pH, temperature, ammonia level, etc., also play a role in how long the Amano shrimp will carry her eggs. If the mother shrimp feels stressed, she might chow down on her own eggs or drop them.

Will my Amano Shrimp eggs hatch?

If you keep the water parameters right and feed the mother Amano shrimp properly, there is a high chance your Amano shrimp eggs will make it. You need to change the water two times every week and keep a steady temperature, hardness, and pH. Consistency is key for hatching Amano shrimp eggs.

Discover more cool facts about Amano Shrimp with this detailed post! How Often Do Amano Shrimps Molt?

Do Amano Shrimp lay eggs in freshwater?

Amano shrimps can lay eggs in freshwater. The eggs can stay in freshwater for more than 6 weeks. The female keeps them in her underbelly until they are ready to hatch. However, after hatching, the larvae can’t survive in freshwater.

Do Amano Shrimp carry unfertilized eggs?

Amano shrimps don’t carry unfertilized eggs after mating. If the shrimp notices her eggs are unfertilized, she will drop them and make a new batch.

What do Amano shrimp eggs look like?

Amano shrimp eggs look really tiny. You can notice them by the green-colored shade underneath female Amano shrimp. Generally, the eggs take about 6 weeks to hatch. During this time, the egg color changes from green to yellowish-brown.

How many eggs do Amano shrimp lay?

Female Amano shrimp can lay up to 1000-3000 eggs at a time. However, breeding Amano shrimp in captivity is relatively challenging, and specific conditions, such as brackish water, are required for successful reproduction.

How long do Amano shrimp eggs take to hatch?

Amano shrimp eggs take around 3-4 weeks to hatch. The exact duration can vary depending on water temperature, water quality, and other environmental factors. During this incubation period, the female shrimp carries the eggs with her until they hatch into free-swimming larvae.

How to make brackish water for Amano shrimp?

To create brackish water for Amano shrimp, you will need to carefully adjust the salinity of the water to replicate their natural habitat. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make brackish water for Amano shrimp:

1. Start with freshwater: Begin with dechlorinated freshwater. You can use reverse osmosis (RO) water or tap water treated with a dechlorinator to remove chlorine and other harmful chemicals.

2. Measure salinity: Use a reliable hydrometer or a refractometer to measure the specific gravity or salinity of the water. Specific gravity is typically measured in units called “SG” or “ppt” (parts per thousand).

3. Gradual salinity increase: Amano shrimp require a relatively low salinity level. Aim for a specific gravity around 1.005 to 1.010 (approximately 5 to 10 ppt) for brackish water. It’s crucial to increase the salinity gradually to allow the shrimp to acclimate. Start with a lower salinity level and slowly increase it over several days or weeks.

4. Marine salt mix: Add marine salt mix specifically designed for brackish water aquariums. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the appropriate amount of salt mix to achieve the desired salinity level. Dissolve the salt mix thoroughly in the water.

5. Monitor salinity: After adding the salt mix, wait for some time to allow it to dissolve completely. Then, recheck the specific gravity or salinity using the hydrometer or refractometer. Adjust the salinity if necessary by adding more salt mix or freshwater accordingly.

6. Maintain stability: It’s essential to maintain a stable salinity level once you have achieved the desired range. Regularly monitor the specific gravity or salinity and make small adjustments as needed to keep it within the suitable range.

7. Water changes: During regular water changes, be mindful of maintaining the appropriate salinity. Use brackish water or a mixture of freshwater and brackish water to maintain the desired salinity level.

Get the full scoop on Amano Shrimp—check out this must-read article! Are Amano Shrimps Aggressive?

What do you feed Amano shrimp larvae?

Amano shrimp larvae can be fed a variety of foods, including Infusoria, Commercially available liquid fry food and Boiled egg yolk.

It is important to feed the larvae small amounts of food several times a day and to remove any uneaten food to prevent water quality issues. 

Can Amano shrimp larvae survive in freshwater?

Amano shrimp larvae will hatch in freshwater, but they require brackish water to survive and develop properly. The larvae are almost microscopic in size and will not survive without being moved to saltwater.


With proper care and love, Amano shrimps can produce more than a thousand eggs at a time. However, caring for the eggs is easier said than done. You need to fix the water pH, salinity, hardness, and so on.

If any of the water parameters are not right, the eggs may not hatch after 6-7 weeks. The rule of thumb is, give the mother shrimp proper care to expect a healthy batch of baby Amano shrimps.

Muntaseer Rahman

About Author

Hello, I’m Muntaseer Rahman, the owner of I’m passionate about aquarium pets like shrimps, snails, crabs, and crayfish. I’ve created this website to share my expertise and help you provide better care for these amazing pets.


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